Summits Spring Coronet Tournament XL/2006

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(Posted to the Steps, 22 Mar XL/2006.)

Congratulations to Duke Tjorkill, who was victorious in the Coronet lists, and to his inspiration, Lady Sylva. We find them to be truly worthy successors.

Congratulations are also in order to Grimmulf Harthfari, who took second, and received the Gryphon's sword. His inspiration, Caelin in Storratha, received the Morgan's Rose.

We had a good field of fighters at Coronet with eleven combatants. On the field were Duke Tjorkill Kanne, Duke James Greyhelm, Graf Berek von Langental, Viscount William Geoffrey the Rogue, Sgt. Vestinia Antonia Aurelia, Squire Roland von Bern, Squire Gustav Beiskaldarazi, Squire Aelfric Thorfastson, Squire Nemo Magnus, Grimmulf Harthfari, and Summits Capt of Eagles Tyrell Figenbaum. Fighting the byes was Johannes von Langental.

Perhaps the Summits list mistress can post the pairings? In the second-to-final round were Duke Tjorkill Kanne (with no losses), Grimmulf Harthfari & Gustav Beiskaldarazi (each with one loss). Grimmulf took out Gustav, leaving himself and Duke Tjorkill in the finals. Finals were fought best 3 out of 5; Tjorkill took 1 loss and Grimmulf took 3.

We were graced by the presence of their Majesties Sven and Signy. At court, their Majesties recognized several of our populace for their deeds. Robert Stallarifansker received a Goutte de Sang, and Karyn Georgsdottir and Khalil Subhi received the Jambe de Lion. Squire Roland von Bern received the Lion's Torse award for his outstanding kit & armor on the field. There may be others I'm not remembering...

Their Highnesses Summits also recognized the good works of our populace. Karyn Georgsdottir received the Grail of the Summits for Arts and Sciences from us (it was a good day for Karyn!). Nemo Magnus was awarded the Martial Grail, Ignia il Nomade received an A&S grail, Ekaterina Tatiana Aleksandrovna was given her long-overdue Service grail, and Beth of Myrtleholt was made a lady!

There were several announcements made at Coronet: Dame Fearga Kavanagh has now gotten the Echoes up and running again, and will be publishing it monthly. The Summits seneschal, Duchess Alisha McLeod, will be stepping down from that position due to real-life complications. Master Angus McLure will be stepping in as her contingency deputy to take over for the rest of her term. Thank you, Master Angus.

Their Highesses also announced a new change to Summits Event Policy, which was read in court and will be published in the Echoes. I will send it in its entirety to the email list as well.

Morrghan O'Siodhachain, the Summits A&S champion, announced a change to the way she's running the Summits Arts and Sciences championship-- rather than holding it at one event (Winter Investiture), she will be holding three competitions, so that participants may have more chances to enter. I believe she will be posting her new rules to the email list and also in the Echoes.

Thank you for all who came to event. We had a great time!

yours in service,
Beringar & Mathilde
Prince & Princess, Summits


Roland von Bern was awarded the Shield of Chivalry for a second time. He's actions of the field were most inspiring, and well worthy of the distinction.


yours in secretarial duties:
Meistara Kaðlin in Stórráða
Lady in Waiting to Their Alpine Highnesses, etc.