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'''Championships & Titles'''
'''Championships & Titles'''

Alpine Scholar (Summits) -
Laurel -                                                      July, 15 2023 (AS LVIII)
By: Njall Tjorkilsson, Ellisif in Vaena  Feb. 9, 2019 (AS LIII)
By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor

Bardic Defender (Corvaria) -
Pelican -                                                     July, 15 2023 (AS LVIII)
Apr. 17, 2018 (AS LII)
By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor

Viscountess (Summits) -
Alpine Scholar (Summits)
By: Ziitos Turk, Vesta Antonia Aurelia, Tryggr Tyresson  Dec. 12, 2015 (AS L)  
By: Weylyn ibn Rustam, Lin Dis de Aquisgranno                  Feb. 18, 2023 (AS LVII)

Princess #39 of the Summits (Summits) -
Captain of Eagles (Summits)
By: Tryggr Tyresson  June 20, 2015 (AS L) through Dec. 13, 2015 (AS L)  
By: Antoine a la Langue d'Or, Kathren of Carnforth              Aug. 24, 2019 (AS LIV)

Tanista #39 of the Summits (Summits) -
Alpine Scholar (Summits)
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton  Mar. 21, 2015 (AS XLIX) through Jun 20, 2015 (AS L)  
By: Njall Tjorkilsson, Ellisif in Vaena                        Feb. 9, 2019 (AS LIII)

Captain of Eagles (Summits) -
Bardic Defender (Corvaria) –                                    Apr. 17, 2018 (AS LII)
By: Diego Rodrigues de Cordoba, Taraneh al Zahra   Sept. 20, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Viscountess (Summits) –
By: Ziitos Turk, Vesta Antonia Aurelia, Tryggr Tyresson        Dec. 12, 2015 (AS L) 
Princess #39 of the Summits (Summits) –
By: Tryggr Tyresson                                            June 20, 2015 (AS L) through Dec. 13, 2015 (AS L)
Tanista #39 of the Summits (Summits) –
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton              Mar. 21, 2015 (AS XLIX) through Jun 20, 2015 (AS L)
Captain of Eagles (Summits)
By: Diego Rodrigues de Cordoba, Taraneh al Zahra               Sept. 20, 2014 (AS XLIX)


Fundraising Auction Coordinator for Summits Travel Coronets -
On-Site Class Coordinator Collegium -                           Nov. 11, 2022 (LVII)
Sept. 15, 2018 (AS LIII)

Event Steward Harvest Tourney -         Aug. 24 - 26, 2018 (AS LIII)
Royal Patron Shire of Southmarch -                             Aug. 2022 (AS LVII)

Principality of the Summits Chronicler - Sept. 2018 - present (AS LIII - present)
Sovereign's Lance (Mists, West)                                Nov. 19, 2022 (AS LVII)

Shire of Corvaria Archery Officer - Jan. 2018 - present (AS LII - present)
Marshal In Charge for Target Archery An Tir West War –          July 2022 (AS LVII)

Principality of the Summits Chatelaine - 2013 - 2015 (AS XLVIII - L)
Judge Arts & Science for An Tir KASB –                         Mar. 12, 2022 (AS LVI)

Shire of Corvaria Scribe -                         2008 (AS XLIII)
Judge Arts & Science for Bear and Apple Championships –         Oct. 19, 2019 (AS LIV)
Fundraising Auction Coordinator for Summits Travel Coronets – Sept. 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
Event Steward Harvest Tourney –         Aug. 24 - 26, 2018 (AS LIII)
Principality of the Summits Chronicler – Sept. 2018 - 2020 (AS LIII - AS LV)
Shire of Corvaria Archery Officer – Jan. 2018 - 2020 (AS LII - AS LV)
Principality of the Summits Chatelaine – 2013 - 2015 (AS XLVIII - AS L)
Shire of Corvaria Scribe                         2008 (AS XLIII)


Head of Retinue – Ziitos Gyorgi Turk & Seamus O’Caellaigh - Dec. – June 2018 (AS LIII)
Grail Bearer - Ivan Shield Bane & Mina de filia Philipe        June 2023 - Dec. 2023 (AS LVIII)

