 Diamanté da Magenta
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Shire of Appledore I status = November 2009
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[No link added to Order of Precedence]
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Event Steward Seagirt Masked Ball April 2011 : Event Steward Daffodil 35/AS 46 (2012)
 Argent, in pale three mullets barry and per pale sable and Or; 16th century Italian women displayed their Device on a lozenge
Diamanté da Magenta
Born in Magenta Italy on March 15, 1477, Diamanté is the only daughter of Adamantine of Thira, Greece, who died in childbirth. Diamanté's father, Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, was so distraught at the death of his beloved wife that he swore he would never love another woman in his life. Leonardo's mother Caterina, and her husband Achattabrigga, raised Diamanté in Vinci until Leonardo brought Caterina and Diamanté to Milan, to the court of Ludovico Sforza and Beatrice D'Este, to live. No one at court thought of Diamanté as anything other than a truly devoted and loving servant to Caterina. When Caterina died, Leonardo proclaimed Diamanté to be his ward. Much attention had been given to ensuring Diamanté was well educated, and her schooling exceeded that of many noblewomen. Her love of books brought her so often to the court library that her knowledge of its contents was greater than that of the Bibliotecario. She was offered a position in the library and often tutored the daughters of Nobles. Her position allowed her to travel with the Bibliotecario and her skill and intellect was fully appreciated and admired by the Sforza University staff and Noble households, whose libraries she helped to build to enviable status.
Households she served in & Places of Residence:
•Duke Ludovico Sforza & Duchess Beatrice d'Este, Milan 1493 - 1498
•Marquess Francesco iL Gonzaga & Marchesa Isabella d'Este, Mantua 1498 - 1518
•King Francis 1 of France, Cloux, 1518 - 1525
•King John III of Portugal and Catherine of Castile, sister to King Charles, 1525 - 1528
•Portugal 1529
•Barony of Seagirt, Principality of Tir Righ, Kingdom of An Tir, 1528
•Shire of Appledore, Principality of Tir Righ, Kingdom of An Tir, 1528 - current
Siblings - none
Business Partner - Canzone di Fiorenzi ; Canzone and Diamante own several properties and a thriving vineyard and wine business together, and Canzones sons are also helping to manage and care for these businesses.
Persona Library Inventory: (books Diamanté owns)
•Aurora Consurgeans- 38 fine watercolour miniatures
•De Docta Ignorantia - Nicolas Of Cusa's philosophy and theology
•Chrysolorus Erotemata - Greek grammar treatise
•A Journey Beyond Three Seas - detailed journal of a Russian merchants descriptions of customs, ceremonies and the politics of India
•Les Livres des Tournois - a wonderful French record of ancient tournament customs of France, Germany and the Low Countries
•Les Quinze Joies de Marriage - satirical analysis of the lies and arguments which plague married couples and set them up to fail mercilessly
•The Master of the Game - how the English conducted a Game Sport Hunt, and how it differed and resembled the French customs of hunting and trapping
•The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight - recipes for sexual maladies and instructions and advice in the book on how and what men and women should do to ensure they appear most attractive to one another
•Ritsou Manuscript - collection of short, single simple musicals for small choirs
•Tea Manual - the wonderful milestone work recording the simple way Prince Ning brewed loose tea and the ceremony of tea from leaf selection to how to heat the water and which china to use
•The Wedding of Sir Gwain and Dame Ragnelle - the bardic tale which told of the discovery of 'what a woman really wants
•Canterbury Tales by Chaucer Convivo - philosophical work which paid homage to Cicero and Beothius;
•il Filocolo - 5 volumes, the first novel written in Italian, in prose, which tells the love story of Biancifiore & Florio
•Divina Comedia - Dante Aligheiris in three volumes, all 14,233 lines of exquisite poetry, divided into the three cantinas
•Book of the City of Ladies and The Treasure of the City of Ladies (also known as The Book of the Three Virtues) - Christine de Pizan
•Ditie de Jehanne dArc - Christine de Pizan, poem honouring Joan of Arc
•Querelle du Roman de la Rose - a written rhetorical discourse between Christine de Pizan & Jean de Montreuil
Diamanté da Magenta currently resides in the Barony of Seagirt, Principality of Tir Righ (, Kingdom of An Tir, but considers herself a member of the populace of the Shire of Appledore, to which she gives her fealty. As her income allows, she is now retired and pursues her interests in horses, the Arts & Sciences, dance, and developing her skill with the blade. Of course her love of books continues, for when you can read, you can do anything!
