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* Name Rune:  ᛗᚨᚱ ᛊᚲᚨᛚ ᛟᛏᛏᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ
* Name Rune:  ᛗᚨᚱ ᛊᚲᚨᛚ ᛟᛏᛏᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ
* Device: Azure, a pale cotised argent and overall a compass star pierced Or (Pending OSCAR)
* Device: Azure, a pale cotised argent and overall a compass star pierced Or (Pending OSCAR)

=== Personae ===
=== Personae ===

Revision as of 20:32, 12 December 2024


Már Skál Óttarson
Resides: Barony of Aquaterra
Pronouns: he/him
Date Started: abt. A.S. XXVII/1993
Awards: Order of Precedence
Prefered Title: Lord

Azure, a pale cotised argent and overall a compass star pierced Or


  • Name: Már Skál Óttarson (Pending OSCAR)
  • Name Rune: ᛗᚨᚱ ᛊᚲᚨᛚ ᛟᛏᛏᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ
  • Device: Azure, a pale cotised argent and overall a compass star pierced Or (Pending OSCAR)


Born as the youngest of three, I began my life in the great city of Hedeby. It was crowded and international trade had brought both slaves and the Holy Roman Empire into the city. I was not meant to be in such a place, so I left and traveled North, fleeing the cramped living conditions for lands that were wider more open spaces. I hunted and traded my way to Norway and then across the sea to Orkney Island, where I met my wife.

Personal History

I started in the SCA in my teens in 1993 or so “exact date is fuzzy”. I was Homeschooled from 4th grade on. My mother Used trips to June Faire, Ursulmas and Camlann Medieval Village(not affiliated with the SCA) as practical living history lessons. Learning about the people, places and things always intrigued me (still do to this day) a lot more then memorizing battles in history that text books preached. I jumped into the workforce right after graduating in 1999. Suddenly there was not enough time or money to attend events. In 2013 my Mom had a harebrained scheme to introduce me to an online friend of hers, she suggested that I escort her to June Faire, This is were I met my future wife Tabitta. Since then along with my wife have attended many events across An Tir.

Personal Statement

I was drawn to the SCA for many reasons. I found like-minded people and a community I felt comfortable in. I believe that the best way I can give back is to help others find comfort and community like I did within the SCA.

Event Staff

  • Boars Hunt – Barony of Aquaterra – June 1nd - 3th 2024
    • Deputy Event Steward / Helping Hand


  • Archery: Since 1993
  • Woodworking: Raised by a woodworking craftsman.
  • Tablet Weaving: Learned basics in my teens but didn’t pick it back up tell 2023


  • Junior Archery and thrown weapons. 2024


Order of Precedence

  • Banner War – Aquaterra – September 9th 2023
    • Silver Dolphin
  • Autumn War / Emprise – Blatha an Oir – September 14th 2024
    • Award of Arms


  • Boars Hunt – Barony of Aquaterra 2014-2024
    • Site setup and breakdown.
    • Archery setup and breakdown.
  • Banner War – Barony of Aquaterra 2014-2024
    • Site setup and breakdown.
    • Archery setup and breakdown.
  • Good Yule – Barony of Aquaterra 2023-2024
    • Site setup and breakdown.

Last Updated 12/12/2024