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* July Coronation:  [http://www.blackberryhollowfarm.net/2005/2005-07-Coronation/FirstCourt/index.htm Coronation Ceremony and First Court by Marcus] (many images, excellent quality)
* July Coronation:  [http://www.blackberryhollowfarm.net/2005/2005-07-Coronation/FirstCourt/index.htm Coronation Ceremony and First Court by Marcus] (many images, excellent quality)

==22 Feb XXXIX/2005==
==Before May Crown==
(From Skeggi, King of An Tir)
(From Skeggi, King of An Tir. 22 Feb XXXIX/2005)

Good Evening to All,
Good Evening to All,

Revision as of 14:00, 29 July 2005

Uther Schiemann der Hount and Angharad Drakenhefd

Forty-eighth King and Queen of An Tir

July 16 AS XL/2005 - (14 Jan AS XL/2006)


Royal Progress


Before May Crown

(From Skeggi, King of An Tir. 22 Feb XXXIX/2005)

Good Evening to All,

Well, as I see on the An Tir Fighters list things are a bit slow. Chiv net is not much different, things are very calm. And the other lists seem to quiet and content.

Well I've decided to spice things up in our most excellent Kingdom. To excite our fighters, to drive them to excellence in their fighting abilities. To give those who seem to live for the lists something more juicy to talk about, and fire up the Chiv listing once again.

Duke Uther DerHount has asked to fight in An Tir's May Crown. He has asked to fight for Duchess Angharad.

After careful thought and discussion between ourselves and our council we have decided to allow Uther to fight.

Those who know us, know that we are old traditionalists. Thinking of the days when An Tir was a Principality and An Tirians such as Torgul, Dak, and Ulfred to name a few would travel to the West Kingdom to fight for the Crowns. An Tir held the tradition of leaving the Crown Tournament open to all, with the thought that the best fighter will win. The Crown of the West is still open to all those who would swear fealty to their King and their lands and promise to fulfill the duties of King and Queen should they prove victorious. I encourage any who are interested in that adventure to go for it!

Uther swore to Us as his King and Queen at Our 12th Night and gave his oath of fealty.

Uther loves An Tir and our traditions. His mentors are of An Tir, his heroes are of An Tir! He also participates in our Wonderful Kingdom all the time. Teaching, training and befriending all he meets. His Honor and Chivalry are beyond measure. For this we are proud and happy to accept him to An Tir with open arms.

So consider this a friendly heads up from Their Majesties to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!


Skeggi King An Tir

Personal Experiences

(Add your personal memories and experiences with Their Majresties here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood