Sadb ingen Thuathail
Maistreas Sadb ingen Thuathail resides in Vinjar, with her husband Finn O'Neill and a huge flock of sheep. She is a member of the Order of the Laurel and the Order of the Pelican. She has one apprentice, Natal'ia Volkovicha and three students - Selewine Offeiriad Gwytherin, Tatiana the Outspoken and Jean de Chauliac, all of whose names I likely misspelled.
- 30-Jun-01 Award of Arms
- 29-Sep-01 Princess' Knott
- 19-Jan-02 Red Oak
- 05-Oct-02 Goutte de Sang
- 07-Jun-03 Gilded Griffin
- 28-Feb-04 Princess' Knott
- 09-Oct-04 Jambe de Lion
- 08-Jan-05 Jambe de Lion
- 26-Feb-05 Princess' Knott
- 04-Jun-05 Forget-me-not
- 25-Feb-06 Prince's Favor
- 25-Feb-06 Princess' Knott
- 25-Feb-06 Elder
- 08-Jul-06 Order of the Laurel
- 24-Feb-07 Princess' Knott
- 18-Aug-07 Prince's Favor
- 18-Aug-07 Princess' Knott
- 18-Aug-07 Golden Flame
- 16-Aug-08 Princess' Knott
- 28-Feb-09 Princess' Knott
- 6-Jun-09 Order of the Pelican
Principality Arts & Sciences - Avacal
Seneschal - Vinjar (several times)
Seneschal - Borealis
Chronicler - Vinjar
textile arts, sheep, scribal, research, Ireland