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Latest revision as of 17:54, 11 October 2015

27-29 Jan XL/2006
Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA)
Autocrat Team
Autocrat: Adrianna MacAverr
Merchantcrats: Aine Paixdecour and Leyna
Reservocrat: (RVs) Arianne of Falconmoors
Living History: HL Fionnghuala Friseil (Fi MacKenzie) (425) 359-3914 ladyfi@verizon.net
Evergreen State Fairgrounds, 14405 - 179th Ave SE, Monroe, WA 98272

Event Copy

The Barony of Aquaterra invites you to the 24th Festival of St. Ursul. The Ursulmas Tournaments will be held Saturday. The Bearmeat Tournament will be Sunday. The Over 40 Tournament is to be scheduled. Arts and Sciences, Archery, Thrown Weapons, and other events will be available. There will be merchants available to purchase the finest wares and entertainers at various times and places. A Living History display will be featured for those wishing to show their skills and talents, or those wishing to learn something new.

St. Ursul will be recruiting for his crusade. Please bring all recruits to the recruiting station. (ie: donations gladly accepted for the Teddy Bear Patrol. A drop off point is usually at Heralds Point. Teddy Bears will be donated to local police and or fire agencies.)

The Barony of Aquaterra is the local branch of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), Inc. Aquaterra is a most of Snohomish County, in Washington State. The SCA is a not for profit educational organization focused on re-creating the middle ages as they should have been. Come experience the pagentry and excitement of the current middle ages.

The event will be at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds, 14005 179th Ave SW, Monroe, WA 98272. RV space is available by reservation. RV fees are not included in site fees. Please contact the Reservocrat for more information.

The event will be open to the public Saturday January 28th from 10am - 5pm and Sunday January 29th from 10am - 4pm.

The gate fee for the public is: Adults: ages 16 and up: $10; Minors: 7-15: $5; Children 6 & under: free.

SCA participants please read below: Crash space is available on site for SCA participants. Sorry no accomodations for the public. (No tents or curtains are allowed in the sleeping halls due to fire regulations.)

Jarl Sir Skeggi and Duchess Angharad will be holding a helmet auction right before the start of the tournament to help raise funds for the Raven Travel fund for Their Majesties, Sven & Signy.


Arts and Sciences Contest #1: Ursul story In days gone by, the Honorable Lady Dianna of the Silver Shores first set down four of the legends of Ursul, and another was chronicled by Juliana of Woodbury. Among the populace of Aquaterra, stories abound of Ursul’s activities. For instance, it is well known that Ursul became a saint, yet it is not well known how this came about. Surely there is a storyteller among us who can put pen to paper and share another legend of Ursul, perhaps even the story of his canonization (how he became a saint). In addition, the fine scrolls made by Lady Dianna have worn with age. Would it not be a wondrous thing to again display Ursul’s stories, inked by skilled hands and illuminated in glorious color? A prize will be awarded for the best story about Ursul, and there will be a special prize for the best story of how Ursul came to be a saint.

  • Stories may be submitted in written form only (typed, double-spaced) or with an oral presentation.
  • Judging will be on structure, style, and content of the story.
  • Documentation should focus on how the story follows medieval/Renaissance literary or bardic style.
  • The best-told tales will become a permanent part of Ursul’s lore, and will be posted on Aquaterra’s website.
  • A prize will be awarded for best scroll/painting of any of the current 5 Ursul stories or a new story.
  • Judging will be on the visual presentation of the story.
  • Documentation should focus on medieval/Renaissance painting and manuscript illumination practices.
  • Entries should be on 3’x4’ archival poster paper in archival ink/paint.
  • The best scrolls will be displayed at future Aquaterran events.



General rules

  • Entries must be submitted by 3 PM on Saturday to the A&S area.
  • Entrants are encouraged to create a nice display for their entry.
  • If you wish to make an oral presentation, you can sign up for a time when you submit your entry.
  • Documentation is recommended, not required. However, be aware that entries with no documentation will be judged against documented entries and may therefore suffer in comparison.
  • Documentation should consist of one to two pages, with at least one primary source and a bibliography.
  • If you don’t have documentation, you might want to consider giving an oral presentation, so that you can be sure that the judges know all there is to know about your entry.

Judges will use the Kingdom A&S contest judging forms - entrants are encouraged to print one out to see what the judges are looking for. (The Composition or Performing Arts forms would be appropriate for the story, while the Object form would be appropriate for the scroll.) http://www.currentmiddleages.org/artsci/champions/forms.html Results will be announced at Closing Court on Sunday. Entries may be retrieved from the A&S area after Closing Court.

