Angharad verch Cenydd

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Revision as of 14:40, 30 May 2024 by Rúni Kǫttr Haustmyrkr (talk | contribs)
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Resides: Lions Gate
Date Started: ?
Awards: Order of Precedence
Offices: {{{offices}}}
Purpure, in saltire two arrows Or fletched and on a chief invected argent a natural dolphin azure


  • Baroness' Inspiration in Archery (Lions Gate) Apr 18, 2013 (AS XLVII)
  • Archery Defender (Lionsdale) Jun 1, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
  • Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
  • Silver Lance (Lions Gate) Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
  • Baroness' Inspiration in Archery (Lions Gate) Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
  • Lion's Claw (Lions Gate) Aug 4, 2018 (AS LIII)
  • Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Nov 17, 2018 (AS LIII)

Known Associates

Elspeth Farre