Clinton War XLI/2006

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This year Clinton War will be a lot of fun and full of excitement.

Clinton War Main Page

August 5-7 AS XLI (2006)
Lions Gate
Viscountess Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland
Clinton ! (Clinton, B.C. About 4 hours drive north of Vancouver, B.C.)
Moderately hot and some wind
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
Sample: Queen's Rapier Champion Tournament on Sunday
Sample: Costumer's Guild Contest: Full Court Garb

Event Highlights

...there are WAY more stars visible for us city-folks than what we are used to. On a clear night, you barely need a lantern to see by. And the moon will be full on the 9th (War weekend 4th-7th), so will be pretty spectacular. Bring your binoculars and/or telescopes. --Dougal

Our lovely Queen did hold court and here are some of the awards she granted; (the ones i remember cause these are my pals! and please forgive my spelling)

Goutt de Sangs for:

Jambe de Lions for

Our good Prince handed out two Havoks, one to Mikail and one to Cyneric

The Baron added Sigurd to the order of the Lions Claw.

I missed the child's Chivalry hankerchief but the group was to the bath house staff, who hauled water up the hill from the creek and the individual was to Rhaudri Silverhand who with Estaban (who was eventually kicked out so the Barional Defender of Rapier could get some fighting in) repaired 30 gorgets to bring them up to standard so their owners could fight on saturday



(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

On Saturday night I went for a wander about camp. My body aching from war, my head light from wine. The stars so bright overhead, the sound of drums making me want to sway to the beat. The smell of smoke and roasted beast teasing my senses. The breeze wafted cold pulling at the loose hair about my face. I closed my cloak around me tighter. Ahead of me was a couple wrapped in their cloaks walking and talking in low tones. He was holding a lamp to guide the way. They stopped and he lifted the lamp to see her face, I was mesmerized by the soft glow reflecting off her beautiful face. Her eyes flew wide and I heard her gasp. She saw something in him that changed her life. All the hair on my arms and neck stood up as I watched him lean in for a kiss. I am absolutely sure I had the privilage of witnessing the moment two people fell in love.

That is only one magical moment in a weekend where I was able to lose the mundane world, if just for just a little while, and immerse myself in the game that tugs at my heart.


Some special memories...

The merchant with the castle down at the smokers bridge... that was his second event. His first was Clinton LAST YEAR where he ran the food merchant at the same spot (smokers bridge) selling goat stew. I was so seriously impressed by him I cannot say.

The bannok lady has been coming to us for 3 years now and I am a confirmed shopper in her booth.

I was amazed to have 13 food merchants at Clinton this year, and all of them were busy happy merchants.

On a side note, especially when we get a newbie merchant who puts the effort in that our fruit selling crepe makers did...please please please...tell them what you like and what you don't like on their displays. Lots of them don't know.

And in praise of creativity, did you see the trailer that was painted up to look like it was covered with leather? It had a very very bad sewing job (the stitches were of various lengths and some of them were pulling out, and there were a few spaces where the leather had split...was obvious that who ever had done the sewing did not understand leather or were seriously strapped for cash when buying their leather..or both. (you do understand that the leather and stitches were all painted on?) What a fantastic job.

Or the RV fabric castle? Wow I love it. Or the castle that had walls that someone set up across from Patty McLean's Encampment, or Gaelen's fabulous tarted costco. There was so many cool tents and encampments this year that my head was spinning .... PFFT was not the Rye..was the tents..honest!

I have to say from the point of view of a merchant at Clinton War and as a member of Lions Gate..that this past Clinton was one of the best ever. I would say the for the absent friends I could not help looking to see and missing badly. Ah Gerhard, Roger, Sigfried, Wolfier, are all mised as are many more not just those missing perminantly but those missing temporarily too...

I arrived on Thursday before the work week, and we had a contest to see who could see the most shooting stars....someone won for being dizzy and having the galaxy move..but the stars, the sky, the moon, the parties, the music, the memories..Man I love Clinton War.

