Lions Gate Baroness' Winter Tourney XLI/2006

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Lions Gate Baroness' Winter Tournament index page

Event Copy

Come join the Barony of Lions Gate as we celebrate Baroness Aurora Argentius with a Winter Tourney in Her honour. There will be lots to do and see!

  • There will be a heavy tournament
  • There will be two rapier tournaments – Lions Gate Defender and Gerhard’s Riposte.
  • For the non-fighters, we have a Nine-Man Morris tournament
  • For A&S enthusiasts, a “Written word throughout time” contest.

And if that’s not enough, there will be merchants, food, a tavern and dancing too!

Autocrat: Lady Kira the Lighthearted of Rockfall (mka Cassandra Caunce)

Site Fees

Adult SCA Members $10
Adult Non-SCA Members $14
Minors (13-18) $5
Child 12 & Under Free
Family Cap* $30

  • Family Cap: Max 2 Adults & their minor children, modern immediate family only. Does not include NMS.

All fees listed are in Canadian funds. Please make cheques payable to 'Barony of Lions Gate'.


The Shannon Hall at the Cloverdale Rodeo & Exhibition Fairgrounds located at 6050A - 176 Street, Cloverdale, BC, V3S 4E7.

From the US: Use the Pacific Truck Border Crossing. Continue North on 176th Street through Surrey to 60th Avenue. Turn right and enter the Cloverdale Rodeo parking lot through Gate #4. SCA directional signs will be posted to help guide you.

From the East and West: Take Hwy 1 to 176th Street, travel south until you reach 60th Avenue, turn left and enter the Cloverdale Rodeo parking lot through Gate #4. SCA directional signs will be posted to help guide you. Depending on where you live, it might be easier to take Hwy 10 to 176th Street, travel North on 176 until you reach 60th Avenue, then turn right.


Details on the following activities can be found below. This is short list to make sure you don't miss anything!

  • Fighting
    • Heavy Tournament
    • Lions Gate Defender of Rapier Tournament
    • Gerhard's Riposte Tournament
  • Nine-Man Morris Tournament
  • Arts & Sciences Contest
  • Merchants
  • Pied Piper

Heavy Tournament

The heavy tourney will follow some of the Lions Gate traditions. To enter the lists, you must do two things:

1. Bring an item for the prize table 2. Challenge a Knight to a round (this does not count as a death for the tourney).

Belted fighters will be included in the tourney fighting till the quarterfinals. If there are enough Knights participating (and if eric space allows), we will branch off into two separate tourneys, so that when the day is through we will have both an unbelted and a belted winner for the day. There will be a prize for the winners of these tourneys, and everyone will be able to participate in the prize table.

Please note that the Sergeant who excels for the day in fighting will be awarded the Boar Spear for the next year; a tribute from Sir Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland.

Lions Gate Defender of Rapier

The Rapier Defender's tourney details will be confirmed at Court. You must be present at the Rapier Invocation at Opening Court (see schedule) in order to compete for Lions Gate Defender of Rapier.

The Baron and Baroness would like all competitors in the defenders tourneys to know that as a part of this rank, the two victors this day will be expected over the next year to:

  • When present, to join us at Our courts
  • Represent the Barony when travelling to other branches
  • Attend the three major local events, being Banquet, Baronesses and May Bardic
  • Compete in the name of Lions Gate over the next year
  • Swear fealty to their Excellencies or Lions Gate or an oath of service to the Barony

Those competitors holding champion/defender titles from other branches or planning on competing in other branch competitions for the next year should speak with the Baron or Baroness.

Gerhard's Riposte

We will be celebrating in tournament the second anniversary of "Gerhard's Riposte" (formerly known as Fibreglass Champion). This is a tournament for ALL Fighters authorized and non-authorized. The ONLY requirement is that you must not yet own steel weapons. Full amour inspection is also a requisite. This is an accolade style tourney.

Games Tournament

There will be a Nine Man’s Morris tournament and a prize for the winner. Registration for the tournament will occur just after court.

Arts & Sciences Contest

"The Written Word Throughout Time"

Contestants may put in an entry from any period within the accepted time bracket in the SCA, with documentation.

Rules for entries:

  1. Must not take up more than 3 square feet.
  2. Must be moveable by one person.
  3. Must be within the accepted SCA window of time.
  4. Must be able to produce a sample for judges to examine on site.
  5. Must have accompanying documentation displayed for inspection.

