Murdoch Sinclair
HL Murdoch Sinclair Member of the Order of Defence
mka Tyler R. Therrien
Previously Scholar to Master Warwick Drakkar
Hails from the Shire of Danescombe in the Principality of Tir Righ In the Kingdom of An Tir

Murdoch's Story
Murdoch was born in the middle of the 16th century in the lands of the Sinclair Clan in the North of Scotland. Lost among his many siblings and cousins of the Clan, Murdoch found himself lost and adrift in a time of violence and power. It was some time before he found the loneliness more than he could bear, and he set out on his own to find his fortune and purpose in life.
He left the home of his family and the lands of his Ancestors and traveled South. Through the Lands of Clan Gunn where he stumbled upon a teacher of the Rapier. Despite the animosity between the two traditionally antagonistic Clan’s, this Kieran Gunn took an inexperienced Sinclair under his wing and taught him in the ways of the Rapier and dagger, how to conduct himself in polite company, and fanned the flames of the young man’s already over heightened sense of honor and duty.
For many years Murdoch learned under the tutelage of Master Gunn. He discovered a liking for the Rapier and its many uses. Tho smaller and lighter than a good highland broadsword or greatsword. It was fast and light and became his weapon of choice. His affinity for fine clothes and quiet conversation developed as well. He was a far cry from the ignorant and uncouth youth that had stumbled through the Gunn lands so many years before.
As he grew older, Murdoch began to discover an interest in other Gentlemanly arts of the time. Poetry, tho his literacy was weak. When he wrote, he did so with a goal to express his heart. On more than one occasion it was the attention of a lady he pursued that brought out the prose in his heart. However, despite his burgeoning skills with the word, success was beyond his grasp.
The making of armour particularly caught his attention as he spent more time in the fight at the side of his mentor. Taking pieces of armour from the dead meant nothing ever fit right or felt comfortable when he trusted it with his life. And tho many were good pieces, Murdoch was never at ease with any of them. As the need to protect himself became more important, Murdoch began to teach himself armouring when the opportunity arose. Changing and augmenting the pieces he had, found, or received as a gift. His skills developed slowly, but with each piece he found the shaping and his vision of a finished piece more refined.
Traveling the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland brought Murdoch experience, and some little money. Even a foray into Ireland with in the ranks of the Redshanks from the western Clans for a season of fighting. There he learned hard lessons about honor, wages, and how quick allies could become enemies. He made some friends along the way, and an appreciation for soft beds and soft hands. Still, the monies he made during the season in Ireland emptied from his pockets all together too soon for his liking, or his belly. Forcing him back onto the road searching for work.
Next he found work in the ranks of several companies of men headed to the continent to fight for foreign kings. For several campaigns Murdoch traveled the lands of France, Germany, and several other countries picking up the habits of arms and armour from the hard men he met along the way. The monies and reputation he began to build for himself made life more comfortable, tho no easier.
On one such return from the Continent, Murdoch met a beautiful woman who’s red hair, fiery personality, and haunting eyes caught his heart. Despite his clumsy attempts at conversation, and more probably his many letters professing his love, this woman’s heart relented and soon she could not help but return his love in kind. Her skills with the needle and fabric kept him in well made clothes, and her unwavering support bolstered his confidence as he continued to build his reputation. They were wed after a few years courtship, and now she travels the land with her husband trying to keep him from making the fool of himself.
As time passed, Murdoch found he no longer had the same goals and considerations as his mentor, who’s life had taken a difficult turn. These concerns kept him from the road, and the fight. So with a heavy heart, Murdoch and Master Kieran parted ways, keeping their friendship intact.
It wasn’t long before Murdoch found a new mentor, or more precisely, a Mentor found him. From the sea a man of some renown took an interest, or pity, upon Murdoch. He could see the potential still remaining in the Scot. Murdoch, for his part, was looking for a place to belong. For someone with something new to teach him, and a push to attain the station in life he so desperately desired. Master Warwick Drakkar, a Captain in the English fleet, approached Murdoch at a Southern English port with an offer of instruction, support, and Family whose support had already buoyed Murdoch up from his time adrift. Despite the English of this man, Murdoch gave due consideration to the offer. It was a different life, and a different set of guidelines he was being offered. This English Captain who held out his hand in both Friendship and Family. It frightened Murdoch to take such an offer. But took it he did. This was a Man and a Family he wished to follow, to learn from, and to help if he could. People who supported each other and grew together as families do. So Murdoch become a Scholar of Master Drakkar. Once again, Murdoch was in fealty to a man whose background would have offended his Highland Clan back to antiquity. Now, with family to the North, and to the East, Murdoch finds himself looking forward to the future, and the possibilities of proving his own worth in the Society within which he lives.