Head Lady-in-Waiting – William Geoffrey & Diana de Winterton - Dec. – Mar. 2015 (AS L)
Court Coordinator - Weylyn ibn Rustam & Lindis de Aquisgranno  Dec. 2022 (AS LVII)

Court Coordinator Brian Caius Britannicus and Acacia Gryffyn - June – Dec. 2011 (AS XLVI)
Sovereign's Lance - Neil Greenstone & Kelsy Aylesworth -        Nov. 2022 - May 2023 (AS LVII - AS LVIII)

Personal Scribe to Brogan O’Bryant & Johanna Kjoppmanndtr - June - Dec. 2009  (AS XLIV)
Grail Bearer - Kenric Maur & Dagmar the Red  June 2019 -       Dec. 2021 (AS LIV - AS LVI)

Lady in Waiting – Acacia Gryffyn - Mar. – June 2009 (AS XLIV)
Head of Retinue – Ziitos Gyorgi Turk & Seamus O’Caellaigh Dec. – June 2018 (AS LIII)
Head Lady-in-Waiting – William Geoffrey & Diana de Winterton Dec. – Mar. 2015 (AS L)
Court Coordinator – Brian Caius Britannicus and Acacia Gryffyn June – Dec. 2011 (AS XLVI)
Personal Scribe – Brogan O’Bryant & Johanna Kjoppmanndtr June - Dec. 2009  (AS XLIV)
Lady in Waiting – Acacia Gryffyn Mar. – June 2009 (AS XLIV)


History of Courtesy & the SCA Bear Apple Oct. 20, 2018 (AS 53)
Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Egil’s  May 28, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Tain Bo  May 13, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Summits War Song                                All Fool's Reunion    April 2, 2022 (AS LVI)
Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Kingdom A&S  March 7, 2020 (AS LIV)

Retinue 101 Bar Gemels - Apr. 28, 2018 (AS 52)
Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults An Tir West War July 6, 2019 (AS LIV)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Egil’s - May 28, 2017 (AS 52)
Shakespeare intensive on Macbeth An Tir West War July 5, 2019 (AS LIV)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults May Revel - May 7, 2016  (AS 51)
History of Courtesy & the SCA Bear Apple Oct. 20, 2018 (AS LIII)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults All Fools - Apr. 2, 2016  (AS 50)
Retinue 101 Bar Gemels Apr. 28, 2018 (AS LII)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Egil’s  May 28, 2017 (AS LII)
Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults May Revel May 7, 2016  (AS LI)
Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults All Fools Apr. 2, 2016 (AS L)


Junior Marshal - Armored Combat Spear, Two-Handed, Weapon & Shield
Senior Marshal – Missile Combat     Bow & Arrow, Hand Thrown Weapons
By: Geirleikr Vedrson Expires 11/12/2021
By: John de Percy  Expires 4/09/2026

Junior Marshal - Target Archery
Junior Marshal – Armored Combat Spear, Two-Handed, Weapon & Shield
By: Tryggr Tyresson Expires 11/12/2021
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue Expires 02/06/2026
Senior Marshal – Target Archery
By: William Cristofore of Devonshire Expires 02/06/2026


Award of Arms (An Tir) -
Award of Arms (An Tir) –                                        Aug. 25, 2007 (AS XLII)
By: Tiernan mor dal Cais, Miranda mor ingen Fhailtigern   Aug. 25, 2007 (AS XLII) 
By: Tiernan mor dal Cais, Miranda mor ingen Fhailtigern        

Astrolabe of Saint Brendan (Summits) -
Astrolabe of Saint Brendan (Summits) –                          Aug. 16, 2008 (AS XLIII)
By: Gustav Beiskaldarazi, Sofia Matriani della Tempesta   Aug. 16, 2008 (AS XLIII) 
By: Gustav Beiskaldarazi, Sofia Matriani della Tempesta          