In service
A totally exhausted Genevieve Barbota of Gryphonshold

(who is off to do a load of laundry so I can have clean sheets tonite)

OH was fantastic that we had the Queen at Clinton..and did you see what her BATH looked like? It truely describes! This one had to be seen to be believed.

Her bath was entirely painted inside, with a mural of a lady rising from her bath with her child on one wall, and much decoration and trim, a roof made of red scarves, scented candles, flower petels and a harpest in the next bath to sooth her...and much more..all on a horse pasture?

A fun time was had by all!! Well except for me who had to watch from the sidelines - damn knee surgery. On the plus side, noone got hurt (at least nothing except bruises)

I got a hafoc! Total surprise. It was great.

Got to tease Mikael about him getting something, but not telling him what it was - (He got a hafoc too). Of course then he beat me at Toblero in the longest game I have had in a while. It was fun.

I hope everyone else had as good a time as I did.


Event Copy

Clinton Event (used to be Clinton War) - August 4th - August 7th, 2006

Lions Gate calls all groups everywhere to display their prowess in combat, archery, rapier, arts and sciences to entertain our Queen. There will be battles for all including heavies only, heavies with lights and archery, rapier, as well as arts and sciences. We will also have castle battles, woods battles, the Baroness's walk and more. You can enjoy classes, the Tavern, Merchants Row and diverse entertainment. To foster and display the multitude of talents in our entire illustrious gentles, there will be Arts and Sciences Contests.

There will be an Arts Contest on a working kite. It must be constructed on site. Bonus points for period construction and period materials. Judging criteria will include: Authenticity (with documentation), aesthetics, and workmanship.

There will be a Science Contest on beads made of period materials. They must be constructed on site. Judging criteria will include: Authenticity (with documentation), aesthetics, and workmanship.

Another Contest

HL Isobel de la Roche is sponsoring a contest for a human powered tool because we seem to use them at Clinton. Rake, shovel, adze. that sort of thing - the prize would be a linen shirt. This complete information is posted in a separate eMail.

There will also be a contest for a pouch made on site from supplied materials.

The site, located near the village of Clinton in Central BC, is a beautiful valley with a creek running through it, a spring for water and pit toilets. There is no street address for this event as it is located on the Clinton Creek Ranch (the old Martin place), a few kilometers north of the village of Clinton. The closest groceries, gas and bank machine are in Clinton. Because of the fire hazard there will be restrictions on open fires and smoking. The days can be hot and the nights can be cold and it is usually windy.

Minors (anyone under 19 years of age), attending without a parent or guardian must have a signed NSCA Minor's Waiver and a signed SCA Minor's Waiver with them.

The Clinton event begins at noon on Friday, August 4th and ends at 1:00 pm on Monday, August 7th, 2006.

The site fee will be $10.00 for everyone13 and over, $5.00 per child 5 - 12, under 5 is free. The family rate is $25.00 per family or whatever you can afford. The sponsoring group is the Barony of Lions Gate. Please make cheques payable to "The Barony of Lions Gate". Non-Member Surcharge of $4.00 will be charged to whose who are not a paid member of the SCA and will be charged on the non-discounted fees.

There is no merchant fee. There is no merchant registration deadline. While most of the merchants locate themselves on the North Road and the Tavern Road, there is no allocated Merchants Row.

There is only one way to reserve tent space at Clinton. It is on a first come basis. Either you or someone else puts down your tent or a labeled tarp in the space that you want. There is no tenting on the Combat and Castle Field.

Non-Canadian residents should be aware that medical and ambulatory services without insurance coverage are not necessarily provided save for life/limb threatening situations.

For more information, please contact Amanda Kendal (Nancy Stevens) at [address, phone, and e-mail deleted for privacy].


From the North: Make your best way to Clinton. From the north end of Clinton, turn right on MacDonald. Head up the hill and take the right hand fork that continues to head up the hill and turns into a gravel road. Follow the surveyor's tape. You will cross the railway tracks and immediately turn left over the cattle guard. Just as you clear the cattle guard the road forks. Take the left fork, which will parallel the railway tracks. Stay on this road and you will see a reservoir on the left. Just past this is the main gate. Please close the gate after you and continue until you reach the site proper.