Arts and Sciences Contest #2: Feast of Saint Ursul item Ursulmas is the feast of Saint Ursul, patron of the Barony of Aquaterra. The theme of this contest is feast-days or celebrations relating to saints. Judging will give greater weight to entries with some connection to Saint Ursul in particular. Consider what activities took place on saints’ days in the medieval/Renaissance period. These may include prayer and devotional services, plays about the saint’s life, singing, dancing, feasting, livestock markets, and so on. Consider also what went into preparations for a saint’s day celebration. This may include making special clothing or other items (e.g. hot cross buns), particular activities on a farm (e.g. sowing the first seed, harvesting the last sheaf) or among particular craftsmen or artisans, or decorating a home, farm or town a certain way. Documentation should include your argument as to how your entry is appropriate for Saint Ursul’s feast-day. 3 prizes will be awarded – one for arts, one for science/technology, and one for the best item submitted by a youngster (under 16) Resources: You may view the existing Ursul stories online at http://www.baronyofaquaterra.org/events/ursulmas/Ursul.doc and http://www.baronyofaquaterra.org/events/ursulmas/UrsulmasXXIV.rtf Rules: Because of the site’s contract with its food vendor, we cannot cook/make anything edible/potable on-site. Documentation is recommended, not required. However, be aware that entries with no documentation will be judged against documented entries and may therefore suffer in comparison.

  • Documentation should consist of one to two pages, with at least one primary source and a bibliography.
  • If you don’t have documentation, you might want to consider giving an oral presentation, so that you can be sure that the judges know all there is to know about your entry.

Entries must be submitted by 3 PM on Saturday to the A&S area.

  • Entrants are encouraged to create a nice display for their entry.
  • If you wish to make an oral presentation, you can sign up for a time when you submit your entry.

Judges will use the Kingdom A&S contest judging form for Objects – entrants are encouraged to print one out to see what the judges are looking for. http://www.currentmiddleages.org/artsci/champions/forms.html Results will be announced at Closing Court on Sunday. Entries may be retrieved from the A&S area after Closing Court.

Arts and Sciences Contest #3: Costume contest House Wild Heart (aka Duchess Angharad and Mistress Arias) will be sponsoring a Costume Contest. The entries should be based upon pictures found in your favorite fairytale book, storybook, or Pre-Raphaelite painting.

  • They should be of a medieval nature.
  • Extra points for pretty.
  • Bring a copy of your documentation, i.e. the book, or a copy of the picture. *Prizes for best female and male costumes.

See event schedule for sign up deadline in the A&S area. Results will be announced at Closing Court on Sunday. Entries my be retrieved from the A&S area after Closing Court.

This year, there will also be a Costumed Bear Contest! (These bears will NOT be considered donations, unless the entrant specifies otherwise.) There will be Two Categories, each with a prize to be awarded:

The first category will be a Best Dressed Bear with Documentation, i.e. bring a photocopy of the portrait, painting, drawing, wood-cutting or whatever outfit the entrant is attempting to recreate for the bare minimum, all the way up through a research paper if you'd like--the more docs, the better, but don't forget to dress your bear or whatever. The winner will be able to choose between 6 yards of white jacquard (acrylic, subtle but feminine pattern of bouquets and ribbons), **OR** 12 yards of 1.5-inch ribbon trim (the colors are rose and beige with metallic accents with a decorative chevron motif) For this category, fuzzies other than bears WILL be accepted (don't let the name fool you!); entries without documentation, however, will be placed in the second category.

The second category will be a Populace Choice, no documentation whatsoever is required so long as your entry is clothed in a medieval style! (Ballot slips will be provided to write your vote upon). The prize will be 1 yard of cheetah pelt (faux fur), suitable for trimming cloaks, or just wrapping around the shoulders to keep warm on a cold Ursulmas night! Again, any species will be accepted.

Entrants will be accepted Noon to 2pm on Saturday, January 28th, in the Arena at Herald's Point (or track me down beforehand, but after Herald's Point has been set up). Judging will take place between 2pm and 4pm at Herald's Point in the Arena. Prizes will be awarded to the costumer; please include the costume-creator's name (SCA) on the entry papers.

Volunteers are needed for Gate, Constabulary, Chirurgeon, Heralding, Marshalling, Chatelaine’s Table, Gold Key, Set up and/or Take down, and at the Living History display. Your assistance is greatly appreciated toward making this the best Ursulmas ever. If everyone gives just two hours, very few should need to work more.

Site Fee: Weekend: Adults: ages 16 and up: $15; Minors: 7-15: $8; Children 6 & under: free. Day-trippers: Adults: ages 16 and up: $10; Minors: 7-15: $5; Children 6 & under: free. Non-member surcharge is in effect for all attendees age 16 and up. Please make checks payable to: Barony of Aquaterra, SCA, Inc.