Raven's Friend (Corvaria) -
Raven's Friend (Corvaria) –                                    Aug. 16, 2008 (AS XLIII)  
By: N/A  Aug. 16, 2008 (AS XLIII)   
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      June 20, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Brian of Ledbury, Acacia Gryffyn   

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) -
Grail of the Summits – Service (Summits) –                      Aug. 29, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Brian of Ledbury, Acacia Gryffyn  June 20, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Brogan O'Bryant, Johanna Kjoppmanndtr   

Grail of the Summits - Service (Summits) -
Silver Barberry (Summits) –                                    Dec. 12, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Brogan O'Bryant, Johanna Kjoppmanndtr  Aug. 29, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Johanna Kjoppmanndtr   

Silver Barberry (Summits) -
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) –                                      Dec. 12, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Johanna Kjoppmanndtr  Dec. 12, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Brogan O'Bryant   

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) -
Silver Barberry (Summits) –                                    Dec. 10, 2011 (AS XLVI)
By: Brogan O'Bryant  Dec. 12, 2009 (AS XLIV)
By: Acacia Gryffyn   

Silver Barberry (Summits) -
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) –                                      Dec 10, 2011 (AS XLVI)
By: Acacia Gryffyn  Dec. 10, 2011 (AS XLVI)
By: Brian Caius Brittanicus   

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) -
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      Dec 10, 2011 (AS XLVI)
By: Brian Caius Brittanicus  Dec 10, 2011 (AS XLVI)
By: Brian Caius Brittanicus, Acacia Gryffyn   

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) -
Grail of the Summits - A&S (Summits) –                          Apr. 7, 2012 (AS XLVI)
By: Brian Caius Brittanicus, Acacia Gryffyn  Dec. 10, 2011 (AS XLVI)
By: Laurs surtr, Ætta surt   

Grail of the Summits - A&S (Summits) -
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      June 16, 2012 (AS XLVII)
By: Laurs surtr, Ætta surt   Apr. 7, 2012 (AS XLVI) 
By: Laurs surtr, Ætta surt  

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) -
Forget-me-not (An Tir) –                                        Jan. 12, 2013 (AS XLVII)  
By: Laurs surtr, Ætta surt  June 16, 2012 (AS XLVII)
By: Astrid av det Fjord Landskap     

Forget-me-not (An Tir) -
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) –                                      Sept. 21, 2013 (AS XLVIII)  
By: Astrid av det Fjord Landskap  Jan. 12, 2013 (AS XLVII)    
By: Ieuan Gower, Gwyneth Gower   

Goutte de Sang (An Tir) -
Grail of the Summits – Officer Service (Summits) –              Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
By: Ieuan Gower, Gwyneth Gower  Sept. 21, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna   

Grail of the Summits - Officer Service (Summits) -
Silver Barberry (Summits) –                                    Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)  
By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna  Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
By: Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna   

Silver Barberry (Summits) -
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) –                                      Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
By: Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna  Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
By: Keith the Wanderer   

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) -
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)  
By: Keith the Wanderer  Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna   

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) -
Belated Barberry (Summits) –                                    Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)  
By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna  Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII) 
By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna   

Belated Barberry (Summits) -
Grail of the Summits - Martial (Summits) –                      Mar. 5, 2015 (AS XLIX)
By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna  Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII) 
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton   

Grail of the Summits - Martial (Summits) -
Silver Arrow (Summits) –                                        Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton   Mar. 5, 2015 (AS XLIX) 
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      June 20, 2015 (AS L)
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton  

Silver Arrow (Summits) -
Silver Barberry (Summits) –                                    June 20, 2015 (AS L)
Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
By: Diana de Winterton   
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) –                                      June 20, 2015 (AS L)  
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue   

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) -
Forget-me-not (An Tir) –                                        July 4, 2015 (AS L)                                
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton  June 20, 2015 (AS L)
By: Dalla in Fagra   