S.C.A. Honors and Awards
•Subscribing member since November 2009 ~ Member # 200312 expires 31 June 2018
•Name: Diamanté da Magenta
I sent my NAME, DEVICE & BADGE registration application papers away in on June 22nd, 2010. They were all approved November 2010. I was informed December 31st, 2010 by Elizabeth Lions Blood. Registration process took just over 6 months.
•Household Name: Casa di Magenta
I sent my HOUSEHOLD NAME registration application papers away and it was all approved October 31, 2015.
•Lady Title Award of Arms
March 12, 2011 (AS XLV)
I was awarded this privilege by Their Highnesses Kheron Azov and Kenna of the Clan MacDonald of Tir Righ. An Italian woman uses the title "donna" (with a small d, to distinguish her from those using the title Donna, awarded to female white scarf achievers in Rapier Arts
August 20, 2011
April 18, 2015
This is an award for service, It is given at their Excellencies pleasure to those gentles who have performed outstanding service to the barony. The Insignia is: A small bag containing a stone; The stone is chosen by Their Excellencies with consideration of the attributes of each particular recipient. Institued by: Baron Sir William mac Brennan and Voevoda Nadezdha Toranova. It was presented to me in 2011 by their Excellencies Ming Lum Pee and Elína Kársdóttir of Seagirt, and in 2015 by their excellencies Connall MacLagmayn and Letitia Talbott of Seagirt
Tangwystl verch Glyn (Jambe de Lion) took me under her wing for one year and a day, from August 20th 2011 to August 21st 2012. During that year she promised to guide me and mentor me, helping me safely navigate the SCAdian Known World. At the end of the year and a day she presented me with a a beautifully hand stitched Italian gown as my 'graduation' gift. As my persona is Italian and fabric expensive, I provided her with all the fabric and her gift was in the crafting. Although the official year is over, Her Excellencies generosity never ends. It was an educational experience. I am honoured and proud honour to have been her damoiselle.
September 11, 2013
•Declaration to work to become a SEAGIRT BARON'S SCHOLAR
Seagirt DAFFODIL Tournament March 15, 2014
Formal Application was presented to Eideard Fifth Baron of Seagirt. Successfully completed the FINE ARTS category: Calligraphy & Illumination, and the TRADES & CRAFTS category: Book Binding (I presented 50 handmade little blank books, hinge bound)
Continued my Scholar progress with Connal, Sixth Baron of Seagirt. Successfully completed the GAMES category at SST, August 2014 completing the documentation section for games component September 2014. Achieved my Golden Swan, and so completed the Scholars PERSONA category requirements October 2014. In January 2015, with only the Geography, Heraldry and final essay left to complete, I withdrew from the Scholars Trials, making public my reasons, so no further misunderstanding could follow. The time and funds devoted to becoming a Scholar will instead make it possible for me to attend events and be more personally involved in the Principality and Kingdom
•Silent Harp
August 16, 2014
This award is presented for unheralded achievement in the Arts. The Insignia is: an unstrung harp (hence, silenced) It pre-dates Seagirt's elevation to Barony.
It was presented to me by their Excellencies Connall MacLagmayn and Letitia Talbott
Sixth Baron and Baroness of Seagirt
•Golden Swan
October 12, 2014
The Tournament of the Golden Swan is the SCA's pre-eminant persona development challenge for female personas. It has been sponsored since 1984 by the Shire of Appledore in the Kingdom of An Tir within the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a world-wide historical recreationist group. The first Golden Swan was held in Kelowna, B.C. and it has run annually since, making it the longest running SCA Challenge Tournament.
The purpose of Golden Swan is to foster the highest level of knowledge of the lives of women in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Its aim is not merely to confine itself to women's history and women's issues, although these do form part of the research most candidates will do. A successful Golden Swan has acquired a level and depth of understanding of what a woman's life was like in a given time period that may be unequalled even in the highest levels of academia.