SCA History
My first official event was nearly 20 years ago. A Machiavelli dinner in the Shire of Danescombe. I had already attended several practices in the Shire, and met a few of the Folk living and playing here. This event was designed to help newcomers acclimatize to the Society and dip their toes into the different aspect of our Game, as well as attend a potluck dinner.
My interests mostly surround Rapier. At first, as with everyone, I simply wanted to be competent with the rapier. Over the years, practice, teaching, and furthering my knowledge of not just Rapier, but other sword forms as well has become just as important as winning the next tournament. I currently run the local rapier practice, teaching individuals from 3 different cities in the Okanagan Valley. I am also learning and teaching Saber for one student for his Cut and Thrust endeavors. I am learning Highland Broadsword alongside Saber as this falls in line with my attempts to bring as much history to Murdoch as I am able. German Longsword, and the Fight of Joachim Meyer are dear to my heart, and I hope to develop those skills in the future with my own Cut and Thrust aspirations.
Recently I have started armouring. I have built a standard dog collar style gorget for the Shire Steel Key, a gorget for one of my students, and a set of elbow cuisse for my Cut and Thrust kit. I am hoping to expand my skills in this area as I hope to walk onto the field one day dressed in steel of my own making from my head to my toes as would be acceptable for my persona.
In 2016 I initiated the development of Shire Scrolls for Rapier, Armoured, Bardic, and A&S Defenders as well as their Inspirations. These are given out at the Tournament of Roses where we hold those competitions, and where we Honor the Inspirations for whom we compete. With the help of a Shire member we developed the design of the Scrolls. I wrote the words for each. These have been given for these disciplines in the Shire since. I have also dabbled in Archery which I quite enjoy as it also relates to my persona as a Scottish Highlander.
Over the course of 2019 I have taken fighters into my Clan as students of Rapier in order to better help them with not only their fighting, but also give them a place to camp with people who will support and help them in the SCA career. My own continued participation within the Society is in direct correlation to my own Mentors giving me a place to camp and family to hang with and trust in the early years of my SCA time. I feel it is imperative that I pass this belonging and sense of Family on to those who I feel will benefit from it in order that they may fully embrace and enjoy what the SCA has to offer. As well, these are excellent people whom I enjoy spending my events with.
In the Fall of 2019 I began to attend the University of British Columbia Okanagan's Medieval Club practices. I taught up to 20 students a class, but 5 or 6 were regulars and a couple have moved over to SCA practices since the shut down due to the plague.
During the years of the plague our world suffered, I was able to keep a small practice going outdoors during the months where outdoor gathering was permitted. A small and dedicated group gather in my driveway in order to further their skills and camaraderie. This gave our Shire a head start when official practices were allowed to begin once more indoors. Our numbers at practice have been growing slowly overtime. Thankfully our future looks bright going forward.


Award of Arms An Tir May 3, 2008
Silver Oak Danescombe March 17, 2012
Hafoc Tir Righ Sep.14, 2013
Coronet's Favor Tir Righ Feb. 21, 2015
Princes' Favor Tir Righ Aug, 29, 2015
Sable Gauntlet An Tir Oct.15, 2015
Silver Pillar Tir Righ Oct.6, 2018
Forget me not Helene d'Anjou An Tir Jan 7,2022
Goutte de Sang An Tir Apr. 8, 2022
Silver Wolf Tir Righ Oct.1, 2022
- Ursulmas Rapier Chivalry Award Jan. 24, 2015
- Inaugural Recipient of the Rapier Horn of Hero's - AtWar - August 1, 2015
- Inaugural Recipient of the Kingdom Rapier Shield May 20, 2018
Last Rapier Defender of Frozen Mountain
Rapier Defender of Danescombe
- 2019-2022
- 2017-2018
- 2015-2016
- 2013-2014
Rapier Defender of Appledore
- 2019-2022
- 2017-2018
- 2015-2016
- 2013-2014
Rapier Defender of Lionsdale
- 2018-2019
Arts & Sciences Defender of Danescombe
- 2016-2017
Offices Held
- Master of Stables - Danescombe - February 2019 - October 2019
- Master of Blades - Danescombe - Spring 2017 - February 2019
- Master of Stables - Danescombe April 2015 - April 2017
- Master of Blades - Danescombe 2013 - 2015 approx.
- Branch Herald - Danescombe 2010 - 2012 approx.
- Master of Blades - Danescombe 2008 - 2010 approx.
Event Team Member
MiC Rapier - Golden Swan - Appledore 2022
Co-Event Steward - Tournament of Roses - Danescombe 2022
MiC Rapier - Tournament of Roses - Danescombe 2022
Co-Event Steward - Tournament of Roses - Danescombe 2020
Co-Event Steward - Danescombe Winter Gathering - 2020
MiC Rapier - Tournament of Roses - Danescombe 2018
MiC Rapier - Golden Swan - Appledore 2018
MiC A&S Tournament - Tournament of Roses - Danescombe 2017
MiC Rapier - Golden Swan - Appledore 2016
Event Steward - Tournament of Roses - Danescombe - Oct. 21, 2016
MiC Rapier - Golden Swan - Appledore 2014
MiC Rapier - Tournament of Roses - Danescombe - 2014
Retinue Service

Prince Saif & Princess Alessandra - Tir Righ - 2022
Prince Sethric & Princess Kolbara - Tir Righ - 2019
Prince Havordh & Princess Mary Grace Tir Righ - 2018-2019
King Christian II & Queen Helen II An Tir - 2018-2019
Prince William & Princess Nadezhda Tir Righ - 2017-2018
King Christian I & Queen Helen I An Tir - 2017-2018
Prince Thorwulf & Princess Wulfwyn Tir Righ - 2015-2016
Prince Olen & Princess Chiara II Tir Righ - 2014-2015
Prince Kerrigan & Princess Lenora Tir Righ - 2014
Prince Steinn & Princess Gemma Tir Righ - 2011-2012