Sveyn Egilsson

Started in the East Kingdom in AS XXIII, residing in Dragonship Haven while a modern student. Relocated to An Tir (Glyn Dwfn) in AX XXV. Activity included service as branch herald then regional herald, transitioning to principality herald when Summits is created a Crown Principality of An Tir. Stepped down as herald and moved out of Summits, first to Terra Pomeria (AS XXIX) and then to Carolingia (East) later that same year. Returned from the East in the summer of AS XXXI, and shortly thereafter resumed the mantle of Summits Herald, serving variously in the administrative office and also as the court herald for the first three native reigns and for several others beyond that.
Last participation was attendance at Coronation, July of AS XXXVI. Has been inactive since. Still resides in Glyn Dwfn.