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== Persona History ==
== Persona History ==

Wilhelm Heinrich Meyer ( Vil'hem HIEN-rikh Mahy-er) was born Mai 16, 1553 outside Hamburg, within the lands of the Holy Roman Empire (Modern Northern Germany). Wilhelm's Groß Urgroßvater, Heinrich Meyer, was a wealthy land owner and involved in local politics. A Meiger (Mayor) for many years Heinrich Meyer was respected member of the village council. Wilhelm's Urgroßvater, Hans Meyer, followed a similar path as his Vater Heinrich. However, by the time Wilhelm's Großvater (Wilhelm) came of age ,the Duchy of Saxony had been dissolved and the family sold most of their lands and moved closer to Hamburg. His Großvater Wilhelm and Vater Heinrich Hans made their living as merchants, eventually being accepted to the Merchants Guild, making their money from trade and marriage. Heinrich Hans married a wool merchants tochter, Katherine Anne Schaeffer and together had four kinder. The eldest, Johannes, died as an infant. Katherine then bore two more jungen and later died giving birth her tochter Anne. Anne died after being kicked by a pferd at the age sechs and Balthasar ran off with a mädchen after being forbidden to marry below his station.
Wilhelm Heinrich Meyer ( Vil'hem HIEN-rikh Mahy-er) was born Mai 16, 1553 outside Hamburg, within the lands of the Holy Roman Empire (Modern Northern Germany). Wilhelm's Groß Urgroßvater, Heinrich Meyer, was a wealthy land owner and involved in local politics. A Meiger (Mayor) for many years Heinrich Meyer was respected member of the village council. Wilhelm's Urgroßvater, Hans Meyer, followed a similar path as his Vater Heinrich. However, by the time Wilhelm's Großvater Wilhelm came of age, the Duchy of Saxony had been dissolved and the family sold most of their lands and moved closer to Hamburg. Wilhelm and Heinrich Hans went on to become merchants in the Imperial Free City of Hamburg, eventually being accepted into the Merchants Guild. The family then made their wealth from trade and strategic marriage. Heinrich Hans married a wool merchants tochter, Katherine Anne Schaeffer and together had four kinder. The eldest, Johannes, died as an infant. Katherine then bore two more jungen (Wilhelm Heinrich und Balthasar) and later died giving birth her tochter Anne. Tragically Anne died after being kicked by a pferd at the age of sechs and Balthasar ran off with a peasant mädchen after his father Heinrich Hans forbid him to marry below his station.

Following in his father's profession, Wilhelm Heinrich Meyer was taught many different skills and trades to be able to identify quality workmanship and fine goods. He became a reputable merchant in his own right and dabbled in all sorts of trade skills. He is noted for being skilled in the written word, illumination, leather-craft, tailoring, the brewing of meads and even some metalworking.
After the infant death of Johannes, as the heir apparent Wilhelm Heinrich was betrothed to Magdalena Stecker after her birth in 1554. The couple was married in 1581. Following in his father's profession, Wilhelm Heinrich Meyer was taught many different skills and trades so he could identify quality workmanship and fine goods. He became a reputable merchant in his own right and dabbled in all sorts of trade skills. He is noted for being skilled in the written word, illumination, leather-craft, tailoring, the brewing of meads and even some metalworking. Wilhelm's  Vater, Heinrich, slid into a perpetual state of drunkenness after the death of his ehefrau and the loss of his tochter Anne. Wilhelm was forced to sell what he could of the families holdings before it could be used to fuel Heinrich Hans' follies.  

As the heir apparent, Wilhelm was betrothed to Magdalena Stecker after her birth in 1554. The couple was married in 1581. Magdalena is currently at court with her lady mother and the couples sohn Otto Heinrich Meyer, in service to Queen Elisabeth of Britain.
Thereafter Willhelm settled in the lands known as Cranehaven in the Kingdom of AnTir. Wilhelm often remarked how the land and people reminded him of his home in Hamburg and that he felt it was an opportunity to begin anew. His ehefrau Magdalena is currently at court with her lady mother and the couples sohn Otto Heinrich Meyer, in service to Queen Elisabeth of Britain.
Wilhelm's  Vater, Heinrich, slid into a perpetual state of drunkenness after the death of his ehefrau and tochter. Wilhelm was forced to sell what he could of the families holdings before it could be used to fuel Heinrich's follies. Thereafter Willhelm settled in the lands known as Cranehaven in the Kingdom of AnTir. Wilhelm often remarked how the land and people reminded him of his home in Hamburg and that he felt it was an opportunity to begin anew.

