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== Order of Precedence ==
== Order of Precedence ==
''(found at WayBack machine last known version of the  OP [http://web.archive.org/web/20070811185949/op.antirheralds.org/op/branches.html AN TIR Order of Precedence from 2007]''
''(found at WayBack machine [http://web.archive.org/web/20070811185949/op.antirheralds.org/op/branches.html c2007]''

1. Donwenna la Mareschale OP Rank 1176  
1. Donwenna la Mareschale OP Rank 1176  

Revision as of 18:53, 20 November 2009

The Shire of Earnrokke is located in the central region of An Tir, on beautiful Whidbey Island, WA. For more information go to Earnrokke website.


The premier event of Earnrokke is Summer Hunt.

Shire Ceremonials

Riderless Horse THE RIDERLESS HORSE comes forth Wearing Sir Jerald's Caparison

HERALD READS "It is right and fitting that members of the populace of An Tir who pass on be remembered and recognized for their presence and contributions to the the Shire of Earnrokke and to the Kingdom of An Tir. " "Today we honor Viscount Sir Jerald of Galloway and name the Shire of Earnrokke Equestrian Championship in his honor. For over 40 years , he was a great supporter of equestrian activities not only in this shire and kingdom, but also in the entire Known World. You see here before you, Valerius, one of the horses he often rode. Sir Jerald rode Valerius to third place one year in the Summer Hunt II Equestrian Championship; it was one of the last competitions he ever rode in. Today Valerius is again wearing Sir Jerald's tack: the caparison bearing his arms as well as a Celtic patterned bridle. " "This last year we also lost THL Karl Redstone. House Redstone has given the Shire of Earnrokke permission to give him tribute by naming our Heavy Weapons Championship in his honor. THL Karl Redstone founded the original shire on this island and upon his good works was Earnrokke created. Will House Redstone step forward and face the populace so all may acknowledge you on behalf of your founder Karl Redstone? " "And to day we also remember the good works of Baron Julian Farnsworth a Master of the Laurel and Pelican. The Shire of Earnrokke Archery Championship is named in his honor because he supported the creation of Earnrokke on many levels. At the first Summer Hunt, he suggested that the archers be allowed to run the Hunt Course, then he proceeded to show us how it was done! His run was an inspiration to us all . His Baroness Arianne created for Earnrokke, the Archery Championship token which sports one of Baron Julian's many archery awards. IF Baroness Arianne is present will she come forth on his behalf? " "In addition, the Shire of Earnrokke, is honored to host the Baron Mikel Olafr Memorial Thrown Weapons Championship. Baron Olafr was a Pelican and Seneschal of An Tir, but he known far and wide for his love of Thrown Weapons events. The champion of this event will be charged with carrying the Earnrokke Thrown Weapons Regalia both for the honor of the Earnrokke and in tribute to Baron Olafr."

"For each person we remember through the Shire of Earnrokke Memorial Championships: Viscount Sir Jerald of Galloway, Baron Julian Farnsworth, Master Mikel Olafr Ravensfuri, and THL Karl Redstone..... we will now bow our heads for a moment of silence."

Invocation of the Champions Champion Ceremonial of the Shire of Earnrokke Version: 2009

INVOCATION OF THE LIST-(optional) The populace being assembled, the herald shall call the fighters HERALD: Let all combatants who wish to compete for the title of Champion of Earnrokke in the Karl Redstone Memrial Championship present themselves before the populace. When they have assembled: HERALD: Today you enter the lists to vie for the honor of Champion of Earnrokke. The person who carries this title is sworn that whenever Earnrokke marshals their forces, there shall their Champion be to battle against all who would take up arms against Earnrokke. This is a grave responsibility, not to be undertaken lightly, for must know that by his deeds he shows forth the honor and chivalry of that court and Earnrokke to all the world.

Then the herald shall lead the combatants in the oath: HERALD: Do each of you now swear that should you be victorious this day you will fulfill the obligations of the Champion of Earnrokke and that you will abide by the laws of this Kingdom, and that you will bear yourself now and in the future with the honor and chivalry, virtue and loyalty which must mark the Champion of Earnrokke? FIGHTERS/EQUESTRIAN/THROWN WEAPONS/A&S CHAMPION CONTESTANTS: I so swear. HERALD: Make yourselves ready for the combat. Henceforth, let none but the chivalrous combatants and those with official business pertaining to the combat come within these precincts, until the combat is concluded.

THE FIRST ROUND (Optional) When it is time for the first round to begin the herald shall say: HERALD: People of Earnrokke! Attend now the List for the Champion of Earnrokke. Heralds to the fields! Marshals to the fields! Let the List begin! The heralds shall proclaim the pairings for the first round.

THE INVESTITURE (at Court) Return of the Regalia At their Majesties command, the herald shall call forth the old Champions for HW, EQUESTRIAN, TW, A&S: HERALD: _______________, Champions of Earnrokke, come before Their Majesties. Seneschal: _______________, you have nobly served An Tir as Champion. We release you from your duties with Our deepest thanks for your loyal service to Our Realm. CHAMPIONs: I return into Your keeping the Sword of State of Earnrokke and these tokens of the Champion of Earnrokke.

 The herald shall call the VICTORS FOR HW/EQUESTRIAN/TW/A&S-  forward.

HERALD: _______________, you have gained victory this day. Come forward. But, if no change is taking place the Champions shall remain kneeling. Seneschal (S): _______________, by your valor and skill you have won the title Champions of Earnrokke. Will you take the Champions's Oath? CHAMPIONS: I will. HERALD: Do you swear to faithfully discharge your duties as Champion of Earnrokke, to abide by the laws of the realm, and to loyally serve Earnrokke so long as you remain Champions? CHAMPIONSI so swear. Then giving him the Sword of Earnrokke,(And the other Champion regalia for each champion) the Seneschal says: Seneschal: We give this Regalia of Earnrokke into your keeping, and charge you each to deliver your regalia to Earnrokke at such time as Earnrokke has need and shall require it. Please rise and stand with me. As the Champion takes his place, the herald will exhort the cheers for new and outgoing Champions.