Autocrat: HL Adrianna MacAVerr (Buzzy Mounce) (425) 218-1392 buzzy66@hotmail.com

Merchantcrats: Aine Paixdecour (Cheryl Morrison) (425) 513-2219 (before 8:30pm), and Leyna (Megan Roberts) (206) 355-5719. email: ursulmasmerchantcrat@hotmail.com

Reservocrat: (RVs) Baroness Arianne of Falconmoors (Ruth Janus) (425) 778-2359, jerand1@netscape.com

Living History: HL Fionnghuala Friseil (Fi MacKenzie) (425) 359-3914 ladyfi@verizon.net

Merchant List:

Arrow Leather, Autumn Creek, Burnt Village Wares, Cinphire Custom Candles, Clear Creek Pottery, Dal & Gais Arts & Hand Maiden Gifts, Dew Drop Inn, Dream Visions, Eagle Ridge, Eviless Stash, Fire Fox Leather & Fur, Gifts From Atlantis, Goosefoot Mead, Greystone Garb, Gryphonshold Merchants, Happy Rhino Pottery, Hardwick & Sons, Inc, House of the Silverwinds, 9 1/2 Fingers Armory, Hroswitha's Books and Patterns, Intriguing Designs, Laughing Dragon, Leather Mystics, Lighted Jewels, Michael's Mine, Pastiche, Inc, Peg Leg's Gifts and Crafts, Prose and Steel, Realm of Regalia, Red Troll Forge, Redwolf Ltd, Roxane's Silver Dragon, Runecraft Creations, Shaughnessy's, Sparrowhawk Studio, SwansDowne, Teddy's Tool & Tryout, The Badgers Den, The Contended Cat Pottery, The Creativity Works, The Domestic Goddess, The Magickal Aardvark, Ltd, The Merrye Hatterie, Thorhalle's Leather Shoppe, Tigre Celtique, and Wyevern Mercantyle.

Site Info: Name: Evergreen State Fairgrounds 14405 - 179th Ave SE Monroe, WA 98272

Directions to Site: From I-5 & Hwy 2: North or South take exit 194 to Hwy 2, East. Follow Hwy 2 toward Snohomish and Monroe for just over 13 miles. Turn left on 179th Ave SW just as you enter Monroe (before you get to Hwy 522). Turn right into the fairgrounds parking lot at the SCA sign.

From 405 & 522: Take Hwy 522 (Bothell/Woodinville interchange), East. Go all the way to the end of the highway. Turn right at the T-Junction, and right at the next light onto 179th Ave SW. Turn right into the fairgrounds parking lot at the SCA sign.

Event Highlights

Court Report

Below please find the court report of Their Royal Majesties Sven & Signy from Ursulmas this past weekend. Please note that this is not in any particular order.

Rodrekr ormstunga Sigmundson (Wyewood) - AoA

Utgar the Mad (Aquaterra) - AoA

Brenna Mac Thomas (Wyewood) - AoA

Harald Warwicker (Wyewood) - AoA

Iohannes Kelthammer (Madrone) - AoA

Patrick Macfynn (Wyewood) - AoA

Daði Mánaskröggr Vébrandsson (Aquaterra) - AoA

Effrick McBride (Aquaterra) - AoA

Cuthbert the Crass (Aquaterra) - AoA

Baron & Baroness (Aquaterra) Baronial change-over

Andreu Recheles (Aquaterra) - Court Barony

Fiamma the Unquenchable (Aquaterra) - Court Barony

Tessa Tazzi (Aquaterra) - Goutte de Sang

Utgar the Mad (Aquaterra) - Goutte de Sang

Mikael Drakelawe (Aquaterra) - Goutte de Sang

Soelig Sweteglee (Aquaterra) - Jambe de Lion

Andreu Recheles (Aquaterra) - Jambe de Lion

Fionnghuala Friseil (Aquaterra) - Jambe de Lion

All Peers & Populace who wish had an opportunity to swear Fealty

Joya Cederholt - Fruitcake War Event Announcement

Quentin Martel - Sir Edward Memorial Tournament Event Announcement

Baroness Rosamund of the Misty Meadows - Presentation of gifts to TRM

Black Lion Herald - Creation of Argent Scroll Herald

Black Lion Herald - Kingdom Heraldic Symposium Event Announcement

Shadra Alia - Presentation of belated InterKingdom Archery Competition 2004 Awards to Andras Truemark, Thor Bjorn, and Rowan Admundson

Duchess Angharad - Helm Auction results ($1,200 raised)

Costume Contest Results

TRM Sven & Signy - Presentation of gifts to Baron Andreu & Baronness Fiamma

TRM Sven & Signy - Presentation of gifts to Baron & Baroness (Aquaterra)

TRM Sven & Signy - Presentation of gifts to HL Adrianna MacIver (autocrat)

Kheron Azov (Tir Righ) - Muckin Tall Maul


Heavy Tourney pics from Clan Carn

Facebook album by Tacye de Maple.

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood