Acorn War XXXI LIX/2024

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September 6-8 2024
Mountain Edge (Yamhill County, Oregon)
Their Royal Majesties of An Tir King Eirik Daegarsson II and Queen Brynhildr Ansvarsdottir, Their Alpine Highnesses of the Summits Prince Amalric Blackhart and Tlatocapilli Z
Event Coordinator
Morgan Woodsende of Hoghton
Yamhill County Fairgrounds, McMinnville, OR.
Overcast and very warm
Open Field Battle (2rounds)
Bridge Battle (2 rounds)
Castle Siege (2 rounds)
Rapier Acorn Ransom Tournament
Archery & Thrown Weapons Competition
Youth Defender
Arts & Sciences Competitions
Bardic Competition
Atli Memorial Axe Tournament
Straw into Gold Competition
Scribal, Classes, and Merchants

Event Highlights

(Stuff that happened in Court, or who won the contests, or that happened to all or most people on site e.g. a windstorm, or banquet details. Include links to other pages as appropriate.)


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)