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The An Tir ceremony for the Riderless Horse, An Tir Remembers is coordinated by the Ladies of the Rose and Valourous Estate with the help of the equestrians of An Tir.


riderlesshorse(at)hotmail(dot)com is the address to send names for inclusion in the scroll of honor and riderless horse ceremony (I believe Dagmar or Taisia manages any incoming e-mail, but most of it seems to come from the LOVE/LOR themseves on this list.)

Duchess Signey is the royal liasion (getting us into the court schedule, etc.)

Inga - updates the calligraphed Scroll of Honor

Taisiia update the OP.

Angharad wrote the current ceremony and usually ends of wrangling the ladies to the ceremony. Also acts as coordinator for the equestrians at the ceremonies.

Kerij-e - maintains and stores the caparision, the tassels, updates the online / wiki scroll of honor, acts as liasion for the equestrians and arranges for the horse for the ceremony (or delegates it as I have for May Crown). She also make the tassels. She has been compiles the names for the ceremony as well and pass them to the court liasion.

Before the event

1. The LOR/LOVE council determines that the ceremony will take place.

2. A rep of the council asks the Crown if the ceremony may occur.

3. The Equestrian Marshal in Charge is informed. Any restrictions to where the ceremony can take place are discussed. (sometimes court is in a place the site has forbidden horses.)

4. The RH EQ liasion finds a horse for the ceremony. We have tried to use a different horse every time, but not always possible. A good horse for the ceremony doesn't mind crowds, can stand quietly and be led.

5. The list of names to be honored is compiled byt LOVE reps. Names can be submitted to RiderlessHorseCeremony@hotmail.com.

6. The riderless horse caparison is arranged to be delivered to site. (current steward is Mistress Kerij-e)

At the event, before the ceremony

1. LOVE rep confirms with court herald which court the ceremony will be held. A LOVE rep will act as herald.

2. LOVE rep informs the RH EQ liasion of time.

3. The RH EQ liasion and EMIC arrange a route, a holding area near court, and outwalkers.

4. 1 hour before the ceremony, the horse will be prepared with the caparision and bridle. The bridle is too large for almost all horses, so a secondary bridle and lead are usually needed. (Note: The bridle is being adjusted to fit better.)

5. Usually about 15 minutes before the ceremony, the horse is brought to a holding area near court. The ladies of the Rose and Valouous Estate are gathered.

6. The LOVE herald has the ceremony, the tassels, and the list of names.

!!The ceremony

1. The LOR/LOVE ladies are announced. They process in and split off to line the aisle.

2. An equestrian LOR/LOVE leads in the horse.

3. The LOVE herald hands the tassels to the crown, reads the ceremony, and then the names. The Crown attaches the tassles to the caparision, usually by the shoulder.

4. The ladies withdraw and the horse follows.

After the ceremony

1. The RH EQ liasion retrieves the caparision and bridle.

2. The tassels are attached permanently before the next ceremony.