== Family Tree ==
== Family Tree ==

Revision as of 11:33, 19 April 2018


Wilhelm at Collegium II A.S. LII
Resides: Cranehaven
Pronouns: Not specified
Date Started: A.S. LI
Awards: Order of Precedence
Prefered Title: Not specified
Offices: Cranehaven Minister of Arts & Sciences

Per bend sinister Or and checky Sable and Or, a bend sinister Gules and in dexter chief an eagle Sable.

Persona History

Wilhelm Heinrich Meyer ( Vil'hem HIEN-rikh Mahy-er) was born Mai 16, 1553 outside Hamburg, within the lands of the Holy Roman Empire (Modern Northern Germany). Wilhelm's Groß Urgroßvater, Heinrich Meyer, was a wealthy land owner and involved in local politics. A Meiger (Mayor) for many years Heinrich Meyer was respected member of the village council. Wilhelm's Urgroßvater, Hans Meyer, followed a similar path as his Vater Heinrich. However, by the time Wilhelm's Großvater Wilhelm came of age, the Duchy of Saxony had been dissolved and the family sold most of their lands and moved closer to Hamburg. Wilhelm and Heinrich Hans went on to become merchants in the Imperial Free City of Hamburg, eventually being accepted into the Merchants Guild. The family then made their wealth from trade and strategic marriage. Heinrich Hans married a wool merchants tochter, Katherine Anne Schaeffer and together had four kinder. The eldest, Johannes, died as an infant. Katherine then bore two more jungen (Wilhelm Heinrich und Balthasar) and later died giving birth her tochter Anne. Tragically Anne died after being kicked by a pferd at the age of sechs and Balthasar ran off with a peasant mädchen after his father Heinrich Hans forbid him to marry below his station.

After the infant death of Johannes, as the heir apparent Wilhelm Heinrich was betrothed to Magdalena Stecker after her birth in 1554. The couple was married in 1581. Following in his father's profession, Wilhelm Heinrich Meyer was taught many different skills and trades so he could identify quality workmanship and fine goods. He became a reputable merchant in his own right and dabbled in all sorts of trade skills. He is noted for being skilled in the written word, illumination, leather-craft, tailoring, the brewing of meads and even some metalworking. Wilhelm's Vater, Heinrich, slid into a perpetual state of drunkenness after the death of his ehefrau and the loss of his tochter Anne. Wilhelm was forced to sell what he could of the families holdings before it could be used to fuel Heinrich Hans' follies.

Thereafter Willhelm settled in the lands known as Cranehaven in the Kingdom of AnTir. Wilhelm often remarked how the land and people reminded him of his home in Hamburg and that he felt it was an opportunity to begin anew. His ehefrau Magdalena is currently at court with her lady mother and the couples sohn Otto Heinrich Meyer, in service to Queen Elisabeth of Britain.

Family Tree

Groß Urgroßvater: Heinrich Meyer
Urgroßvater: Hans Meyer
Großvater: Wilhelm Meyer
1527 - Present Vater: Heinrich Hans Meyer
1532- 1557 Mutter: Katherine Anne Schaeffer (deceased -died in childbirth)
1551 -1551 Bruder: Johannes (deceased -died as an infant)
1553 - Present Bruder: Balthasar
1557 - 1563 Schwester: Anne (deceased -kicked by horse)
1554 - Present Ehefrau: Magdalena Stecker (Married in 1581)
1588 - Present Sohn: Otto Heinrich Meyer

SCA History

Wilhelm Heinrich Meyer Joined the SCA on October 31, 2016 and immediately made his first set of garb. His first event was Collegium I where he met Gerhard Emelrich and Ronan Mackay for the first time. Wilhelm then attended Vulkanfeldt's Yule with Domnall Scriptor and on January 1, 2017 he submitted his name, device and badge to the Black Lion Herald. In those first few months Wilhelm picked up the hobbies of Calligraphy & Illumination and Leather-working which he took with him to Cranehaven's Jaegerfest. At the feast he did a leather-tooling demo and displayed his pretzel recipe as his first A&S project.

February of 2017 saw Wilhelm attend the Feast of the Red Lantern in Dregate and taking on the office of Minister of Arts & Sciences for Cranehaven. At the officer signing Wilhelm presented leather disks that had been tooled and painted with each of the officer's badge of office. Oasis War, A&S nights, leather-working demos at local events and creating twin throwing-axes followed. At May Crown Wilhelm became a Junior Thrown-Weapons Marshal and attended court for the first time under the reign of King Styrkarr Jarlsskald.

As Collegium II approached, Wilhelm found himself busy making a heraldic banner and new garb for his persona that he wore to the event. Wilhelm also convinced the populace of Cranehaven to allow him put in a bid for Collegium III of which he will be the Event Steward. In the wake of the bid proposal being accepted by the kingdom, the esteemed julia Sempronia took Wilhelm on as a student, to train for an apprenticeship and eventually a peerage as a laurel.