William Mor

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The arms of William Mor

Currently resides in the Barony of Three Mountains. Has also played with Coeur du Val and Dragon's Mist.

First event (in garb) 12th Night 2007


Born: Late 15th C. Invercauld, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Resides: 16th C. Edinburgh, Scotland, Court of James the IV

Wife: Lady Constance Wyatt, Yorkshire, England

Daughter: Isabella Mor

Interests / general info:

  • Woodworking - Carving, furniture construction, chest construction
  • Construction - Castles, architecture, urban design
  • Military History - English-Scottish wars, Campaign of 1066
  • Heraldry - Arms, precedence
  • Scribal - Calligraphy, Illumination

William is a woodworker and starting to do scribal. He is student to Baron Alfric Rolfson, OL.


  • Name registered in January of 2009
  • Device registered in January of 2009: Per pale azure and argent, an eagle between three mullets all within an orle counterchanged.
  • Badge (craftsman mark) registered in October of 2009: Argent, a chevron throughout and a chevron inverted throughout braced all within a bordure sable.
  • Mottos: "Pro Deus quod regnum" (For God and Kingdom) & "Non pro meus palma, tamen pro ipsa" (not for my glory, but for hers"

Positions / Jobs held:

  • Acting A&S Minister for Three Mountains: 2010
  • Registrar for Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium 2010
  • Inn of the Blywboote Camp Master

Awards / Accomplishment (as seen here):

Events attended: