Talk:Elspeth Farre

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Elspeth Farre
Resides: Lionsdale
Date Started: AS XLVII (47)
Awards: [Not Yet! Order of Precedence]
Offices: Herald of Lionsdale
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Purpure, a dragon sejant affronty wings displayed Or, a bordure parted bordurewise Or and sable.
  1. Etymology
    1. How is your/this persona name pronounced? (This can be very helpful for heralds!)
    2. What does the persona name mean and/or why was it chosen?
  2. Persona Background & History
    1. What culture and/or time period does the (primary) persona hail from?
    2. What experiences, triumphs, lessons or 'adventures' has this persona experienced in the Known World? (By example, a persona may have helped start a war, performed dramatically at a persona dinner, and so on-- think in terms of what has the persona or character has done rather than the SCA member or player.)
    3. Does this member have other personas?
      1. If so, describe them briefly. If necessary, create a new page for the persona and link the two.
  3. SCA History
    1. How did this member get started in the Society? What drew them in?
    2. What notable experiences have happened from the beginning up to current?
  4. SCA Interests/Activities (note: this may go with the above section, depending on how much content is available or personal preference)
  5. List of SCA Awards/Positions
    1. Positions with time frame
    2. Awards with time frame (and any relevant info as to why or how it was given)
  6. References/Bibliography (if you've made any citations in the page, they can be fully listed out here)
  7. External Links (for non-wiki links that are relevant, such as if the persona or member has a public website, blog or otherwise)