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Courtier of Blatha an Oir,                            November 2020
Courtier of Blatha an Oir,                            November 2020

Latest revision as of 08:00, 30 May 2024


Born 1514 in Timpendeane Castle, owned by Andrew Douglas, in the lowlands of Scotland.

I was taught from age of 9 in style of humanism, Erasmus, and new learning. My father was ambitious, he wanted me educated but also wanted me to learn for sake of his career at court. My mother died during my birth, and grandmother saw to raising us with the help of our mother's old nurse from her childhood. Father was from a low noble family, being cousin to George 4th Laird of Bonjenward, father was trained and employed as a bard, and served the 5th Earl of Angus. My mother was gentry her father having made money in wool trading in Bruges. She was widowed early, her first husband had left money and connections. Grandmother taught me about Margaret Stewart the Dauphine of France, and her writings and poems. She gave me a copy of the Book of The City of Ladies, by Christine de Pizan, for a 12th night gift, which I credit with instilling in me the importance of education.

"Not all men (and especially the wisest) share the opinion that it is bad for women to be educated. But it is very true that many foolish men have claimed this because it displeased them that women knew more than they did.” Christine de Pizan.

I Studied languages, music, prose, and learned from Bards in the art of praise poetry. I had hoped one day for a position at court. I wrote several love ballads and performed them for nobility at court when I was just a girl.

Father was a favorite bard of King James IV, who strove to make his court a centre of refinement and learning. He patronized literature, licensed Scotland’s first printers, and improved education. King James died in 1513 at the Battle of Flodden, and father was broken having seen his great king fall. Father was never the same and withdrew from court life.

I was married in 1527 at the age of 13, 1 year prior to father's death, to a notary who was a cousin to the Earl of Angus, and we were given a freelandhold and I gave birth to one son a year later. My husband succumbed to a wasting sickness in the summer of 1529 and I was left to raise my son. Eventually Archibald Douglas found himself on the wrong side of the Kings favor, having too long kept James V under his thumb. The Earl fled and his lands were seized. I returned to my mother's family, where I lived with my cousin and her husband. I eventually remarried a trader who is oft away at sea.

SCA achievements

In the SCA I have served as Blatha an Oir Bardic Champion, AS 52, and as the An Tir Kingdom Bardic Champion, AS 53.

I have focused my time in the SCA on performing and encourage/promoting the arts. I recently apprenticed to Mistress Sigridis Gala Eiriksdottir, working on expanding my library of short stories and poems. I enjoy dramatic readings and performances, and writing original Renaissance style pieces. I also sing, and am mainly known for singing in Gaelic.

  • April 2016, Celtic Bardic Champion entrant.
  • April, 2017 Co-steward of Embers and Ambrosia, and Celtic Bardic champion entrant.
  • August, 2017 Autumn War, Ran bardic war point competition on behalf of current champion.
  • February, 2018 Candelmas, volunteered to teach Bardic 101 class. Also performed for the populace an original filk (written on site) and Gaelic songs.
  • April, 2018 Event steward Embers and Ambrosia, also winner of Celtic bardic championship.
  • July, 2018 AT/W war, performed at inter-kingdom bardic circle and volunteered to run a children's story hour on Friday afternoon.
  • August, 2018 Autumn War. Planned and executed bardic war point competition, organized judges and judging forms, also wrote original Shakespearean style play and performed for the populace and was winner of the bardic war point.
  • September, 2018 Sept. Crown; volunteered to perform on bardic stage (due to evening court was unable to perform).
  • September BaO Lord Defenders, provided resources and encouragement to new comers on bardic arts.
  • October, 2018 Arts Unframed; attended to discuss how to find bardic inspiration.
  • November 2018 Kingdom Bardic Champion.
  • December 2018 performed at Aquaterra Yule at request of Aquaterra bardic champion.
  • December 2018 Performed at Glymm Yule at the request of GM bardic champion.
  • January 2019, Performed at Ursulmas bardic stage.
  • March, 2019 Candelmas. Taught class on medieval and renaissance “rounds”, period songs that are simple to learn and sing.
  • April 2nd, 2019 Judge for Glymm Mere’s baronial bardic championship.
  • April 27, 2019 Embers and Ambrosia /Celtic Bardic; organized and judged 2019 bardic championship.
  • May Crown 2019- organized and hosted Friday night bardic circle at Aquaterra pavilion.
  • June 8 2019 Performing at June Faire bardic stage.
  • June 29, 2019- Athenaeum participant.
  • July 2020 Road to Athenaeum participant

I Have started Bardic Salons at first Thorsday baronial socials in order to foster and grow the bardic arts in our community. Have declared as a Sergeant Courtier Candidate of BaO with my main focus being bardic arts.

SCA Awards.

Golden Blossom (Blatha An Oir) By: Gernon Valletort du Harfleur, Aisha al Zahra Feb 11, 2017 (AS LI)

Award of Arms (An Tir) By: Styrkarr Jarlsskald, Dagrun Stjarna Apr 29, 2017 (AS LI)

Baroness' Favor (Blatha An Oir) By: Aisha al Zahra Apr 27, 2018 (AS LII)

Bardic Champion (Blatha An Oir) By: Gernon Valletort du Harfleur, Aisha al Zahra Apr 27, 2018 (AS LII)

Baroness' Favor (Blatha An Oir) By: Aisha al Zahra Aug 18, 2018 (AS LIII)

Kingdom Bardic Champion (An Tir) Nov 11, 2018 (AS LIII)

Panther's Torch (Blatha An Oir) By: Gernon Valletort du Harfleur, Aisha al Zahra Nov 17, 2018 (AS LIII)

Jambe de Lion (An Tir) July 20, 2019 (AS LIV) By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona

Courtier of Blatha an Oir, November 2020