(Drive slowly and honk your horn as you approach blind corners.)

From the South: Make your best way to Cache Creek, B.C. Take Highway 97 to Clinton.

From the south end of Clinton you will travel to the other end of the town and turn left on MacDonald. Head up hill and take the right hand fork that continues to head up hill and turns into a gravel road. Follow the surveyor's tape. You will cross the railway tracks and immediately turn left over the cattle guard. Just as you clear the cattle guard the road forks. Take the left fork, which will parallel the railway tracks. Stay on this road and you will see a reservoir on the left. Just past this is the main gate. Please close the gate after you and continue until you reach the site proper.

(Drive slowly and honk your horn as you approach blind corners.)

From South of the US / Canada border: Take I-5 north past Bellingham and Ferndale. When you are almost at Blaine, take the Truck Crossing exit to the US / Canada border. Continue north to Highway 1. Go east to Hope. Stay on Highway 1 to Cache Creek. Follow the directions above.


Waivers at Clinton - 2006


SCA Adult Waivers will be signed at the gate for all participants who do not show a blue SCA Membership Card.

SCA Minor Waivers will be required for all participants under the age of 19 years who do not show a blue SCA Membership Card. They will be available at the gate.

NSCA Adult Waivers will not be at the gate. They will be required only for the combat, target archery, rapier, etc. activities. Therefore, they will be available at another location. Check at the Kendal Pavilion for the location.

NSCA Adult Waivers will be required for all participants in combat, archery, rapier, and marshalling who do not show an NSCA Membership Card with the words "Waiver" stamped on it.

NSCA Minor Waivers will be required for all participants under the age of 19 years. They will be available at the gate.

Medical Authorization Forms will be required for all participants under the age of 19 years, if the parent or legal guardian is not on site continually. Two copies will be required.

Only parents or court appointed guardians can sign the minor waivers of their children, so those bringing children that are not their own should have waivers filled out ahead of time, and those older minors coming on their own must have waivers filled out before they arrive, with an adult appointed by their parent or court appointed guardian on the medical consent.

For the NSCA Adult and Minor Waivers, please go to the NSCA website:

There is a link to the SCA Waivers.

This year, the NSCA Adult Waivers are roster waivers - ie - more than one name on each waiver.

This year, the NSCA Minor Waivers are family waivers - ie - minors belonging to a single parent or legal guardian.

This year, the NSCA Waivers do not require witness signatures.

in service Amanda


The House de Ferreiro sponsors a contest on period tools.


A contest for most period human powered tool, as would have been useful in a medieval or renaissance village life.

Clinton is one of the few sites where many members of the populace bring tools and work to bring the site into shape so others may enjoy it. We bring modern tools- rakes, shovels, hammers, tin snips etc. I like them, but what would our medieval and renaissance forebearers have used? When faced with digging a ditch or shearing back long grasses?

More points for the more parts of the tool being made by you. More points for documenting your process as well as your product. Oral documentation acceptable but you may be competing against someone who had a scribe write things down. Pay a priest if you haven't got your letters.

I am limiting the tools to those which were human powered, so no ox carts please. I was thinking rakes, shovels, hoes, forks, scythes, etc.

There were exotic ones by our standards as well as standard tools, so tell us what it is, and how it was used. What was it good for? Why was it better than another tool for that job? Was it a general purpose tool, or one for a very specific task? What process was it used in?

The tool does not need to be made on the site. It may use modern materials, but tell us what the period one would have been and why you chose this substitute.

To be eligible, the tool may not have won a contest before.

The Prize: a linen shirt made for your measure, for your time period, gender, and culture. To be made by our household by Baroness's Tourney in December, where you may pick it up or we mail it to you.

If you are early period, this is a nice linen undertunic; if you are late period, its a shirt with box pleated ruffles. If you are female, its a chemise or smock, you get the picture. Something that suits and fits the winner is the goal.

