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Revision as of 03:48, 13 March 2011

10 April XLIV/2010
Shire of Lionsdale (Fraser Valley, BC)
Thora Golvik, Tomas de Courcy, Kayleigh de Leis
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Mission BC
Warm and sunny.
Heraldry Classes
Arts and Sciences Competition
Rapier Tournament
Armoured Combat Tournament
Meeting of the Tir Righ College of Heralds

Event Highlights

There were twelve heraldry classes, ranging from a beginners name class to conflict checking, to how to be a voice herald.

There was an A&S competition, heraldry in any medium, and Gwenne was the winner with her cake version of Queen Wrenn's arms
Warrick Drakkar won the Rapier Tourney, sponsored by Princess Gwyneth, and Sir Kennerick won the Heavy Tourney, sponsored by Prince Ieuan.
On the Sunday there was a meeting of the College of Heralds


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

At this event I recieved my Goutte. I was in the kitchen helping to put the finishing touches on the feast with my lady when we were told that we had to attend the first part of court. So we went to court and stood at the back so we could go back to working as soon as it was over. We knew that we would probably get called up with Thora as the autocrats. While there one of Their Highnesses retinue came up and let us know that the washroom attached to the royals room was out of toilet paper. I went to get some, and half way back to court after that I saw people at court waving me forward. Thinking that the autcrats had been called up I went forward, and Thora pulled myself and my lady half way up the isle, then pushed me ahead and she and my lady took a knee in the isle.

I got up to the front of court and bowed and knelt before Queen Wren. She said (I think) "I hear you do some wonderful things with something called the 'internet' and help people work things through over this 'e-mail'." I replied sheepishly "um... I suppose so?" I don't remember anything else untill she put a necklace around my neck and I was handed a scroll.

I think I got about half way back to the kitchen when the autocrats were called up in court. --Tomas de Courcy

Your memory here