Wyewood Wants to be a Barony (song)

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Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 22:21:08 -0700
Subject: A New Song for Wyewood

Dear Gentles, you have been chosen to receive this missive because I suspect you can sing....I would like to share this little song I wrote with the populous, but I need help singing it as my voice is weaker than it used to be.....I would love to get some feedback! and some songsters to join in the fun.... ISMatillis

Wyewood Wants to be a Barony

(To the tune of “Camptown Races”)

By Lady Matillis atte hethe AS XLVI

Who wants to be a Barony? We do--Wyewood!

For we are awesome as can be, Wyewood Barony!

We have archery, culinary too, heavy fighters, A & S

Bubba roaming free.

“Wyewood is a state of Mind”! Playful, creative,

Champion fighters, archery, and rapier names a few.

We have Goutte de Sangs, Jambe de Lions, too

Grey Goose Shafts, and Laurels, and a Pelican or two.

(Have you) Eaten at our famous Feasts? Seen our Scriptorium?

Challenged to play our Stoolball game? Or did a workshop, too?

A Barony that has a heritage rich as ours

With Bubba leading, our word-fame will reach both far and wide!