Rose Atherton

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Rose's first event was the Grand Thing in AS 42 (2007). She lives in Adiantum, and is actively involved there currently serving as deputy Seneschal.

Rose's persona is a 13th century English widow living in Sussex. She manages her husband's wool farm and household.


Name registered in 2009 Device registered in 2010: Azure, in pale three decrescents and a chief argent, a rose proper.

Awards and Honors

Adiantum Baronial Brownie - October 2008

Award of Arms - March 2009

Corvaria Bardic Favor - August 2009

Grail of the Summits: Arts & Science - September 2009

Cohort of Adiantum - January 2010

Link to Rose's OP Entry

Areas of Interest

Sewing, Bardic: Music, Embroidery, Scribal, Heraldry, Knitting, Dance, Persona Development, Autocratting, Herbalism and Fiber Arts.