NOTES FOR THE HERALD (remind each champion that they have documents to sign with the Exchequer)

Champions of the Shire of Earnrokke

Summer Hunt IV • Heavy Weapons- Sir Hjilmr • Equestrian- • Arts and Sciences - • Archery -B Thrown Weapons

Order of Precedence

(found at WayBack machine c2007

1. Donwenna la Mareschale OP Rank 1176 Also known as: Donwenna Beast Healer Highest Current Award: Goutte de Sang Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke Also lived in: Midhaven

Award of Arms (Caid) Nov 22 AS 21 / 1986 Towers (Dreiburgen) May 21 AS 23 / 1988 Dolphin (Caid) Nov 19 AS 23 / 1988 Illuminated Tower (Dreiburgen) Mar 10 AS 24 / 1990 Harp Argent (Caid) Sept 23 AS 25 / 1990 Goutte de Sang June 12 AS 34 / 1999 Princess' Favor (Mists) Nov 16 AS 37 / 2002 Lancer (Dragon's Laire) Dec 31 AS 38 / 2003 A&S Champion (Shittimwoode) Apr 17 AS 38 / 2004 through Apr 23 AS 39 / 2005 Silver Dolphin (Aquaterra) May 15 AS 39 / 2004 Jambe de Lion June 25 AS 40 / 2005 Equestrian Champion (Dragon's Laire) June 26 AS 40 / 2005 through June 25 AS 41 / 2006 Lion et de la Lance Aug 27 AS 40 / 2005 Forget-me-not Jan 14 AS 40 / 2006 Equestrian Champion (Earnrokke) July 23 AS 41 / 2006 through June 9 AS 42 / 2007

2. Agelos Evienece OP Rank 1269

Highest Current Award: Jambe de Lion Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke Also lived in: Dreiburgen (Caid), Gyldenholt (Caid), Midhaven

Award of Arms (Caid) Oct 14 AS 13 / 1978 Foret d'Or (Gyldenholt) June 26 AS 17 / 1982 Cresent Sword (Caid) Feb 6 AS 22 / 1988 Illuminated Tower (Dreiburgen) Oct 30 AS 28 / 1993 Harp Argent (Caid) Jan 13 AS 30 / 1996 Equestrian Champion (Dragon's Laire) Oct 7 AS 35 / 2000 through Oct 6 AS 36 / 2001 Jambe de Lion May 19 AS 36 / 2001 Equestrian Champion (Dragon's Laire) Oct 6 AS 36 / 2001 through Oct 5 AS 37 / 2002 Inter Kingdom Equestrian Champion (SCA) Apr 30 AS 36 / 2002 through Apr 30 AS 37 / 2003 Inter Kingdom Equestrian Champion (SCA) Apr 30 AS 37 / 2003 through Apr 30 AS 38 / 2004 Inter Kingdom Equestrian Champion (SCA) Apr 30 AS 38 / 2004 through Apr 30 AS 39 / 2005 Silver Dolphin (Aquaterra) May 15 AS 39 / 2004 Equestrian Champion (Dragon's Laire) June 27 AS 39 / 2004 through June 26 AS 40 / 2005 Forget-me-not Feb 20 AS 39 / 2005 Dragon's Flame (Dragon's Laire) June 26 AS 40 / 2005 Lion et de la Lance Aug 27 AS 40 / 2005 Goutte de Sang Oct 1 AS 40 / 2005 Equestrian Champion (Dragon's Laire) Oct 7 AS 41 / 2006 through Oct 6 AS 42 / 2007

3. Johannes Von Morgarten OP Rank 1843 Also known as: Johanness Von Thun Highest Current Award: Goutte de Sang Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke

Award of Arms Jan 22 AS 39 / 2005 Goutte de Sang Sept 2 AS 41 / 2006

4. Nevar of Boarshead OP Rank 4187 Also known as: Burda Dun Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke Also lived in: Druim Doineann, Dragon's Laire

Award of Arms Aug 14 AS 39 / 2004

5. Fiona of Boarshead OP Rank 4189

Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke Also lived in: Druim Doineann,Dragon's Laire

Award of Arms Aug 14 AS 39 / 2004

6. Arjay of Eagle Ridge OP Rank 4308

Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke

Award of Arms Jan 22 AS 39 / 2005

7. Elizabeth of Eagle Ridge OP Rank 4312

Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke

Award of Arms Jan 22 AS 39 / 2005

8. Arn Ansgar OP Rank 4412

Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke

Award of Arms June 25 AS 40 / 2005

9. John the Immobile OP Rank 4420

Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke

Award of Arms June 25 AS 40 / 2005

10. Maghnus O'Ruairc OP Rank 4421

Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: CAID Also lived in: Earnrokke

Award of Arms June 25 AS 40 / 2005

11. Mevanwy verch Gwion OP Rank 4422

Highest Current Award: Award of Arms Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke

Award of Arms June 25 AS 40 / 2005

12. Giraldus Evienece OP Rank 4771

Highest Current Award: Lion et de la Lance Current/Last Known Branch: Earnrokke Lion et de la Lance FEB 2007 (Midhaven Youth Allthing)

Lion's Cub Aug 27 AS 40 / 2005 Award of Arms Sept 2 AS 41 / 2006


Shire of Earnrokke on FACEBOOK