Household of Bromley Manor

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Bromley Manor is but one of several manorial holdings of a fictional English noble, Sir Geoffrey Haunton, Earl of Exmoor. His manor of Bromley lies in the kingdom of An Tir. Because the earl rarely visits An Tir, his holdings in this kingdom are managed by his steward and he relies heavily upon his household retainers to maintain a noble and profitable presence therein.

Thus it falls to us, the members of our lord's household at Bromley, to attend the many tournaments for which An Tir is famed, there to spread his fame, maintain his good name, and increase the revenues of his holdings by whatever arts we may devise.

For our members, the current year is A.D. 1339 and our goal is to represent that time in history as best we may.

Current members are:

Iohannes Kelthammer -- expatriot German, Steward of Bromley

Trafalgar MacIntosh -- itinerant Scottish merchant

Meiriel -- marooned Manx woman