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[[Category:Canton of Silverhart]]
'''SCA Resume'''
Became active in the SCA in 1996
Lived in Drachenwald and An Tir
'''Goutte de Sang''' (GoA level service award: An Tir)                2003
'''Golden Acorn''' (Baronial level A&S award: An Tir)                2012
'''Courtier''' (Sergeantry rank earned for Service & Art: An Tir)        2013
'''Golden Oak''' (Baronial level service award: An Tir)                2014
'''Jambe de Leon''' (GoA level A&S award: An Tir)                2014
'''Queen’s Favor''' (award for personal service to the Queen: An Tir)        2014
'''Queen’s Favor''' (award for personal service to the Queen: An Tir)        2016
'''Royal Scribal Favor''' (award for service to the Royal Scribe of An Tir)        2017
'''A&S Champion'''        2018
'''Princess' Talon of Favor''' (award for personal service to the Princess: An Tir)        2019
'''Royal Scribal Favor''' (award for service to the Royal Scribe of An Tir)        2019
'''Award of Arms'''      2019
'''Positions and Work'''
'''Silver Rose Pursuivant''', An Tir College of Heralds    September 2016 – Present
-Serve as the Inlands Region Reporting Deputy
-Collect reports from all Branch Heralds and Heralds-at-Large in the Inlands and summarize them for Demi Lion Herald, Kingdom Reporting Deputy
-Serve as a point of contact and assist heralds in the Region with understanding and following the reporting requirements as established by Black Lion Herald, Kingdom Principal Herald
-Encourage and support heraldic activity and training within the region
-Prepare quarterly reports for the College of Heralds regarding the operation of the office
'''Public Relations Officer''', An Tir Costumers’ Guild    January 2016 – Present
-Publish announcements for events and activities sponsored by the Guild via e-mail and social media
-Design and print written advertising regarding Guild activities for posting at events
'''Town Crier Pursuivant''', An Tir College of Heralds    May 2015-May 2017
-Communicate with Royalty and event staff regarding public announcements prior to all Crown events
-Establish a schedule for public announcements at all Crown events
-Draft text of public announcements
-Recruit and train volunteers to perform public announcement
-Supervise, and support all Town Crier volunteers
-Prepare quarterly reports for the College of Heralds regarding the operation of the office
'''Interim Seneschal''', Canton of Silverhart    September 2014-November 2014
-Chief administrative officer and legal representative of local branch
-Prepare agenda for and chair local branch meetings
-Draft and send reports to Kingdom regarding the progress and business of the branch
-Communicate for and represent the local branch with local entities and those interested in learning more about the branch and the SCA
'''Deputy Seneschal''', Canton of Silverhart    October 2013 – September 2014
-Deputy to the chief administrative officer and legal representative of local branch
-Prepare agenda for and chair local branch meetings
-Draft and send reports to Kingdom regarding the progress and business of the branch
-Communicate for and represent the local branch with local entities and those interested in learning more about the branch and the SCA
-Be prepared to step in and take on the duties of the Seneschal at a moment’s notice
'''Deputy Chatelaine''', Barony of Wealdsmere    April 2013-September 2013
-Act as point of contact to people interested in learning more about the branch and the SCA
-Welcome newcomers to events and be available to introduce them to other members as well as activities.
-Assist the Chatelaine in the performance of their duties
-In the absence of the Chatelaine, be prepared to take on their duties as necessary
-Assist the Gold Key officer in the performance of their duties when needed
'''Deputy Chirugeon''', Barony of Wealdsmere    October 2003-October 2004
-Deputy to the Baronial Chirugeon
-Act as Chirugeon in Charge at local events in the absence of the Baronial Chirugeon
-Aid with the organization and manning of Chirugeons’ Point at local events
-Perform first aid duties at events
-Prepare event reports to be forwarded to the Baronial Chirugeon, the Seneschal, and Kingdom
-Prepare quarterly reports in the absence of the Baronial Chirugeons
'''Gold Key Officer''', Barony of Wealdsmere    February 2003-October 2004
-Responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the local Branch’s loaner garb
-Responsible for the transport of the local Branch’s loaner garb to events
-Responsible for inventory and check out of the local Branch’s loaner garb
-Prepare reports for the Baronial and Kingdom superiors regarding the operation of the office
'''Other Work and Service'''
'''Notifications Assistant''' to Lions Blood Herald, 2015 to Present
-Download LOIs to Notify Tab in OSCAR upon release of new LoAR
-Draft external notifications for clients whose submissions appear on the LoAR in the OSCAR Notify tab
-Advise Lions Blood Herald when notifications are ready for final review and sending
-As needed, email notifications to clients
'''Charter Distributor''', An Tir Regional Scribal Distribution  January 2017 to present
-Print charters for distribution to local scribes in my region
-Track charters handed out and returned
-Coordinate the return of completed charters to the current Royal Scribe and/or Court Coordinator
-Maintain contact with the Royal Scribe through the Regional Scribal Distribution group on Facebook to ensure that the types of charters that are needed are being handed out.
'''Course Lead''', An Tir Kingdom Feast and Bardic Celebration October 2018
-Researched and redacted recipes
-Devised menu
-Organized and supervised kitchen
'''Instructor''', An Tir Collegium – Culinary Track November 2017
-Taught a lecture course regarding new archaeological evidence regarding the diet and dining culture of Ancient Romans
-Taught a lecture course regarding the history of cheese making, and the introductory methodology of cheese making.
'''Lunch Steward''', Oktoberfeast 2017
-Researched and redacted recipes
-Devised menu
-Organized and supervised kitchen
'''Course Lead''', An Tir Kingdom Feast and Bardic Celebration October 2016
-Researched and redacted recipes
-Devised menu