Work Week

Clinton Work Week Information

Greetings all,

Gentles of all ages are invited to help prepare the Clinton site for the onslaught of the armies. Beginning on the Saturday before the event we need help with everything from painting signs to digging ditches to laying out roads, building bridges, helping with class registration and making improvements to the castle. We have a job for everyone, and this event runs because of your help.

This is to prepare the site for those attending the event, and to add various items for the enjoyment of more people.

Gate people will be needed starting Wednesday - August 2nd.

A few reminders:

  • First, please have someone from your camp attend the 9am work meetings each morning; that's where the work assignments get done and where we find out about progress. The meetings are at the Work Party camp (same general location as in previous years), on the west side of the Main Road, between the hollow and the Kendal camp (which is beside the Sir Walter Raleigh Memorial Smokers' Bridge).
  • Second, we'd like everyone to do a couple of hours a day of work. You can do all your work on one day and relax for the rest of the week, if you wish. Or, you can work as much as you want to. Looking after the people in your camp who are working on the site counts as working on the site. Helping with class registration counts as well.
  • If you arrive on the Work Weekend or early in the Work Week, you are expected to put in 12 hours total. If you arrive on Wednesday or later you are expected in put in 4 hours total. Of course, if you wish to put in more work time, you are welcome to do so.

There is no time clock and no one is checking up on you. This is on your honour.

This will leave plenty of time to take classes, work on the Children's Play, hike, hang out at Kelly Lake, tourist in the area or relax.

Please, no medieval garb during Work Week before 6 pm, unless you are taking or teaching an class. The event begins at noon on Friday - August 4th.

No merchants open during the Work Week before 6 pm with the exception of food merchants who can be open any time.

Wear work clothes and bring shovels, hammers, crowbars, etc.

There will be a separate posting with the site rules, site fees, etc.

Fighting Scenarios

(Posted by Viscount Ieuan Gower, (on behalf of the Baron and the MIC) Please feel free to forward to all relevant lists.)

Greetings to all and sundry,

The days of Clinton are nearly upon us... baggage trains are loaded, warriors prepare to do battle... perhaps now would be a good time to reveal the sides; the rules and conventions; and, everybody's favourite, the scenarios.

The sides for this year's Clinton War Scenarios will be "Einars, Wolfpack and Friends" to take on all comers. Standard An Tir War conventions will be followed including "Death From Behind" and "Dead on the Ground". Maximum pike length is 9 feet as per Kingdom Law, (HRM Amalric). Marshals should at minimum wear safety glasses during scenarios with archery. Valid fighter cards will be required for participation as will the completion of an NSCA Waiver. If you need to be either Authorized for the first time or Re-Authorized please arrive early in armour with all the weapons you plan to authorize in so that the process can be expedited. Minors wishing to partake in combat must have a valid fighter card signed by the Earl Marshal or the Tir Righ Marshal. No-one else will do. They must also have to have parents/guardians sign the relevant waivers. If there are still fighters and marshals willing and able once all of the scheduled battles have been completed pick-up scenarios will undoubtedly happen.

SATURDAY (begins 30min after Opening Court concludes)


This battle is designed to "keep you occupied" as stragglers are inspected and join the fray. A bridge and two fords will be marked out on the field - these are the only places where the river can be crossed. Combatants may be cross the bridge normally but must kneel as they "wade" across the ford. The battle will have unlimited resurrections with no missile combatants and will last approximately 30min. When resurrecting change sides and enter combat from behind your lines.

PUSH BATTLE (Missile Weapons Allowed in Some Scenarios)

The "Push Battle" is a series of 5 separate battles; Boat Battle; Bridge Battle; Field Battle; Castle Battle and Defile Battle and is meant to simulate the progression of two forces fighting over the control of neighbouring castles. The winner of the battle progresses to the next battle in the sequence as they try to drive their opponents back into their castle and defeat them once and for all. With evenly matched sides the progression will "push" back and forth before one side breaks.