In addition, the candidate will require immense acting ability, to stay in persona for a period of 36 hours. I competed along with two others, both of whom also succeeded in achieving the Award of the Golden Swan.
The Realm of Venus Renaissance Italian Costume Challenge began in June 2015 and completed in September 2015. I created an entire wardrobe, and placed third, which due to certain limitation was the highest I could place. I did not qualify for points as a Novice seamstress, nor as a Novice to Italian Reniassance garb. I also did not recreate a portrait exactly. Points awarded for those criteria were out of my reach. I was awarded all the points I could possibly qualify for in the challenge, so in essence, my third place was a first place tie with the other two top contestants. The field of competitors began with 37 in the running and whittled down to 17 at final points count. I am thrilled both with the results and with the excellent outfit I ended up with, and pleased to have competed against such a worthy roster of costume designers.
•Ladyship Title Jambe de Lion
December 3, 2016
Membership in the Order of the Jambe de Lion (French, 'arm of the lion') is a kingdom-level award which conveys a grant of arms. The Jambe de Lion is given for excellence in the arts and sciences. This award additionally honours the recipient with the title of Lordship or Ladyship. In Italian "Ladyship" is Signoria.
•Seagirt Daffodil (Saanich Fair Grounds) - 2nd Chef for Feast, working with Baron Lachlan Mac an Toisich
•Shire of Lionsdale Tir Righ Heraldic Symposium (Lionsdale) - Class set-up
•Seagirt Sargeants, Yeomen & Gallants; Seagirt Summer Tourney (Camp Bernard, Metchosin) - Gate
•Seagirt Fall Masked Ball of Champions (Victoria) - Tavern Assistant to Anna Jane Byrd
•Daffodil (Saanich Fair Grounds) - Set up Merchants Row
•Grande Demo (Victoria Rudd Park) - Set-up
•Spring Masked Ball of Champions (Victoria) - Event Steward & Day Food
•Seagirt SeaLion War (Mountainaire Campground, Nanaimo) - Assist with Baronial Pavilion set-up; Gate
•Seagirt Summer Tourney (Goldstream Park) - Set-up;Gate
•Seagirt Tir Righ September Coronet (Mountainaire Campground, Nanaimo) - Set-up;Gate;Inspiration for Lothar
•Seagirt Yule (Victoria) - Last Minute 2nd Chef to Janet Kempe
•Seagirt Daffodil (Cowichan Exhibition Grounds) - Event Steward & Feastocrat
•Seagirt Summer Tourney (Cowichan Exhibition Grounds) - Gate
•Lionsdale Tir Righ August Investiture (Albion Fairgrounds) - retinue for Princess Kenna
•Seagirt Fall Masked Ball of Champions (Victoria) - Gate
•January - designed and created BARONY OF SEAGIRT banner for Gottacon 2013 demo
•February Investiture (Cowichan Exhibition Grounds) - Day Food
•March Daffodil (Cowichan Exhibition Grounds) - Gate
•April Seagirt Spring Masked Ball (Victoria) - Played the role of Lady Alizabeth the Elaborate in the first Medieval Murder Mystery Pageant
•Seagirt Newcomers Event (Cobble Hill) - Gate
•Seagirt Summer Tourney (Cobble Hill) - Created the Dragon costume and the Black Knight mannequin for the childrens Black Knight Amazing Race contest
•Seagirt Fall Masked Ball (Victoria) - Dayfood
•Seagirt Yule (James Bay Community School Centre) - created one dozen dolls, 18" in height, fully clothed in documentable clothing for the Barony of Seagirt Largess. Won the Dirty Dozen Donation Derby by a few beads in the vote. Congratulations to Duchess Megan Grigg for her second place award. Gave my prizes to Storm Princess Juahara, in appreciation for and personal honouring and recognition of her elegance and nobility.
