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Mogg atte Vnderegge
Called Brun Mogg or The Great and Powerful Mogg
once known as Warwar bint n Nimir

Her Ladyship Mogg, JdL, is on the eve of her thirtieth year in the society.Though she started young, she was active from the start, water bearing and being lady in waiting to Countess Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland before the age of ten. She autocrated her first event at the age of eighteen, though she had assisted her mother, Mistress Meredith of the White Cliffs many times before that. She was a founding member of the Shire of Hartwood and Arts and Sciences mistress there twice, in 1994 and again in 2005. Her Ladyship spins, knits, embroiders, sews, shoots at archery ,paints, autocrats,sings, and is known to make excellent garb.

Attends court barefoot and sits in the dirt.
Admitted to The Order of the Jambe de Lion at Sealion War XL/2005
Married to HL Eideard of Oronsay at Sealion War XXXVIII/2003

HL Mogg being assaulted by some scruffy pirate


My family joined the SCA in 1984 when I was age 4.

In Eisenmarche:

My mother was Autocrat of many events. I performed various duties for her and friends of family. Including:
Serving feasts
Setting up
Tearing down and clean up.
In 1986 I became Lady in waiting to Countess Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland
In the summer of ’89 we moved to Insula Magna.

In Hartwood:

continued in event support.
89 Aug, at age 11 I was a founding member of Hartwood
91 Jan, Shire Christmas Party, Head Server
91 March, War and Archery Weekend, Server, Waterbearer
91 Sept, Shire Birthday, Head Gate
92 Feb, Winter Valhalla Feast, Server
92 Nov, Samhain, Head Server
93 Jan, Hartwood 12th Night, Gate
93 April, Hartwood at home, Co-Autocrat
93 Sept, Harvest War, Head waterbearer
93 Dec, Christmas Tavern night, Gate
94 July, Hartwood’s at home War, Head Waterbearer
94 Oct, Hartwood’s Birthday, Head Gate
95 Jan, Hartwood’s 12th, Night. Server
95 June, Blue Rose tourney, Head Waterbearer, gate, supplied tourney prizes.
95 Sept, Shire Birthday Bash, Co-Autocrat
95 Dec, WhiteCourt, Server
96 Oct, Peasant’s Feast, Autocrat
97 July, Warwar’s War, Autocrat
97 Sept, Birthday Bash, Co-Autocrat
98 Sept, Birthday Bash, Head Gate
98 Oct, Harvest Feast, Server
02 Nov, Games Night, Co-Autocrat
04 Jan, Robber Baron’s Murder Mystery, Head Server
05 Dec (evening) White Court, Feastocrat
05 Dec, Christmas Revel, Server
Various event support roles
Moved to Seagirt in 2008
Scribal artist contributing to the Doomsday book