Silver Barberry (Summits) -
Throne's Favor of An Tir (An Tir) –                            Dec. 12, 2015 (AS L)
By: Diana de Winterton   June 20, 2015 (AS L)  
By: Havordh Ættarbani, Mary Grace of Gatland   
Silver Barberry (Summits) –                                    Apr. 2, 2016 (AS L) 
By: Vesta Antonia Aurelia    
Inspirational Consort (An Tir) –                                Sept. 3, 2016 (AS LI)
By: Kjartan Daegarson, Sha'ya Kjartanskona 
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) -
Inspiration for the Summits Shield of Chivalry –                Sept. 16, 2016 (AS LI)
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue  June 20, 2015 (AS L)   
Throne's Favor of An Tir (An Tir) –                            May 29, 2017 (AS LII)
By: Styrkarr Jarlsskald, Dagrun Stjarna   
Coeur d'Azur (Mists) –                                          May 19, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Tuomas, Snorri   
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) –                                      June 23, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Ziitos Turk   
Silver Barberry (Summits) –                                    June 23, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Seamus O'Caellaigh   
Heart of the Summits (Summits) –                                June 23, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh   
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      June 23, 2018 (AS LIII)   
By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh   
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      Sept. 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton 
Order of the Summits (Summits) –                                Dec. 8, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton 

Forget-me-not (An Tir) -
Princess' Talon of Favor (Tir Righ) –                          Feb 16, 2019 (AS LIII)
By: Dalla in Fagra  July 4, 2015 (AS L)
By: Mary Grace of Gatland

Throne's Favor of An Tir (An Tir) -
Scholar of An Tir (An Tir) –                                    Mar 4, 2019 (AS LIII)
By: Havordh Ættarbani, Mary Grace of Gatland  Dec. 12, 2015 (AS L) 
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona

Silver Barberry (Summits) -
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) –                                        May 25, 2019 (AS LIV)
By: Vesta Antonia Aurelia  Apr. 2, 2016 (AS L) 
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona

Inspirational Consort (An Tir) -
Seamair (Stromgard) –                                          Jun 22, 2019 (AS LIV)
By: Kjartan Daegarson, Sha'ya Kjartanskona  Sept. 3, 2016 (AS LI)
By: Hlutwige Wolfkiller

Inspiration for the Summits Shield of Chivalry - 
Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) –                      Dec. 14, 2019 (AS LIV)
Sept. 16, 2016 (AS LI)
By: Antoine a la Langue d'Or, Kathren of Carnforth

Throne's Favor of An Tir (An Tir) -
Jewel of the Summits                                            Feb. 15, 2020 (AS LIV)
By: Styrkarr Jarlsskald, Dagrun Stjarna  May 29, 2017 (AS LII) 
By: Kenric Maur, Dagmar the Red

Coeur d'Azur (Mists) -
Silver Arrow                                                    Apr. 23, 2022 (AS LVI)
By: Tuomas, Snorri  May 19, 2018 (AS LIII) 
By: Kenric Maur, Dagmar the Red

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) -
Silver Sleeve                                                  May 14, 2022 (AS LVII)
By: Ziitos Turk  June 23, 2018 (AS LIII) 
By: Luciano Foscari, Tessina Felice Gianfigliazzi

Silver Barberry (Summits) -
Defender of the West -                                         Oct. 7, 2022 (LVII)
By: Seamus O'Caellaigh  June 23, 2018 (AS LIII)

Heart of the Summits (Summits) -
Silver Barberry -                                              Dec. 10, 2022 (LVII)
By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh  June 23, 2018 (AS LIII) 
By: Emma von Bern

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) -
Gryphon's Paw -                                                Dec. 10, 2022 (LVII)
By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh  June 23, 2018 (AS LIII) 
By: Bato

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) -
Joy of the Summits -                                            Dec. 10, 2022 (LVII)
By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton  Sept. 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Bato, Emma von Bern

Order of the Summits (Summits) -
Forget-Me-Not -                                                Jan. 14, 2023 (LVII)
By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton  Dec. 8, 2018 (AS LIII)
By: Achaxe Ek Auchatae

Princess' Talon of Favor (Tir Righ)
Heart of the Summits -                                          Feb. 18, 2023 (LVII)
By: Mary Grace of Gatland Feb 16, 2019 (AS LIII)
By: Weylyn ibn Rustam, Lindis de Aquisgranno

