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'''== Background =='''                                                                                            [[File:Naible_headshot.jpg|frame|right]]
'''== Persona Background =='''                                                                                            [[File:Naible_headshot.jpg|frame|right]]
Naible was born in the highlands several days ride from what is now called Reykjavik in 959 AD.  Her father was an innkeeper with a small Inn along an overland route from inland towns to the Coastal city, a way point. She grew up baking bread, and preparing hearty stews for travelers.  By her late teens, the area was ravaged by famine, and the land was poor.  After the death of her parents she traveled to the nearby coastal city, and worked in the market square.  After meeting Tati in 985 he talked her into joining him on a voyage to new land that promised to be lush and rich with opportunity.  She and Tati were married in 986 and departed Iceland from Breidaforur Bay with 400 others in 25 ships led by Tati's friend Erik.  She and Tati were aboard one of the only 14 ships that made it across the sea, landing in Brattahlid (todays Qassiarsuk), they built the Eastern settlement of Eystribyggð.  Naible continues to man the home hearth, preparing meals with the new and various resources Greenland has to offer.  Gathering wild plants and grasses for baskets, gardening, dressing and preserving the Seal & Caribou brought in from the hunt, preserving the fish brought in from the sea so that others may focus on gathering resources or turning them into valuable trade goods.
  An Tir 12th Night in Adiantum, January 2011 was my very first event.
  An Tir 12th Night in Adiantum, January 2011 was my very first event.

Revision as of 15:59, 8 February 2021

== Persona Background ==

Naible was born in the highlands several days ride from what is now called Reykjavik in 959 AD. Her father was an innkeeper with a small Inn along an overland route from inland towns to the Coastal city, a way point. She grew up baking bread, and preparing hearty stews for travelers. By her late teens, the area was ravaged by famine, and the land was poor. After the death of her parents she traveled to the nearby coastal city, and worked in the market square. After meeting Tati in 985 he talked her into joining him on a voyage to new land that promised to be lush and rich with opportunity. She and Tati were married in 986 and departed Iceland from Breidaforur Bay with 400 others in 25 ships led by Tati's friend Erik. She and Tati were aboard one of the only 14 ships that made it across the sea, landing in Brattahlid (todays Qassiarsuk), they built the Eastern settlement of Eystribyggð. Naible continues to man the home hearth, preparing meals with the new and various resources Greenland has to offer. Gathering wild plants and grasses for baskets, gardening, dressing and preserving the Seal & Caribou brought in from the hunt, preserving the fish brought in from the sea so that others may focus on gathering resources or turning them into valuable trade goods.

An Tir 12th Night in Adiantum, January 2011 was my very first event.

== Offices I have held ==

Shire of Corvaria Minister of Arts & Sciences

    August to December 2014

Shire of Corvaria Chatelaine

    December 2014 to April 2015

Principality of the Summits Chatelaine

    April 2015 to April 2017

Barony of Adiantum Social Media Officer

    November 2018 to Present

Barony of Adiantum Deputy Webminister

    February 2019 to Present

Principality of the Summits Chatelaine

    April 2019 to present

== Retinue's I have served ==

Head Lady in Waiting

    For Fyrsta Temperance Trewelove & Fyrst Tryggr Tyresson 
         Summer Reign 2015 

Camp Master

    For Prinz Sverre Bjornhjarta & Prinzessa Breaca Flannabrha
         Summer Reign 2016 

Deputy Head of Retinue

    For Prince Tjorkill & Princess Alina
         Winter Reign 2016 

Camp Coordinator

    For Prince Durin & Princess Ceridwen
         Summer Reign 2017   

Court Coordinator

    For Prince Attila & Princess Eleanor
         Summer Reign 2018

== Events I have been Event Steward of ==

All Fool's - Shire of Corvaria - 2014 (AS XLVIII)

    *Head Event Steward

Summits June Investiture - Principality of the Summits - 2015 (AS L)

    *Co-Event Steward

Harvest Tourney - Shire of Corvaria

    *Head Event Steward

Harvest Festival - Shire of Corvaria - 2017

    *Co-Event Steward

== Awards ==

Award of Arms (An Tir) By: Eirik Daegarsson, Driffina Ulfgarsdottir Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)

Grail of the Summits - Service (Summits) By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton Mar 5, 2015 (AS XLIX)

Goutte de Sang (An Tir) By: Havordh Ættarbani, Mary Grace of Gatland Sep 19, 2015 (AS L)

Throne Favor (Summits) By: Tryggr Tyresson & Temperance Trewelove Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)

Silver Berberie (Summits) By: Temperance Trewelove Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)

Joy of the Summits (Summits) By: Tryggr Tyresson & Temperance Trewelove Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)

Award of Arms (An Tir) By: Eirik Daegarsson, Driffina Ulfgarsdottir Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)

Grail of the Summits - Service (Summits) By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton Mar 5, 2015 (AS XLIX)

Branch Chatelaine Officer (Summits) By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton May 20, 2015 (AS L)

Goutte de Sang (An Tir) By: Havordh Ættarbani, Mary Grace of Gatland Sep 19, 2015 (AS L)

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) By: Tryggr Tyresson, Temperance Trewelove Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)

Silver Barberry (Summits) By: Temperance Trewelove Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)

Joy of the Summits (Summits) By: Tryggr Tyresson, Temperance Trewelove Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)

Belated Barberry (Summits) By: Tjorkill Kanne, Alina of Folkstone Dec 10, 2016 (AS LI)

Belated Rose (An Tir) May 27, 2017 (AS LII)

Grail of the Summits - Officer Service (Summits) By: Tjorkill Kanne, Alina of Folkstone May 28, 2017 (AS LII)

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) By: Tjorkill Kanne, Alina of Folkstone Jun 17, 2017 (AS LII)

Silver Barberry (Summits) By: Alina of Folkstone Jun 17, 2017 (AS LII)

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) By: Tjorkill Kanne Jun 17, 2017 (AS LII)

Silver Barberry (Summits) By: Ceridwen ferch Morgan Dec 9, 2017 (AS LII)

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) By: Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin Dec 9, 2017 (AS LII)

Truehearted (Morgan's Rose) (Summits) By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh Mar 17, 2018 (AS LII)

Silver Barberry (Summits) By: Seamus O'Caellaigh Jun 22, 2018 (AS LIII)

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh Jun 22, 2018 (AS LIII)

Iris of Saint Elizabeth (Terra Pomaria) Aug 11, 2018 (AS LIII)

Heart of the Summits (Summits) By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton Dec 8, 2018 (AS LIII)

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo Dec 8, 2018 (AS LIII)

Silver Barberry (Summits) By: Eleanor de Bolton Dec 8, 2018 (AS LIII)

Branch Chatelaine Officer (Summits) By: Ellisif in Vaena, Njal Tjorkilsson Apr 1, 2019 (AS LIII)

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) By: Kathren of Carnforth, Antoine à la Langue d'Or Dec 14, 2019 (AS LIV)

Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Livia Alexandra Severa Jan 10, 2020 (AS LIV)

An Tir OP

== Other contributions of note ==

1st Place Siege Cooking Competition Egil's 2013

Honorable Mention Trade-ship Cooking Competition Egil's 2014

Organized and Launched the Newcomers Identification System within the Summits 2015

Taught SCA 101 at All Fool's 2014

Taught Basic Silk Banner Dying 101 StormGod's 2015

1st Place All Thing Viking Cooking Competition 2018

Fealty Relationships: Protege to Dame Lissette de la Rose, OP