-Organized and supervised kitchen
'''Instructor''', West Coast Culinary Symposium April 2016
-Taught a lecture course regarding new archaeological evidence regarding the diet of Ancient Romans
-Taught a hands-on cooking course regarding the preparation of certain Roman dishes
'''Feast Steward''', Feast of Fools February 2016
-Researched and redacted recipes
-Devised menu
-Organized and supervised kitchen
-Publicized the event via email and social media sites
'''Instructor''', Iron and Ink June 2015
-Collaborated with Maestra Julia Sempronia, OL OP, to teach a combination lecture course and hands-on course regarding the food and feasting practices of Ancient Rome
'''Co-Event Steward and Feast Steward''', Feast of Fools February 2015
-Organized and planned event activities in cooperation with my co-steward
-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities
-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event
-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location
-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and social media sites
-Researched and redacted recipes
-Devised menu
-Organized and supervised kitchen
'''Feast Steward''', Oktoberfest October 2014
-Researched and redacted recipes
-Devised menu
-Organized and supervised kitchen
-Publicized the event via email and social media sites
'''Event Steward''', Wealdsmere Sergeants Trials and Newcomers Event 2014  (cancelled due to fire danger)
-Organized and planned event activities
-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities
-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location
-Researched and made arrangements for vendors providing services to the event
-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and social media sites
-Coordinate with the Seneschal, Baroness, and Baron regarding the cancellation of the event due to a wildfire close to the site two days prior to the event.
'''Creator and Moderator of the An Tir Largesse Swap Group on Facebook''', 2014 to present
-Established social media group dedicated to promoting and encouraging the Arts and Sciences in the Kingdom of An Tir
-The purpose of the group is to encourage artisans within the Kingdom of An Tir to practice their arts by exchanging a completed project with another artisan
-Foster and promote new friendships between the artisans of An Tir.
-The identity of the artisan remains a secret until the recipient receives their art piece.
-Participating members create an art item of the course of six months, and in return they receive an art item from another member.
-During the six months of the exchange, the artisans are encouraged to check-in with the moderator to update on their progress as well as to ask any questions that they may have for their recipient to maintain the secrecy of the artisan’s identity until the completed item is presented.
-Each swap has a given theme, and artisans are encouraged to follow the theme of the swap and certain information given by the recipient.  They are also encouraged to make the item on a limited budget (generally less than $25).
'''Feast Steward''', Oktoberfest October 2013
-Researched and redacted recipes
-Devised menu
-Organized and supervised kitchen
-Publicized the event via email and social media sites
'''Co-Event Steward''', Celtic Revolt May 2013
-Organized and planned event activities in cooperation with my co-steward
-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities
-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event
-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location
-Researched and made arrangements for vendors providing services to the event
-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and social media sites
'''Creator and Co-Moderator of the Inlands Culinary Discussion Group''' on Facebook, 2012 to present
-Established social media discussion group dedicated to Medieval Culinary Art
-Recruited volunteers from the various Inlands Branches to co-moderate the group
-Invite and encourage discussion of medieval culinary arts
-Create a space for medieval cooking enthusiasts to share research, ask questions, share experiences and recipes
'''Coordinator''', First Night Demo 2003
-Liason with event staff of First Night, a local family-friendly New Years performance and arts show
-Organized and planned event activities
-Ensured that all necessary safety precautions were implemented for marshal activities
-Recruited volunteers to lead various activities
-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event
-Served as a point of contact for attendees of the event to receive more information regarding the Branch and the SCA
-Publicized the event via email and print flyers
'''Co-Event Steward''', Celtic Revolt May 2003
-Organized and planned event activities in cooperation with my co-steward
-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities
-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event
-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location
-Researched and made arrangements for vendors providing services to the event
-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and print flyers
I have run dance activities at many local events as well as taught dance at practices.  I have served as an event volunteer, run A&S competitions, run bardic circles, served as a marshal, have served as a chirugeon and/or been Chirugeon-in-Charge, and have served as a voice and/or field herald at numerous events.  Additionally, I have served on both baronial and royal retinue for multiple reigns.
'''Classes Taught'''
-Unraveling the Gordion Knot: A Newcomer’s Guide to the SCA
-To Bow or to Shake? An Introduction to SCA Etiquette
-How to Be Heard: An Introduction to Voice Heraldry
-Food and Feasting in Ancient Rome – taught in collaboration with Magistra Julia Sempronia, OL OP
-Food in Ancient Rome: Myths, Misconceptions, and New Insights
-Introduction to Roman Cuisine
-Introduction to Period Dance
-English Country Dances
Introduction to Medieval Cheese
-Introduction to Cheese Making
-Introduction to Roman Cuisine and Dining Culture
I would like to acknowledge that there is a gap in my SCA career.  Due to injuries that I received in a series of car accidents, I was forced to take a leave absence between 2005 and 2010.