Scholar of An Tir (An Tir)
Scholar of An Tir -                                            Feb. 25, 2023 (LVII)
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona Mar 4, 2019 (AS LIII)
By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor

Jambe de Lion (An Tir)
Inspiration for the Summits Shield of Chivalry -                Mar. 18, 2023 (LVII)
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona May 25, 2019 (AS LIV)
By: Lindis de Aquisgranno

Seamair (Stromgard)
Silver Barberry -                                              May 6, 2023 (LVIII)
By: Hlutwige Wolfkiller Jun 22, 2019 (AS LIV)
By: Lindis de Aquisgranno

Throne Favor of the Summits -                                  May 6, 2023 (LVIII)
By: Weylyn ibn Rustam, Lindis de Aquisgranno
Gryphon's Paw -                                                May 13, 2023 (LVIII)
By: Weylyn ibn Rustam
Coeur d'Azure (Mists) -                                        May 20, 2023 (LVIII)
By: Neil Greenstone, Kelsy Aylesworth
Jewel of the Summits                                            Feb. 10, 2023 (AS LVIII)
By: Finn Grim Baneson, Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia


Illuminated manuscripts

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Heavy Combat
Heavy Combat
Squire to Viscount Sir William Geoffrey the Rogue
'''In Case of Elevation'''
I would want my husband and children present for the ceremony.

Latest revision as of 15:05, 30 May 2024

Championships & Titles

Laurel - July, 15 2023 (AS LVIII) By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor

Pelican - July, 15 2023 (AS LVIII) By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor

Alpine Scholar (Summits) – By: Weylyn ibn Rustam, Lin Dis de Aquisgranno Feb. 18, 2023 (AS LVII)

Captain of Eagles (Summits) – By: Antoine a la Langue d'Or, Kathren of Carnforth Aug. 24, 2019 (AS LIV)

Alpine Scholar (Summits) – By: Njall Tjorkilsson, Ellisif in Vaena Feb. 9, 2019 (AS LIII)

Bardic Defender (Corvaria) – Apr. 17, 2018 (AS LII)

Viscountess (Summits) – By: Ziitos Turk, Vesta Antonia Aurelia, Tryggr Tyresson Dec. 12, 2015 (AS L)

Princess #39 of the Summits (Summits) – By: Tryggr Tyresson June 20, 2015 (AS L) through Dec. 13, 2015 (AS L)

Tanista #39 of the Summits (Summits) – By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton Mar. 21, 2015 (AS XLIX) through Jun 20, 2015 (AS L)

Captain of Eagles (Summits) – By: Diego Rodrigues de Cordoba, Taraneh al Zahra Sept. 20, 2014 (AS XLIX)


On-Site Class Coordinator Collegium - Nov. 11, 2022 (LVII)

Royal Patron Shire of Southmarch - Aug. 2022 (AS LVII)

Sovereign's Lance (Mists, West) Nov. 19, 2022 (AS LVII)

Marshal In Charge for Target Archery An Tir West War – July 2022 (AS LVII)

Judge Arts & Science for An Tir KASB – Mar. 12, 2022 (AS LVI)

Judge Arts & Science for Bear and Apple Championships – Oct. 19, 2019 (AS LIV)

Fundraising Auction Coordinator for Summits Travel Coronets – Sept. 15, 2018 (AS LIII)

Event Steward Harvest Tourney – Aug. 24 - 26, 2018 (AS LIII)

Principality of the Summits Chronicler – Sept. 2018 - 2020 (AS LIII - AS LV)

Shire of Corvaria Archery Officer – Jan. 2018 - 2020 (AS LII - AS LV)

Principality of the Summits Chatelaine – 2013 - 2015 (AS XLVIII - AS L)

Shire of Corvaria Scribe – 2008 (AS XLIII)


Grail Bearer - Ivan Shield Bane & Mina de filia Philipe June 2023 - Dec. 2023 (AS LVIII)

Court Coordinator - Weylyn ibn Rustam & Lindis de Aquisgranno Dec. 2022 (AS LVII)

