Nidda Ridarelli

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Nidda Ridarelli is a jester in the SCA. She has also been a puppeteer and a courtesan.

She has been a member since 2002, but spent most of the early years being a camp mom. After nearly ending participation for good, she had a fortuitous conversation that led her into the world of performing and puppetry. This led to her eventually win the Kingdom Bardic Championship in March of 2012. Nidda writes satire that she performs with puppets that she makes. She also works to create historically accurate puppets and perfomances that appeal to a modern medieval audience. She compiled a book of SCA-period songs.

Nidda was Arts and Sciences Minister for the Kingdom of An Tir in 2013-2014. She has also been List Mistress for the barony of Dragon's Laire, and has done some work as event steward.

She served on retinue for Baroness Brighid and Baron Cedric, and on royal retinue for TRM Thorin and Dagmaer, TRM Ieuan and Qwyneth, TRM Vik and Astrid, and TRM UlfR and Caoimhe.

Nidda currently resides in China.

Nidda's links

Projects and pictures by Nidda can be seen in the following links.

Nidda's arms can be viewed here: [2]

My first marionettes:[3]

Introduction to Puppetry:[4]

Glove puppet research:[5]

Nidda's 14th Century Shadow Puppet research can be found at the link:[6]

Video of Nidda's Kingdom A&S performance:[7]

Research on Jesters:[8]

Nidda's Puppets of Royalty album can be viewed:[9]

Other Puppets made by Nidda:[10]

Nidda as a horse photo taken by Dame Gwen the Potter.

Nidda's Competition Entries

December 2007 Dragon's Laire Yule, Bardic Competition: "Lover and his lass", vocal performance; "Weep, Weep Mine Eyes", vocal and marionette performance

February 2008 Dragon's Laire Candlemas, Arts and Sciences Competition: Fingerloop Braiding; "Watkin's Ale", vocal and marionette performance

March 2008 Kingdom Arts and Sciences: Marionettes

December 2008 Dragon's Laire Yule, Bardic Competition: "Red Cross Knight", Marionette performance; original composition, "Gently Falling", vocal performance

March 2009 Kingdom Arts and Sciences: Leather pouch, 14th C. Glove puppet based on Romance of Alexander Illuminations

February 2011 Dragon's Laire Candlemas, Arts and Sciences Competition: Aesop's Fox and the Crow, Sesame Candy

March 2011 Kingdom Arts and Sciences Single Entry: Walking Puppet Theater

March 2012 Kingdom Bardic Competition: "I care not for these ladies", vocal performance; 14th C. Egyptian Shadow puppet performance of "Crocodile Play" (see link above for the documentation of "Crocodile Play")

Nidda's Awards

Award of Arms (An Tir) By: Tiernan mor dal Cais, Miranda mor ingen Fhailtigern Jan 12, 2008 (AS XLII)

Bumblebee (Dragon's Laire) By: Cedric Wlfraven, Brighid Ross May 31, 2008 (AS XLIII)

Jambe de Lion (An Tir) By: Skeggi Hrafensfuri, Taisiia Volchkova Jun 4, 2011 (AS XLVI)

Argent Pavillion (Dragon's Laire) By: Arontius of Bygelswade, Laurellen de Brandevin Sep 10, 2011 (AS XLVI)

Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Dagmaer in Hvassa Jan 7, 2012 (AS XLVI)

Kingdom Bardic Champion (An Tir) Mar 4, 2012 (AS XLVI)

Sable Chime (An Tir)By: Ieuan Gower, Gwyneth Gower June 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)

Forget-me-not (An Tir)By: Gwyneth Gower Jul 7, 2012 (AS XLVII)

Nautilus (Dragon's Laire) Dec 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)

King's Favor (An Tir) By: Vik Vikingsson Jan 12, 2013 (AS XLVII)

Lion's Troubadour (An Tir) Mar 3, 2013 (AS XLVII)

Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Caoimhe ingen Domnaille

Goutte de Sang (An Tir) By: Eirik Daegarsson, Drifinna Ulfgarsdottir May 31, 2014

Forget-Me-Not (An Tir) By: Drifinna Ulfgarsdottir July 18, 2014