Petra del Bosque Villard

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Revision as of 19:46, 30 March 2021 by PdeW (talk | contribs)
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Brief Background:

Petra attended her first SCA event at Kent Canterbury Faire in 1993. She was inducted into the Daughters of Loki in January 1994 at Urselmas. She was a regular participant in events in An Tir through 2002, when she took a necessary break from the SCA to pursue her college education, attending only a handful of events between 2003 - 2020. In January 2021, Petra returned to the SCA after having completed her modern higher education, establishing her career, and taking time to travel. She looks forward to connecting with friends old and new, and exploring her Spanish persona.

SCA Skills & Interests

  • Sewing & Garment Making
  • Embroidery
  • Jewelry Making
  • Spinning (Drop Spindle)
  • Knitting
  • Beadwork
  • Painting & Illumination
  • Equestrian Activities
  • Organizing Information & Conducting Research