Ursulmas XXXVI/2002

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25-27 Jan XXXVI/2002
Antoinette LaBlanc
Hosting Branch

Court Report

Notes from Their Royal Majesties Court


Greetings, noble cousins!

The following bits of business occured in the Ursulmas courts of Their Royal Majesties, Wilam and Siobhan, King and Queen of An Tir.

Opening Court

In opening court, Lars Axelson was created a member of the Order of the Grey Goose Shaft. Huzzah for the newest Goose!

Ondrej Hadrecky was recognized with an Award of Arms. Congratulations to the new Lord!

The members of the Order of Chivalry were called forth, and His Majesty put Tariqu Abu Ziehd - called Abu - on vigil for Knighthood until such time as he is called forward before Their Majesties again.

His Majesty recognized Owain ap Llewelyn with an Award of Arms. Vivat!

Gabrielle de Mercier, listmistress for the event, was called forth and recognized for her long and faithful service by being admitted to the Order of the Goutte de Sang. I think she was quite surprised and shocked. Huzzah for Her Ladyship! Well deserved!

An office changeover occurred with Master Rauthfr (sorry for the mispelling) becoming once again Kingdom Chirurgeon.

So ended morning court. And the tournament began.

Well pleased with his prowess on the field, King Wilam was minded to create Ulf Bloodfoot Fallgrson a member of the Order of Chivalry. With a chain from Duke Davin, spurs and a white belt place 'round his waist by ban-Jarla Daedin, he was dubbed once, twice, thrice Knight. The buffet nearly knocked him off his feet. His Majesty was heard to say that he quite liked making Knights. Huzzah Sir Ulf!

Evening Court

Business in evening court got shuffled a great deal. I think I have everything even if it might not be in the correct order. I was feeling slightly scattered for reasons which will become apparent later on.

Their Excellencies of Aquaterra started things off with baronial court. There were many announcements made from the autocrats and various individuals about contests and the like. Just as one Loegaire (Loric) MacLochlainn was finishing up making some such announcements, His Majesty asked if he could interrupt. He then called forth the members of the Grey Goose Shaft whereupon much rejoicing was heard from the populace. Loric was admitted to the Order of the Grey Goose Shaft and Lars was no longer the newest Goose. Huzzah for His Lordship!

Baronial court then resumed and soon ended. Royal Court began.

The members of the noble Order of the Laurel were called forth. Several members of the Order spoke eloquently on behalf of the candidate. Accompanied by piping, John Bowslayer, placed on vigil at 12th Night by Wilam and Siobhan, was brought forward to take his rightful place beside his fellows.

A couple of names were called. They weren't there. We moved on. (Shameless plug: Go to court!)

The members of the Order of the Laurel were called back into His Majesties court. They said they felt Their order was incomplete. The missing individual was called forth. Huzzah for Nadezhda Toranova, newest member of the Order of the Laurel!

His Majesty was minded to recognize Baroness Meara ferch Evan ap Davis as a member of the Order of the Goutte de Sang. Congratulations to Baroness Meara!

His Majesty called forth Torvald Williamson, a merchant and blacksmith of great skill. Torvald was admitted to the Order of the Jambe de Lion for his artistry with fire and metal. Huzzah for His Lordship!

Then His Majesty was minded to speak on the subject of loyalty, family and tradition. He spoke very eloquently for a moment or two... before calling me forth so he could lead the populace in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday. Thank you everyone. Once I got over my embarrassment, I was and am touched and honored.

Finally, the Order of Chivalry were called forth and Viscount [[Angar Ninefingers]] was placed on vigil for knighthood. He was commanded to seek the council of the peerage and the populace until such time as he is commanded before His Majesties presence again.

So ended evening court, and they all trotted off to eat at the feast!

During the feast, so I'm told, the kitchen crew were called forth and thanked for their hard work and for the wonderful food. His Majesty was minded to admit the head cook, Fiamma the Unquenchable into the Order of the Jambe de Lion! Congratulations to the Honorable Lady Fiamma!

And so ends all court business for Ursulmas XX! Long live King Wilam. Long live Queen Siobhan! An Tir! An Tir! An Tir!

In service, HL Khalja Khorkhoi Principal Lady in Waiting to TRM Wilam and Siobhan