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== '''''Family and Associations''''' ==
== '''''Family and Associations''''' ==
[[File:Peder George Jensen.jpg|thumb]]
•Married to Baron Peder Georg Jensen for the past 32 years. His career carried us to numerous Kingdoms, including West, Caid, Lochoc and Antir (twice).
•Married to Baron Peder Georg Jensen for the past 32 years. His career carried us to numerous Kingdoms, including West, Caid, Lochoc and Antir (twice).
[[File:Peder George Jensen.jpg|thumb]]

•Student to Viscount Snorri Randolfsson
•Student to Viscount Snorri Randolfsson

Revision as of 04:01, 18 October 2024


I am Elspeth Ainslee Goldheart, however Ainslee is what most call me. I started in the SCA in 1991 in the Kingdom of the West. I discovered it through the eyes of a dear friend and never looked back. I was on the ‘fringe’ for that first year or so until I found a branch to fit in. Which was the Province of Southern Shores. This is where my active SCA life began. I both held an office , Chronicler, and stewarded my first event, Warlord Tourney, in the following year. I also met my Lord Husband, Peder Georg Jensen, during that 2nd year. The following year the US Navy sent my husband out for a 6-month cruise. During his absence I found and was adopted by The Barony of Darkwood. This is where I found a true home and where I caught the service bug. I started with helping with event jobs such as water bearing, chiurgeonate, constable and helping wherever I could be useful. This in time led me to become a Companion to the Baroness Elizabeth of Darkwood. This gave me an opportunity to learn how the workings of court were done as well as how a household functions. It was a healthy place to find so many ways to help and serve. My passion at the time was cooking and doing field service, though there were plenty of other things I enjoyed as well. Over the next several years I stayed busy with assorted service projects. One of the most significant was being on the team to create the Barony of Darkwood Water Bearers Guild. This included creating regalia, equipment, recruitment and being chatelaines to the Barony. I also had the honor and pleasure of heading up Retinue for Their Highnesses of the Mists, Braun and Eliza (1995-1996).

In 1997 the Navy moved us to The Barony of Dragon’s Laire in An tir. We again started to be active as soon as we hit the ground. I primarily stuck with Chiurgeon work for this time frame and was the Baronial Chiurgeon for a brief time. I was always offering and helping wherever I fit in as I prefer to stay busy and active. Our stay in Dragon’s Laire was short as the Navy moved us again in 1998.

In 1998 we arrived in Caid. Unlike in previous locations I stayed behind the scenes when it came to service. Night shifts with Constabulary. Feeding event staff. Set-up and tear down crews. There were no major of significant jobs, just consistent effort to assist where I could. Then came the next major move, military retirement, in 2002.

In 2003 we landed here in An tir, in the Barony of Terra Pomaria. Unfortunately, due to a family health issue we had to take a sabbatical away from the SCA for several years. In late 2010, we returned to the SCA. We found a new home in Terra Pomaria and the Summits. I jumped in quickly, taking the position of Gold Key early on. This led to taking the Chatelaine position and holding both jobs for a time. I was the steward for the first time in An tir in 2013, that being Bar Gemels. I also served as a Companion to the Baroness Francesca until the time they stepped down. Now, the real fun and service began. We were given the privilege to be the succeeding Baronets of Terra Pomaria. We spent the next 3.5 years giving our very best to the Barony, Summits and Kingdom. We had the honor to bestow countless awards and recognitions to the populace, which for me was the best part of the job. During this time I still took other small roles as well. Serving as Largesse Coordinator, Event Steward and personal cook for a Summits Reign as well. Included would also be on numerous garb teams.

Also around 2013 I began weaving. My passion for it just grew and grew and it is still my favorite way to serve others. I’ve had the pleasure to have my weaving worn by numerous Royalty, Peers and others as well.

Family and Associations

•Married to Baron Peder Georg Jensen for the past 32 years. His career carried us to numerous Kingdoms, including West, Caid, Lochoc and Antir (twice).

•Student to Viscount Snorri Randolfsson

•Protege to Maitresse Genevieve Choue

Service History

West Kingdom (1992-1996) *dates are estimates*

•Event Steward - Southern Shores Warlord Tournament (1993)

•Baroness' Companion for Baroness Elizabeth of the Blue Rose -Darkwood (1994-1996)

•Waterbearing, Constable, and Chiurgeonate - Multiple events per year (1992-1996)

• Founding Member (1 of 6) Darkwood Baronial Water Bearers Guild

• Head of Retinue - Braun and Eliza - Highnesses of the Mists (1995-1996)

Kingdom of An tir (1997-1998)

•Baronial Chiurgeon (temporary) Dragon's Laire (1997-98)

Kingdom of Caid (1998-2002)

•Event Staff - Potrero Wars (1999-2002)

This included set up, tear down, feeding event staff, Constable, Chiurgeon and Water bearer duties.

Kingdom of An tir (2011-current)

•Baronial Retinue Of Terra Pomaria for Michael and Francesca (#5)

•Gold Key Officer (2012-13)

•Volunteer Terra Pomaria - Winter's End (2/2012)

•Gate Steward Terra Pomaria - Long & Short of It (6/2012)

•Demo presenter - Keizer High School 11th grade British Lit, (11/2012) Weaving demonstration

•Retinue - Vik II and Astrid (7/2012-1/2013)

•Baronial Chatelaine Terra Pomaria (9/2012-2/2013)

•Garb Team - Diego and Taraneh (5/2014-12/2014)

•Largesse Coordinator, Camp Cook and Retinue- Diego and Taraneh (5/2014-12/2014)

•Demo at Canterbury Renn, Faire (2012-2016) Demonstrating weaving and talking to the public

•Baroness Terra Pomaria (#6) (1/2013-5/2016)

•Event Steward -Terra Pomaria Bar Gemels (4/2013)

•Baronial Chatelaine Terra Pomaria (6/2016-1/2018)

•Feast Steward -Martinmas-Terra Pomaria (11/2017)

•Kitchen Crew-Bar Gemels -Terra Pomaria (4/2018)

•Meal Lead -Bar Gemels-Terra Pomaria (4/2019)

•Kitchen Staff- Bar Gemels- Terra Pomaria (4/2022)

•Kitchen Assistant - Martinmas_Terra Pomaria (11/2022)

•Kitchen Steward- Summits Service Collegium (11/2022)

•Organizer-Largesse Competition- Summits A&S&B (2/2023)

•Teacher - Basic Tablet Weaving- Monthly A&S - Terra Pomaria (?/2023)

•Organizer- Silent Auction - Bar Gemels - Terra Pomaria (4/2023)

•Organizer- Silent Auction - Summits Investiture (6/2023)

•Event Steward - Summits A&S&B- (2/2024)

•Weaving Request/Awards- Lion's Strength Belts (8) fo HM Juahara (4/2024-6/2024)

•Teacher- Brocade weaving - Volunteer setbacks and a geek session on weaving (5/2024)

•Garb Team- weaver- Eirik and Bryn - Brocade Band for apron panel (6/2024)

•Garb Team- weaver- Eirik and Bryn - Tablet woven knights chain band 10/2024)

•Teacher -Terra Pomaria - Monthly A&S- October- Rigid heddle weaving 13 students (10/2024)

Accolades, Awards and Honors

People I Have Woven For