Sealion War XLVIII/2013

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War Instigating Missives

Rocks copy of message from Baron James of Lions Gate, forwarding without comment (WAR!) <ahem>, nope, no comment here. -- Caluath Ravenfin

Original Message -----

From: James Wolfden Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 11:07 PM Subject: Sealion War

Good Gentles of Lions Gate, of Seagirt, and of the Great Principality of Tir Righ,

I fear Baron Eideard seeks to deceive you all.

He claims that War between the two great Baronies of the Northern Roads is imminent.

He claims that I, Baron James the Just, have become jealous of the fine flocks of snow white sheep that graze the pastures of the Insula Magna.

He claims that I, Baron James the Just, intend to invade his land and steal his sheep like thieves in the night.

Lies. Lies. All just lies.

Mostly lies, anyway.

I am planning a small expedition this weekend across the waters. That's true.

And the seas are dangerous these days, with pirates and such. I know this from my Master of Blades, Lord Matthias Blennerhasset, who has been known to sail the waters now and then. The 10% tribute that normally comes to me is significantly down from increased competition on the high seas.

So, of course, I need to bring a small contingent of trained fighters for dealing with that. There's brigands on the roads, I hear too, so maybe just a few more shields to keep us safe.

I am travelling with the Baroness so, naturally, her Sargeants want to come along.

But it is not like I am bringing an army for war - just for our own protection.

Nor am I coming to steal the sheep and drag the bloody carcasses back to Lions Gate.

Yes, I have heard about the these great flocks of sheep but our good Baron across the waters is not telling the whole truth.

My eyes in the Barony have told me all about the well feed flocks of sheep in the fields of Seagirt.

I have concerns. The pastures of this lovely Barony are filled beyond capacity with their flocks of sheep. I hear of new lambs being born into already overcrowded fields.

Whether it is people or sheep, it is not our nature to live in overcrowded conditions. Our patience grows thin. We anger with less provocation. We become more aggressive.

Yes, I am talking about Mad Sheep Disease.

I don't need to tell you what affect a single report of Mad Sheep Disease would have on the economies of not just Seagirt and Lions Gate but all of Tir Righ. I know some of you are thinking that this will not affect you since you only sell the wool not the meat but that is simply not true.

Everybody knows that wool from mad sheep itches more than wool from happy, contented sheep.

This threat alone is enough for a dutiful Baron like myself to go visit my good friend across the water and school him on proper sheep management but as we say in Lions Gate....

Wait, there's more!

It is not just the threat to our economy that I travel to Seagirt for. Large flocks of sheep attract large packs of wolves.

Normally, nature would heal its own with these wolves culling Seagirts flock to safe numbers but Baron Eideard has been dilengent about protecting his sheep.

In doing so, Baron Eideard has put his fine and noble citizens at risk.

For if the wolves cannot get at the flocks of sheep, they will go after other prey, The weak. The old. The small children.

So I make this journey not just to protect our ecomony but I do it to protect the little children.

So, yes, I do intend to thin these flocks and bring back some of these fine animals back to Lions Gate where they will serve well in a magical place that we simply call Vindaloo.

I want to make it clear that Baron Eideard is not an EVIL man. Just young and inexperienced.

I invite all to journey with me across the water this weekend to help put a few more grey hairs on the young Baron's head and to give him more experience in a weekend then he will get in most years.

If you don't want to do it for the economy, then do it for the little children.

James, Baron of Lions Gate

For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. - Kipling

War Point Summary

As posted to The Rocks by His Excellency Eideard, Bacon Baron.

From: Eideard of Oransay Date: May 26, 2013 7:41:42 PM PDT To: The Rocks Subject: [rocks] Sealion War

There's nothing that clears away all the winter cobwebs like a well run war.

Her Excellency and I are happy and proud of the showing Seagirt (and our beloved allies) gave this weekend.

For those that didn't make it, or missed the final counting, It was a close war.

The war points went: Rapier: Seagirt, Who were heavily out gunned, but managed to run down the sheep rustlers to bring it in as a tie, and fell back on the tie breaking rule of who brought the most sheep wins.

Heavy: Lionsgate. That was pretty decisive, Tien Po's forces gave the good fight but Lionsgate won 3 out 4 scenarios. Next year we need more archers.

Archery: Lionsgate. Killing the wolf among the sheep at 70 yards!

Bardic: Seagirt. Won by 4 children under singing in harmony to a filk of a period song that one of them wrote!

Leaving us at a tie, which was broken in

Arts & Sciences: Seagirt, with a lovely kneeler, bearing the badge of Lionsgate, hand felted on-site by Hawise, Tatiana, Alice, Gwyneth, Mistress Gudrun and a bunch of those same children. Which was then gifted to their Excellencies Lionsgate in closing court

Leaving Seagirt with the win!

My thanks to all that entered competitions and fought, To General Tien Po, and Violente who led our troops in heavy and rapier, and all of the marshals as well as to Mistress Janet and all of her helpers.

It was an excellent event that I think everyone enjoyed.

Now to rest.

Thegn Eideard Baron of Seagirt

Event Steward's Missive of Thanks

[rocks] Sealion Thank yous‏

Good Evening Everyone,

I wanted to take a moment and say a few thank-yous for Sealion.

Firstly, Thank you Lady Else for being my back-up and sounding board.

Thank you Baron Lachlan for being Marshal in charge and making sure we could have a war. Thank you to all the other marshals as well, HL Tristan, Archos Aline, and Archos John. Thank you to the folks who stepped up to line marshal too. I saw Viscount Liam, Lady Athelina, Lady Cunegonda, and some of the new fighters from the Hartwood area. Another thank you to the extra archery marshal who helped get all those archers ready, Archos James, Archos T'ien, Archos Kenneth and Archos Gareth.

Thank you to House Sigis and Euphrasia for helping get some extra water to the field for the fighters. Thanks to those who helped it make the rounds to the fighters too.

Thank you to all the people who helped at gate! There were so many - Lady Else, HL Tatiana, Duchess Meagan, Viscount Liam, Baroness Glynis, Gwyneth, Lady Lettice, and Viscountess Lenora

Thank you to all the attendees who left a clean campground when we left.

And thank you to everyone who came and made sure the event was fun. We had people from far and near; new friends and old friends. It was lovely to see so many cheering combatants, cheering arrow strikes and looking for ways to help each other.

It was such a good time, I think it should happen again next year!  ;)

Mistress Janet Kempe


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