The Challenge of the Lion

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The Challenge


A call is here sounded, to all of strong body and will! A testament to courage, honor, and the strength to fight!

Here, in the Kingdom of An Tir, a gauntlet is thrown down! The Gifts of the Lion await all men and women brave enough to seek and defend them. What man among you has the deftness of blade, the soundness of mind? What woman among you brings the flash of steel, or the sureness of foot? Be swift - and bear the markers of our kingdom with pride and valor.

It will take great speed and cunning to catch the Tail of the Lion - should you cross its bearer, be certain of your swiftness - for the one who holds it is known to be the fastest in all lands!

Have you the deftness to bear the Claw of the Lion? If you would cross swords with they who hold it, put trust in your steel - for the one who bears it is known as the most cunning of swordsmen.

Think you honorable enough to don the Mane of the Lion? If your path should carry you to its bearer, may you fight with all the courage and conviction of a knight - for its heavy burden can only be shouldered by the truest of blades.

So verily - peel the eyes, and be vigilant! The Challenge of the Lion will test even the hardest of combatants, and though those who fail will be forgotten, those who bear these sacred marks of our Kingdom will be remembered for eternity in song and story! Should you cross paths with these bearers, beware - they are the very best that this Kingdom has to offer! Challenge them not lightly, but do not tremble at the thought - with a single stroke of your sword, you may become the stuff of legends!

~Christopher Stanley

(Azure, on a chief embattled argent three thistles proper.)

Cadet to Don Samuel McTavish

House TOAD

The Rules

  • A person holding

Lineage of Bearers

Mane of An Tir Tail of An Tir Claw of An Tir
No current bearer xx/xx/xx An Tir No current bearer xx/xx/xx An Tir No current bearer xx/xx/xx An Tir


Created by Christopher Stanley

The Challenge copy written by John Dupras

Inspired by The Iron Ring of the East