Talk:College of Pages

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Revision as of 16:40, 17 October 2006 by Komatsu no Ayame (talk | contribs)
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I snipped two pieces of writing from the An Tir College of Pages website.

1) Mission Statement. Because this is a mission statement I felt it is okay to copy verbatim.

2) Ranking Structur. Made a note and link where I snipped it from, didn't think they'd want me to re-word what they've already set out as their ranking structure as I did with the "about" section. That part is my own writing based on their about section and what I gleaned from reading the pages.

I think this can just about stand on it's own now, but it needs some cleanup and validation, and I'd like to make sure my use of content off of their website is acceptable under fair use.

--Frodhi Willuson 14:46, 30 Aug 2006 (EDT)

Whilst I was killing time this afternoon, I added the officer descriptions for the college, as well as fixed some spelling errors in some descriptions.

Perhaps now it is well on its way for content on the page?

--Komatsu no Ayame 17 Sept 2006