Angharad Albanes
Chatelaine Canton of the Towers (Barony of Carolingia, East Kingdom) Sept. ‘96-Jan. ’99
Chronicler Canton of the Towers (Barony of Carolingia, East Kingdom) Dec. ‘97-Jan. ’99
Gold Key Barony of Madrone May ‘99-Sept. 2001
Chronicler Barony of Dragon’s Laire Sept. 2001-March 2005
Deputy Seneschale Barony of Dragon’s Laire April 2005-Nov. 2005
Contingency Deputy An Tir Chronicler April 2005-Aug. 2007
Reporting Deputy An Tir Chronicler January 2006-Aug. 2007
Seneschale Barony of Dragon’s Laire Dec. 2005-Aug. 2007
Kingdom Chronicler Kingdom of An Tir September 2007-Present
Deputy Autocrat Legends of Chivalry (Canton of the Towers) Sept. ’98
Gatemistress Crown Tournament (Canton of the Towers) Oct. ’98
Merchant Liason Known World A&S (Barony of Madrone) Oct. 2001
Volunteer Coordinator Twelfth Night 2004 (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) Jan. 9-11, 2004
Autocrat Candlemas (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) January 31, 2004
P. R. Coordinator June Faire 2004 (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) June 3-5, 2004
Bardic Coordinator Yule 2004 (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) December 4, 2004
Chairman June Faire 2005 (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) June 4-6, 2005
Judge Bardic Championship (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) December 3, 2005
Site Handout An Tir A&S (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) March 3-5 2006
Judge All Champions (Barony of Aquaterra) March 25, 2006
Site Handout An Tir Twelfth Night (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) January 12-14, 2007
Judge A&S Championship (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) February 2, 2008
Publicity Coordinator Last Chance (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) September 5-7, 2008
Chairman June Faire 2009 (Barony of Dragon’s Laire) Present
Publicity Coordinator An Tir/West War 2009 July 2-5, 2009 (An Tir)
King Brion I and Queen Anna I – East Kingdom
King Thorin and Queen Dagmaer – An Tir
Created the timeline portion of the Baronial Polling Processes document
Kingdom Level Awards:
Award of Arms, April 4, 1998 (East Kingdom)
Goutte de Sang, January 10, 2004
Forget-me-not, Jan. 8, 2005
Forget-me-not, July 18, 2009
Baronial Level Awards:
Daystar (Carolingia), August 1999 (awarded at Pennsic)
Snapdragon (Dragon’s Laire), Feb. 1, 2003
Wyvern (Dragon’s Laire), Oct. 15, 2005