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I believe it was on Wednesday that Jannah, myself and MeiLan decided to go to Lloydminster for a few supplies.  Jannah and I had started preparations for the Stone Soup we were going to have that night for dinner, but the guys were going to finish it if we didn't return in time.
We got back at about 4:30 - still lots of time to finish the soup, but it was STORMING!!  Literally, buckets were pouring down.  I guess Thor decided that since we were going to have stone soup for dinner, it would be a good idea to make the weather co-operate.  After all, who wants soup when it's hot out?? 
We ended up feeding over 30 people inside the Gher.  We had people on both beds, children sprawled on the mats on the floor, and all the available chairs inside as well!  It was surreal - we had made 2 huge pots of soup, and bought an enormous bag of buns.  Turns out we could have doubled the soup and buns and still ran out!  The soup was popular, and because of the weather, needed by everyone to warm back up.  I had a blast tho - very definately the memory I treasure and laugh about.
--[(HL Bryjna Lovisdottir of Axewater)]

Revision as of 17:52, 18 August 2008

Quad War XLIII

Quad War home page

July 31 - August 4, 2008
Montengarde (Calgary, AB)
Morrigan Clubfoot
Alfheimland (Marsden, SK)
(Windy but warm)
Archery tournaments
Rapier tournaments and melee
Equestrian tournaments
Torchlight rapier tourney
A&S competitions
THUA A&S and combat arts classes (THUA = Their Highnesses' University of Avacal)
Children's activities

Event Highlights

Quad War 2008 was a series of competitions in all areas of the SCA between teams lead by The Avacal Coronets and Their Heirs. Each Avacalian and every visitor participating in the war either pledged for a team or agreed to even the odds. In the end, Prince Einar Vikingsson and Tanist Toryn Davinsson opted for a gentlemanly tie, rather then tear their family and principality apart with war.

Friday night was the Prince's Challenge fundraiser, which saw the three Baronies of Avacal (Borealis, Montengarde and Myrgan Wood) compete for "favored Child status. Food and libations were served and voted on. Borealis was the winner and now has the honour of being the first (of the three Baronies) in the royal procession for the reign of the Prince and the Tanist. Money raised (over $1800) was donated to the Principality and Kingdom travel funds.

Saturday and Sunday afternoons had the armoured scenarios as well as war points for Rapier, Archery and A&S.

Saturday night was the infamous Wench Wars and Grotto Party.

In total, the event broke records with 515 people in attendance, including 59 children.


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood

I believe it was on Wednesday that Jannah, myself and MeiLan decided to go to Lloydminster for a few supplies. Jannah and I had started preparations for the Stone Soup we were going to have that night for dinner, but the guys were going to finish it if we didn't return in time.

We got back at about 4:30 - still lots of time to finish the soup, but it was STORMING!! Literally, buckets were pouring down. I guess Thor decided that since we were going to have stone soup for dinner, it would be a good idea to make the weather co-operate. After all, who wants soup when it's hot out??

We ended up feeding over 30 people inside the Gher. We had people on both beds, children sprawled on the mats on the floor, and all the available chairs inside as well! It was surreal - we had made 2 huge pots of soup, and bought an enormous bag of buns. Turns out we could have doubled the soup and buns and still ran out! The soup was popular, and because of the weather, needed by everyone to warm back up. I had a blast tho - very definately the memory I treasure and laugh about.

--[(HL Bryjna Lovisdottir of Axewater)]