George Slade the Dragoon

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Slade attempts to recreate a dragoon[1] from approximately the year 1590 in the reign of Elizabeth I[2].
This entails late period clothing and armor. At court events he can often be found in outstanding garb created by the talented Mistress Ariel de Courteney. On the tournament/war field, he has been seen in a full coat of aluminum scale, a stainless anime/anima[3], and most recently a titanium anima with brass edging. A stainless steel close helmet, pauldrons, stainless steel vambraces, hardened and reinforced leather cuisses, and black dragoon-style knee boots complete his fighting kit. For his first two years of fighting Slade fought with sword and strapped round shield, for the next 15 years Slade fought mainly with sword and heater, and occasionally a warhammer, a bec de corbin, or a great sword. Recently has has fashioned a lenticular shield similar to late period English parade shields.


Preliminary event: Harvest Feast in Blatha an Oir, 1985 +/- 1 year.
First event: Sir Edward's Memorial Tournament, Shittimwoode, April 1988.
Named on the return from Seagirt's Daffodil tournament, spring of 1989, with the help of Rapheal d'Avalon.
Married Rose Scarlett Slade on Sept. 9th, 1989 at a wedding tournament they autocratted.
Sainted by the Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Christian Church of An Tir Inc. at Clinton War, August 1990.
Squired by King Hwolf at Baroness's Birthday Tournament, Lions Gate, December 2, 1995.
Elevated to the Order of the Pelican at July Coronation 1998, which he was autocratting, by Sven I and Signy I.
Lived in Dragon's Mist from February 2003 to August 2015.
Unmarried in December 2015.
Now living in Porte de l'Eau.


Call him 'Slade', he usually doesn't respond to 'George'.