Latest revision as of 22:06, 3 April 2020


SCA Resume


Became active in the SCA in 1996

Lived in Drachenwald and An Tir


Goutte de Sang (GoA level service award: An Tir) 2003

Golden Acorn (Baronial level A&S award: An Tir) 2012

Courtier (Sergeantry rank earned for Service & Art: An Tir) 2013

Golden Oak (Baronial level service award: An Tir) 2014

Jambe de Leon (GoA level A&S award: An Tir) 2014

Queen’s Favor (award for personal service to the Queen: An Tir) 2014

Queen’s Favor (award for personal service to the Queen: An Tir) 2016

Royal Scribal Favor (award for service to the Royal Scribe of An Tir) 2017

A&S Champion 2018

Princess' Talon of Favor (award for personal service to the Princess: An Tir) 2019

Royal Scribal Favor (award for service to the Royal Scribe of An Tir) 2019

Award of Arms 2019

Positions and Work

Silver Rose Pursuivant, An Tir College of Heralds September 2016 – Present

-Serve as the Inlands Region Reporting Deputy

-Collect reports from all Branch Heralds and Heralds-at-Large in the Inlands and summarize them for Demi Lion Herald, Kingdom Reporting Deputy

-Serve as a point of contact and assist heralds in the Region with understanding and following the reporting requirements as established by Black Lion Herald, Kingdom Principal Herald

-Encourage and support heraldic activity and training within the region

-Prepare quarterly reports for the College of Heralds regarding the operation of the office

Public Relations Officer, An Tir Costumers’ Guild January 2016 – Present

-Publish announcements for events and activities sponsored by the Guild via e-mail and social media

-Design and print written advertising regarding Guild activities for posting at events

Town Crier Pursuivant, An Tir College of Heralds May 2015-May 2017

-Communicate with Royalty and event staff regarding public announcements prior to all Crown events