•Principality Travel Fund Auction (Tir Righ) - Donated one hand crafted doll, but two people bid neck-n-neck so the donation became two dolls; One a Persian garbed doll for Her Excellency Juahara, and one a Norse garbed doll for Her Excellency Dalla
•Designed and created Principality Charter Blanks
•Seagirt Summer Tourney (Cobble Hill) - Created, organized and ran the children's activity - a recreation of the Paoli di Sienna, the 700 year old horse race which still takes place every year on July 2nd and August 16th in Sienna Tuscany (part of my Scholars Games Testing) Donated prizes for the Heavy Armoured Combat and the Rapier Combat : labour to create garment from their fabric
•August Investiture Event (Qualicum Bay), with Ceridwen - Gate & Open Kitchen for "Orphans"
•Seagirt Yule - created and donated 40 handmade hinge bound books to Baronial largess
•March - Designed and created complete garb for newcomers Mary Walz, Lauren Morrison & Alyssa
•April 11/12 - taught three courses at Hartwood TUTR 1. Persona Development, 2. Glamping - SCA camping basics, how to dress your campsite and gourmet camp food & 3. Basic Embroidery
•June - designed and created 3 banners; 5'x7', 5'x10' and 5'x14' for Avacal Tir Righ AT WAR
•July - designed and created garb for Cory Davidson. Designed and created banners and the Albatross Pennant for House of Sigis for Clinton War
•ALL YEAR - designed and created largess for the Kingdom of An Tir, to be presented at 12th Night January 9th 2016
•January - attended 12th Night in Portland Oregon, with Lady Juliana and her Ladyship Sigga. Presented my bounty of 144 pieces of largess to their Royal Majesties King Eirik and Queen Driffina, during the first court of their reign. I presented in persona. To have created and donated such a gift to the Kingdom of An Tir was a wonderful start to my seventh year in the SCA.
•February - invited to be part of the Feast Team at Tir Righ February Investiture, I was asked to make honey cakes for the final dessert. I also created sugar paste (dinner sized) plates for the dessert to be served on. The plates bore the names of all the branches of the Principality and the names of our new Prince Thorwulf Bjornson and Princess Wulfwyn of Meduseld. Completely edible, they were made from sugar paste fondant and painted with food colouring paints and edible gold, in the 16th Century Milanese style.
•October - created 50 hinge-bound books (Silk jackets & Satin ribbon embellishment with Tournament of the Golden Swan written down the face of the Satin ribbon on each, as well a charm of a golden swan or Appledore apple) for gate tokens for the Tournament of the Golden Swan LI, in my amazing home Shire of Appledore.
•December - created gate tokens for the Barony of Seagirts Yule: 68 blue Feast Napkins, 18 Winter White Feast Napkins (for the invited Royals) and 40 green Tavern cup cloaks, all in silk. The napkins were each embroidered with a golden harp, and the Tavern cup cloaks had randomly chosen glass eads at 4 corners of the drape, each one also having an evil eye glass bead and an orca.
•January - attended 12th Night in Seattle Washington and presented my bounty of 49 pieces of largess (all I could manage to create in only two months) to Her Royal Highness Princess Gwynwth, just after court. I presented in persona. To have created and donated such a gift to the Principality of Tir Righ was a delightful beginning to my seventh year in the SCA.
•February - I could not attend due to financial shortfall, and so sent a gift of 40 pieces of Largess (all I could complete in under a month) to February Investiture in Lionsdale BC, for our new Prince Einar Guntharson and Princess Glynis Fawr. I also sent personal gifts to the new Prince & Princess of repurposed books, hollowed out to carry their cell phones inside of. In addition I particpated in a 'gift exchange', taking the form of The 2nd Tir Righ Artisan Trade, and created a Trichinopoly bracelet with a braided horsehair core, madefrom the tail hairs of 13 different horses. A norse legend I read said that wearing the hair of 13 horses on your person ensured you "rode the luck that only the magic of horses could bring you" The gift was for Briana mic h'Eusaidh.
Interests and Leisure Pursuits
•Historical clothing design and construction
•Embroidery and embellishment
•16th Century Research
•Spiritual Alchemy and Herbalism
•The Art of Dancing with Blades ~ Rapier
Aspirations & Goals Diamanté is working towards
Being worthy of the awards some day of Goutte, Jambe and of being chosen to become a Laurel