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Argent, on a chevron gules three swans naiant argent, in base a laurel wreath sable.

The Shire of Cragmere (Campbell River, and Comox Valley, B.C.) is located in the Principality of Tir Righ.

August 10 XXX/1995 and held its first event October that year. It gained full status in March XXXII/1998.
Argent, a chevron gules charged with 3 swans naiant, in base a laurel wreath sable
(Fieldless) A swan close gules (locally known as "another bloody swan")
Major Events

Whence came Cragmere?

'Tis a tale twice-told and thrice-told, and now I tell it to you.

In the beginning, when rocks were yet soft and sea had not yet separated from sky, a gathering of peoples did fill the home of Antonia Fraser. And so did their talk fill the air, for they were of a mind to look forward into the past, creating a place where all cultures and all time would meet to share in their best. Many spoke of Chivalry, Courtesy, Hospitality and Creativity. All agreed that these things were good.

Then came the question, "How should we be known to the outside world?" Long and long did they talk, for there were many cultures and times to encompass.

Then did their minds look to the land upon which their feet stood; they raised their eyes to the mountains in the sunset; they gazed upon the salt waters of the shoreline and the rivers that fed them. Then did they say, "We live between mount and water, crag and mere. So that shall be our name: Cragmere." And it was so.

Who were these people with such vision, who came together on that summer's eve of August 10 in Anno Societatis Thirty (also known as MCMXCV Gregorian)? Their names are recorded here thusly:

Marina di Villaseta (now Marina la Pica), Omar ibn Rashid al-Murbak (now Aleyn Wychington), Anicia Diodora Angelis, Antonia Fraser, Qiturah (now Halima al-Rakkasa), Charles Pumpernickel (now Charles le Verdier), Rhys ap Daffyd.

Thus writ, so may they be remembered, for their dream still lives.

(from the records of Halima al-Rakkasa)

--Halima 02:13, 4 Jan 2007 (EST)