Sovereign's Lance - Neil Greenstone & Kelsy Aylesworth - Nov. 2022 - May 2023 (AS LVII - AS LVIII)

Grail Bearer - Kenric Maur & Dagmar the Red June 2019 - Dec. 2021 (AS LIV - AS LVI)

Head of Retinue – Ziitos Gyorgi Turk & Seamus O’Caellaigh Dec. – June 2018 (AS LIII)

Head Lady-in-Waiting – William Geoffrey & Diana de Winterton Dec. – Mar. 2015 (AS L)

Court Coordinator – Brian Caius Britannicus and Acacia Gryffyn June – Dec. 2011 (AS XLVI)

Personal Scribe – Brogan O’Bryant & Johanna Kjoppmanndtr June - Dec. 2009 (AS XLIV)

Lady in Waiting – Acacia Gryffyn Mar. – June 2009 (AS XLIV)


Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Egil’s May 28, 2023 (AS LVIII)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Tain Bo May 13, 2023 (AS LVIII)

Summits War Song All Fool's Reunion April 2, 2022 (AS LVI)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Kingdom A&S March 7, 2020 (AS LIV)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults An Tir West War July 6, 2019 (AS LIV)

Shakespeare intensive on Macbeth An Tir West War July 5, 2019 (AS LIV)

History of Courtesy & the SCA Bear Apple Oct. 20, 2018 (AS LIII)

Retinue 101 Bar Gemels Apr. 28, 2018 (AS LII)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults Egil’s May 28, 2017 (AS LII)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults May Revel May 7, 2016 (AS LI)

Introduction to Shakespeare with Insults All Fools Apr. 2, 2016 (AS L)


Senior Marshal – Missile Combat Bow & Arrow, Hand Thrown Weapons By: John de Percy Expires 4/09/2026

Junior Marshal – Armored Combat Spear, Two-Handed, Weapon & Shield By: William Geoffrey the Rogue Expires 02/06/2026

Senior Marshal – Target Archery By: William Cristofore of Devonshire Expires 02/06/2026


Award of Arms (An Tir) – Aug. 25, 2007 (AS XLII) By: Tiernan mor dal Cais, Miranda mor ingen Fhailtigern

Astrolabe of Saint Brendan (Summits) – Aug. 16, 2008 (AS XLIII) By: Gustav Beiskaldarazi, Sofia Matriani della Tempesta

Raven's Friend (Corvaria) – Aug. 16, 2008 (AS XLIII)

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – June 20, 2009 (AS XLIV) By: Brian of Ledbury, Acacia Gryffyn

Grail of the Summits – Service (Summits) – Aug. 29, 2009 (AS XLIV) By: Brogan O'Bryant, Johanna Kjoppmanndtr

Silver Barberry (Summits) – Dec. 12, 2009 (AS XLIV) By: Johanna Kjoppmanndtr

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) – Dec. 12, 2009 (AS XLIV) By: Brogan O'Bryant

Silver Barberry (Summits) – Dec. 10, 2011 (AS XLVI) By: Acacia Gryffyn

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) – Dec 10, 2011 (AS XLVI) By: Brian Caius Brittanicus

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – Dec 10, 2011 (AS XLVI) By: Brian Caius Brittanicus, Acacia Gryffyn

Grail of the Summits - A&S (Summits) – Apr. 7, 2012 (AS XLVI) By: Laurs surtr, Ætta surt

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – June 16, 2012 (AS XLVII) By: Laurs surtr, Ætta surt

Forget-me-not (An Tir) – Jan. 12, 2013 (AS XLVII) By: Astrid av det Fjord Landskap

Goutte de Sang (An Tir) – Sept. 21, 2013 (AS XLVIII) By: Ieuan Gower, Gwyneth Gower

Grail of the Summits – Officer Service (Summits) – Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII) By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna

Silver Barberry (Summits) – Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII) By: Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) – Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII) By: Keith the Wanderer

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII) By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna

Belated Barberry (Summits) – Dec. 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII) By: Keith the Wanderer, Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna

Grail of the Summits - Martial (Summits) – Mar. 5, 2015 (AS XLIX) By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton

Silver Arrow (Summits) – Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – June 20, 2015 (AS L) By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton

Silver Barberry (Summits) – June 20, 2015 (AS L) By: Diana de Winterton

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) – June 20, 2015 (AS L) By: William Geoffrey the Rogue

Forget-me-not (An Tir) – July 4, 2015 (AS L) By: Dalla in Fagra

Throne's Favor of An Tir (An Tir) – Dec. 12, 2015 (AS L) By: Havordh Ættarbani, Mary Grace of Gatland

Silver Barberry (Summits) – Apr. 2, 2016 (AS L) By: Vesta Antonia Aurelia

Inspirational Consort (An Tir) – Sept. 3, 2016 (AS LI) By: Kjartan Daegarson, Sha'ya Kjartanskona

Inspiration for the Summits Shield of Chivalry – Sept. 16, 2016 (AS LI)

Throne's Favor of An Tir (An Tir) – May 29, 2017 (AS LII) By: Styrkarr Jarlsskald, Dagrun Stjarna

Coeur d'Azur (Mists) – May 19, 2018 (AS LIII) By: Tuomas, Snorri

Gryphon's Paw (Summits) – June 23, 2018 (AS LIII) By: Ziitos Turk

Silver Barberry (Summits) – June 23, 2018 (AS LIII) By: Seamus O'Caellaigh

Heart of the Summits (Summits) – June 23, 2018 (AS LIII) By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – June 23, 2018 (AS LIII) By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – Sept. 15, 2018 (AS LIII) By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton

Order of the Summits (Summits) – Dec. 8, 2018 (AS LIII) By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton

Princess' Talon of Favor (Tir Righ) – Feb 16, 2019 (AS LIII) By: Mary Grace of Gatland

Scholar of An Tir (An Tir) – Mar 4, 2019 (AS LIII) By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona

Jambe de Lion (An Tir) – May 25, 2019 (AS LIV) By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona

Seamair (Stromgard) – Jun 22, 2019 (AS LIV) By: Hlutwige Wolfkiller

Throne's Favor of the Summits (Summits) – Dec. 14, 2019 (AS LIV) By: Antoine a la Langue d'Or, Kathren of Carnforth

Jewel of the Summits Feb. 15, 2020 (AS LIV) By: Kenric Maur, Dagmar the Red

Silver Arrow Apr. 23, 2022 (AS LVI) By: Kenric Maur, Dagmar the Red

Silver Sleeve May 14, 2022 (AS LVII) By: Luciano Foscari, Tessina Felice Gianfigliazzi

Defender of the West - Oct. 7, 2022 (LVII)

Silver Barberry - Dec. 10, 2022 (LVII) By: Emma von Bern

Gryphon's Paw - Dec. 10, 2022 (LVII) By: Bato

Joy of the Summits - Dec. 10, 2022 (LVII) By: Bato, Emma von Bern

Forget-Me-Not - Jan. 14, 2023 (LVII) By: Achaxe Ek Auchatae

Heart of the Summits - Feb. 18, 2023 (LVII) By: Weylyn ibn Rustam, Lindis de Aquisgranno

Scholar of An Tir - Feb. 25, 2023 (LVII) By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor

Inspiration for the Summits Shield of Chivalry - Mar. 18, 2023 (LVII) By: Lindis de Aquisgranno

Silver Barberry - May 6, 2023 (LVIII) By: Lindis de Aquisgranno

Throne Favor of the Summits - May 6, 2023 (LVIII) By: Weylyn ibn Rustam, Lindis de Aquisgranno

Gryphon's Paw - May 13, 2023 (LVIII) By: Weylyn ibn Rustam

Coeur d'Azure (Mists) - May 20, 2023 (LVIII) By: Neil Greenstone, Kelsy Aylesworth

Jewel of the Summits Feb. 10, 2023 (AS LVIII) By: Finn Grim Baneson, Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia





Heavy Combat


Squire to Viscount Sir William Geoffrey the Rogue

In Case of Elevation I would want my husband and children present for the ceremony.