-Establish a schedule for public announcements at all Crown events

-Draft text of public announcements

-Recruit and train volunteers to perform public announcement

-Supervise, and support all Town Crier volunteers

-Prepare quarterly reports for the College of Heralds regarding the operation of the office

Interim Seneschal, Canton of Silverhart September 2014-November 2014

-Chief administrative officer and legal representative of local branch

-Prepare agenda for and chair local branch meetings

-Draft and send reports to Kingdom regarding the progress and business of the branch

-Communicate for and represent the local branch with local entities and those interested in learning more about the branch and the SCA

Deputy Seneschal, Canton of Silverhart October 2013 – September 2014

-Deputy to the chief administrative officer and legal representative of local branch

-Prepare agenda for and chair local branch meetings

-Draft and send reports to Kingdom regarding the progress and business of the branch

-Communicate for and represent the local branch with local entities and those interested in learning more about the branch and the SCA

-Be prepared to step in and take on the duties of the Seneschal at a moment’s notice

Deputy Chatelaine, Barony of Wealdsmere April 2013-September 2013

-Act as point of contact to people interested in learning more about the branch and the SCA

-Welcome newcomers to events and be available to introduce them to other members as well as activities.

-Assist the Chatelaine in the performance of their duties

-In the absence of the Chatelaine, be prepared to take on their duties as necessary

-Assist the Gold Key officer in the performance of their duties when needed

Deputy Chirugeon, Barony of Wealdsmere October 2003-October 2004

-Deputy to the Baronial Chirugeon

-Act as Chirugeon in Charge at local events in the absence of the Baronial Chirugeon

-Aid with the organization and manning of Chirugeons’ Point at local events

-Perform first aid duties at events

-Prepare event reports to be forwarded to the Baronial Chirugeon, the Seneschal, and Kingdom

-Prepare quarterly reports in the absence of the Baronial Chirugeons

Gold Key Officer, Barony of Wealdsmere February 2003-October 2004

-Responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the local Branch’s loaner garb

-Responsible for the transport of the local Branch’s loaner garb to events

-Responsible for inventory and check out of the local Branch’s loaner garb

-Prepare reports for the Baronial and Kingdom superiors regarding the operation of the office

Other Work and Service

Notifications Assistant to Lions Blood Herald, 2015 to Present

-Download LOIs to Notify Tab in OSCAR upon release of new LoAR

-Draft external notifications for clients whose submissions appear on the LoAR in the OSCAR Notify tab

-Advise Lions Blood Herald when notifications are ready for final review and sending

-As needed, email notifications to clients

Charter Distributor, An Tir Regional Scribal Distribution January 2017 to present

-Print charters for distribution to local scribes in my region

-Track charters handed out and returned

-Coordinate the return of completed charters to the current Royal Scribe and/or Court Coordinator

-Maintain contact with the Royal Scribe through the Regional Scribal Distribution group on Facebook to ensure that the types of charters that are needed are being handed out.

Course Lead, An Tir Kingdom Feast and Bardic Celebration October 2018

-Researched and redacted recipes

-Devised menu

-Organized and supervised kitchen

Instructor, An Tir Collegium – Culinary Track November 2017

-Taught a lecture course regarding new archaeological evidence regarding the diet and dining culture of Ancient Romans

-Taught a lecture course regarding the history of cheese making, and the introductory methodology of cheese making.

Lunch Steward, Oktoberfeast 2017

-Researched and redacted recipes

-Devised menu

-Organized and supervised kitchen

Course Lead, An Tir Kingdom Feast and Bardic Celebration October 2016

-Researched and redacted recipes

-Devised menu

-Organized and supervised kitchen

Instructor, West Coast Culinary Symposium April 2016

-Taught a lecture course regarding new archaeological evidence regarding the diet of Ancient Romans

-Taught a hands-on cooking course regarding the preparation of certain Roman dishes

Feast Steward, Feast of Fools February 2016

-Researched and redacted recipes

-Devised menu

-Organized and supervised kitchen

-Publicized the event via email and social media sites

Instructor, Iron and Ink June 2015

-Collaborated with Maestra Julia Sempronia, OL OP, to teach a combination lecture course and hands-on course regarding the food and feasting practices of Ancient Rome