Points will be awarded on three components:

  • One point from the populace.
  • One score point (from 1 - 5) from the judges for technical merit.
  • One score point (from 1 - 5) from the judges for documentation.

Additional details will be released here as they come available.


Merchants are very welcome! There is no merchanting fee but pre-registration is required. Merchants who have not pre-registered may not be given space to sell their wares and space is very limited. Merchanting will be in Shannon Hall on the upper deck. Merchants Row will open after Opening Court and, to prepare for the evening activities, will close down at 5:00pm. Please contact the Merchant Organizer, Lady Genevieve Barbota at

Pied Piper

Activities for children will be available at the event during the day. All children must be accompanied by an adult during participation. Remember, this is not a babysitting service.


As always, schedule is subject to revision so be sure to check back for the latest news.

8:00 am - Site opens for set up crew
9:30 am - Event opens
10-10:30 am - Opening Court including 'Defender of Rapier' Tourney Invocation
10:30-11am - Lists open for all tournament, including Nine-Man Morris
11:00 am

  • Heavy Tourney Begins – Promptly as we only have Alice McKay Hall until 3:00 pm
  • Defender of Rapier Tourney Begins(Gerhard's Riposte immediately after Rapier tourney)
  • Cloverdale food concession open

3 pm

  • Alice McKay Hall closes
  • Cloverdale food concession closes

5:00 pm Baronial Court
6:00 pm Tavern and Baronial Kitchen Open, Dancing and Games
10:30 pm Tavern Closes
11:00 pm Clean up begins
Midnight Site Closes

Food and Tavern

Lunch and Snacks: Food during the day will be available from the Cloverdale Rodeo Concession from 11 am to 3 pm.

Dinner: In the evening, a light dinner for a nominal charge will be available for purchase (bring your feast gear). The specifics on what will be available and who it will be available from will be announced as soon as the arrangements are finalized. Feel free to bring your own picnic dinner as there will be space available.

Tavern: The tavern in the evening will also be hosted by the Cloverdale Rodeo. A special request has been made to ensure that we have ales and ciders that appeal to the tastes of the Barony. Cross your fingers and say your prayers in hopes that this works out!

Additional Information

Volunteers Needed: Volunteers for waterbearing, billeting and event take down are needed. If you can help, please contact the Autocrat.

Space in the Hall: For those who have not attended this event before (and even for those who have), prepare yourselves! It's going to be a little crowded, especially during tourney times. Be prepared to claim a chair and store your belongings beneath it or keep them on your person. It is suggested that if you are bringing a picnic dinner or snacks, to store them in your vehicle until you need them (should be darn cold outside anyways).

Candles: We have permission to have tealights in enclosed lanterns at the event! Note that these will be used in the evening and not the day - we need the mundane lights on for fighting safety. If you would like to bring an enclosed lantern for the dinner and tavern portion of the evening, please do! If you do, please know that these rules will be monitored very closely.

Billeting: Coming in from out of town and need a place to stay? While we don't have a person in charge of billeting yet, please contact the Autocrat if you would like a place to crash. We'll find space for ya somewhere!

Showers for Fighters: Oh yes - showers! Such a lovely thing to have after a hard day on the tourney field. There are showers in the building but their availability is being investigated. As soon as we know something, you will. Stay tuned!

Autocrat Team

  • Autocrat Coaches: HL Elena de Maisnilwarin and Lord Adam Fairamay
  • Merchant Coordinator: HL Genevieve Barbota of Gryphonshold
  • Gate Goddess: HL Elena de Maisnilwarin
  • Games: HL Uilliam mac Fearchar mhic Gille Aindrais
  • Heavy Tourney: TBA
  • Rapier / Gerhard’s Riposte Tourney: TBA
  • Lists: HL Algae McBeign
  • Arts & Sciences: Lord Adam Fairamay
  • Dance: HL Cara di Aquila
  • Kitchen: TBA
  • Marshall in Charge: TBA
  • Chiurgeon: Trying to convince Her Excellency to take the day off and enjoy!
  • Herald: TBA
  • Waterbearers: Volunteers needed!!
  • Constabulary: TBA
  • Pied Piper: Francesca
  • Billeting: Volunteer needed!
  • Set-up: HL John MacAndrew's Archers
  • Clean-up: Volunteers needed!
  • Autocrat: Lady Kira the Lighthearted of Rockfall