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Latest revision as of 12:28, 14 February 2017

AKA: Elspeth Selwode of Wilton
Elspeth Sèalwudu, a 10th Century woman from Jorvik. Widowed, she was raising her young children, Leif and Aoife, by herself. She had returned to her childhood home in the wake of her first husband's death (turns out he wasn't all that adept at sea-voyaging after all) and was helping her mother to run the household and educate both her own children and those of her father's retainers.

It was while living in the hall of her father that she first laid eyes on the skald, Wulfstan Hrafnsson. His songs and stories enchanted her and she sought him out after the others had retired for the night to ask questions of him, seeking to know more of the stories he shared and places he had traveled. It was during these many quiet conversations that they discovered a deep and abiding love that would capture them both. Together, they sought her father's leave to marry. While he felt the match was beneath her station, he saw the love she bore for Wulfstan and, as she was a widow with children, he recognised that she was entitled to make such decisions for herself and was asking him out of courtesy and respect. With his blessing, they were betrothed during a feast celebrating Odin's Chosen. He presented Elspeth with a song that he had written for her and she offered to him her children, the promise of more and a gift of her hands.

Married, they now reside together happily, raising Leif and Aoife, who Wulfstan took as his own, and now also Hrafn, their infant son.