Acorn War

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Acorn War is a joint event hosted by the Shire of Mountain Edge with several neighboring branches including the Barony of Dragons Mist, the Shire of Dun an Chalaidh. In addition to the war and classes, activities often include Scottish Rules Croquette, Straw into Gold, and Seige Bocci.

Mountain Edge's major war with an attendance that often tops 400 people, it's held toward the end of August or early September.

Keep in mind that during this part of the year, it is often very, very hot, and that most years, Acorn War is held in a hayfield with shade only around the edges (and the sun will make the shade in the wrong direction for most of the day). These spaces are premium, though, so arriving early is an excellent idea.

If you can't arrive early, make arrangements for some other adjustment.

That said, the site is usually large and very "period," which means little or no disturbance from non-period manufactured items (passing cars, and such). Overhead shade (a pavilion or something like that) is almost a must; if you don't have one, see if you can get a friend to bring one; and other things to cool you down during the day are an excellent idea. Sunscreen is also a good idea, and a cool hat with a brim (straw, or something like that).

Evenings are a little chilly (it's close to the coast), but a blanket or two should be sufficient for most people (except the very thin-blooded). You'll likely have to exit your tent fairly early (the light being bright and very hot), but everyone seemed to want to stay up late, so keep that in mind.

If they're holding the event in abovementioned hayfield, there's a stream running nearby; it's cool, and I enjoyed wading, but for heaven's sake, don't drink it.

Bare feet are possible, but watch your step. Hay stubble can jab into your foot if you don't step carefully, and that hurts.


This war started out in Terra Pomaria, and was held in in the oak orchard lot of the local freemasons, or elks, or... anyway a fraternal order who let us use thier orchard to have our event just outside Albany. original contests at the event included, most creative use of found objects... mostly acorns... between the scattered thrown acorn fights that littered the early wars before the site change, to willamete mission, then the hayfield in Sheridan.