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This photo was taken just before the first battle of Banner War.  Our household was fighting with Karl and this is taken from the group photo just before.  We will all miss him.
Muireann inghean ui Rodain
Company of St. Ulrich
Glymm Mere

Revision as of 18:34, 3 October 2006

A Great Loss

I received this email on Sunday 10/01/06.

Good Citizen's of our most fair Barony,
    It is with such a heavy heart that I greet you this morning with the news that a 
short while ago I received a call from the site of Banner War, and that Dragon's
Laire and An Tir has lost a great friend. Last night at Banner War, HL Karl
Redstone fell ill and passed from us all. A senior constable, a ferocious 
fighter, and one of the kindest and gentlest of men, Karl will be so sorely
    Many times over the years, I have called on Karl to act as Constable in Charge
of an event, or to be there to help. The answer was always the same, "Aye Lass, 
I'll be there for ye." And he always was, displaying his great joy of life and
the SCA and using his amazing ability to walk into any situation de-escalating
the drama and treating calmly and fairly all with whom he dealt. 
Please remember as we all grapple to cope with this sudden loss to send thoughts
and prayers to his beloved wife HL Shaughnessy, as she deals with her even
greater loss.
Cedric and Brighid

I know this is a terrible loss to all of us. Any who are able, please support HL Shaughnessy in any way possible. Please add to this page if you have more information.


I have just heard the news here all the way in England and my heart grieves for a friend that will be missed.

I remember Karl Redstone who rescued me at a Banner war over ten years ago. I was tentless and a distraught youngster then or Lass as he referred me as. He took me into his encampment and found me a dry surface to place my sleeping attire in a spare tent.

Later that evening I overheard the discussion of my presence being unwelcome in his encampment by another and rather then complicate matters for Karl, I slipped away with my things even more distraught and slowly being drowned by the rain.

He was furious with me when he discovered I was gone. He hunted the entire site looking for me and found me with the not yet formed House Gremlins. There were only three of the guys there. He berated me greatly and said under no argument I was to get back to that encampment.

Over the years when I was around in Antir much more than the last 11 years, Karl and his household made me welcome at their fires. Sharing songs and stories with a distraught little person like me. He still collected people up along the years and watched out for us all.

I honour Karl and his lady.

Katell of Ifield 'aka Kitty'

This photo was taken just before the first battle of Banner War. Our household was fighting with Karl and this is taken from the group photo just before. We will all miss him.

Muireann inghean ui Rodain

Company of St. Ulrich

Glymm Mere