Co-Event Steward and Feast Steward, Feast of Fools February 2015

-Organized and planned event activities in cooperation with my co-steward

-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities

-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event

-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location

-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and social media sites

-Researched and redacted recipes

-Devised menu

-Organized and supervised kitchen

Feast Steward, Oktoberfest October 2014

-Researched and redacted recipes

-Devised menu

-Organized and supervised kitchen

-Publicized the event via email and social media sites

Event Steward, Wealdsmere Sergeants Trials and Newcomers Event 2014 (cancelled due to fire danger)

-Organized and planned event activities

-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities

-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location

-Researched and made arrangements for vendors providing services to the event

-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and social media sites

-Coordinate with the Seneschal, Baroness, and Baron regarding the cancellation of the event due to a wildfire close to the site two days prior to the event.

Creator and Moderator of the An Tir Largesse Swap Group on Facebook, 2014 to present

-Established social media group dedicated to promoting and encouraging the Arts and Sciences in the Kingdom of An Tir

-The purpose of the group is to encourage artisans within the Kingdom of An Tir to practice their arts by exchanging a completed project with another artisan

-Foster and promote new friendships between the artisans of An Tir.

-The identity of the artisan remains a secret until the recipient receives their art piece.

-Participating members create an art item of the course of six months, and in return they receive an art item from another member.

-During the six months of the exchange, the artisans are encouraged to check-in with the moderator to update on their progress as well as to ask any questions that they may have for their recipient to maintain the secrecy of the artisan’s identity until the completed item is presented.

-Each swap has a given theme, and artisans are encouraged to follow the theme of the swap and certain information given by the recipient. They are also encouraged to make the item on a limited budget (generally less than $25).

Feast Steward, Oktoberfest October 2013

-Researched and redacted recipes

-Devised menu

-Organized and supervised kitchen

-Publicized the event via email and social media sites

Co-Event Steward, Celtic Revolt May 2013

-Organized and planned event activities in cooperation with my co-steward

-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities

-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event

-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location

-Researched and made arrangements for vendors providing services to the event

-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and social media sites

Creator and Co-Moderator of the Inlands Culinary Discussion Group on Facebook, 2012 to present

-Established social media discussion group dedicated to Medieval Culinary Art

-Recruited volunteers from the various Inlands Branches to co-moderate the group

-Invite and encourage discussion of medieval culinary arts

-Create a space for medieval cooking enthusiasts to share research, ask questions, share experiences and recipes

Coordinator, First Night Demo 2003

-Liason with event staff of First Night, a local family-friendly New Years performance and arts show

-Organized and planned event activities

-Ensured that all necessary safety precautions were implemented for marshal activities

-Recruited volunteers to lead various activities

-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event

-Served as a point of contact for attendees of the event to receive more information regarding the Branch and the SCA

-Publicized the event via email and print flyers

Co-Event Steward, Celtic Revolt May 2003

-Organized and planned event activities in cooperation with my co-steward

-Recruited volunteers to lead and judge various activities

-Supervised and organized volunteers the day of the event

-Worked with Seneschal to find and contract a site location

-Researched and made arrangements for vendors providing services to the event

-Publicized the event via the Crier, email and print flyers

I have run dance activities at many local events as well as taught dance at practices. I have served as an event volunteer, run A&S competitions, run bardic circles, served as a marshal, have served as a chirugeon and/or been Chirugeon-in-Charge, and have served as a voice and/or field herald at numerous events. Additionally, I have served on both baronial and royal retinue for multiple reigns.

Classes Taught

-Unraveling the Gordion Knot: A Newcomer’s Guide to the SCA

-To Bow or to Shake? An Introduction to SCA Etiquette

-How to Be Heard: An Introduction to Voice Heraldry

-Food and Feasting in Ancient Rome – taught in collaboration with Magistra Julia Sempronia, OL OP

-Food in Ancient Rome: Myths, Misconceptions, and New Insights

-Introduction to Roman Cuisine

-Introduction to Period Dance

-English Country Dances Introduction to Medieval Cheese

-Introduction to Cheese Making

-Introduction to Roman Cuisine and Dining Culture

I would like to acknowledge that there is a gap in my SCA career. Due to injuries that I received in a series of car accidents, I was forced to take a leave absence between 2005 and 2010.