  • Boat Battle - Each army will begin in boats. Boats can be picked up and moved but those "rowing" cannot fight simultaneously. (Missile Allowed)
  • Bridge Battle - Standard bridge battle, if you fall off the bridge you drown. If you wade out of the ford you are swept away and drown. (No Missile)
  • Field Battle - Open field battle with no obstacles or special modifiers (Missile Allowed)
  • Castle Battle - Standard Castle Battle both gates will be in play and defenders may retreat into the inner keep. (Missile Allowed)
  • Defile Battle - Armies will pour in from opposite sides and fight to control the castle. The full castle, (inner and outer walls), will be in play (No Missile)

WOODS BATTLE (Missiles Weapons Allowed)

Two armies meet in the woods beyond the end of the world at Clinton. Each army bears a banner / flag and must simultaneously defend their banner and strive to take the enemy banner. Banner bearers may be killed, and must DROP the banner upon dying. Dying upon the banner will be considered bad manners, and may result in bodily removal by whatever manner convenient to your opponent. The sides shall begin at their resurrection points, at opposite sides of the woods and combat shall commence. Victory shall be claimed by the side that delivers their opponents banner to the 'End of the world.' Unlimited resurrection for 30 min, then fight on to the death. Missile combat will be allowed, however no re-inspection of ammunition will be allowed during the battle.

BOX TOURNEY (Missile Tourney)

There will be a box tourney held following the Woods Battle. Kingdom Box Tourney rules, most likely a round robin format to allow for more "entertainment".

SUNDAY (Begins when the Baroness has begun her walk in the woods)

BARONESS'S WALK (Missiles Weapons Allowed)

  • The Walk - The Baroness has decided upon her traditional Sunday mooring stroll in the forest... a forest known to be frequented by brigands and other undesirables. Fortunately for her Excellency she is escorted by her sergeantry... unfortunately for them they are not alone in the forest. The scenario begins when the marshals announce that the Baroness has "begun her walk". The camping areas will be considered "out of bounds" however as the rest of the area is a potential combat area and as archery is allowed during this scenario please use caution and keep helms on when any combatants are in sight.
  • The Castle - Immediately following the Walk there will be a pair of castle battles. If the Baroness has returned safely from her walk the Sergeants will defend the castle first- if on the other hand the Baroness has been captured the Brigands will. When the battle is completed places will be reversed and the second Castle Battle will ensue.

KNIGHT & SQUIRE vs. THE WORLD (No Archery Allowed)

Knights and their squires are considered mounted while all other combatants are deemed to be on foot; Knights and squires will stand while all other combatants kneel. This will be fought as an open field battle with no resurrections.

CASTLE BATTLES (Missile Weapons Allowed in Alternating Scenarios)

A series of castle battles will be fought alternating between attacking and defending, missile and no missile weapons:

  • Age & Treachery vs. Youth and Vigour - Combatants over 35 will battle those who have not yet reached that distinguished age.
  • No Pikes - For this battle weapon length will be restricted to 7 1/2 feet.
  • Norse vs. The World - Those with Norse personas will battle the rest of us.
  • Corridor Battle (No Archery) - The inner and outer walls of the castle form a corridor, armies start at each end and meet in the middle.
  • Unlimited Resurrection - Fought through one castle gate and the inner bailey this will be the last "organized" scenario of the day and will last 30min


Their most august Highnesses have asked to be entertained by a tourney. More details will be announced at opening court.

Gas Prices

  • Sun, July 30: 106 ish in Abbotsford today, 119 in Cache Creek yesterday.
  • Costco in Abbotsford was at 1.05 for members, that was Friday's (July 28) price. Chilliwack was at 1.09 all weekend (July 29-30).

Work Weekend Site News

(posted Sunday, 30 July)

I have just returned from the Clinton site. Thought I would update information for those who haven't finished packing.

The nights are quite cold this year. We had substantial rain on Friday evening (28 July) and again Sunday (today, 30 July) - so even though the weather is to become sunnier toward Thursday - you might want to have an extra dry tarp or so and definitely your woolies.

Also, for those who tend to rely on the natural spring (not the creek) for potable water, as of this morning it was not running. I brought all my drinking water into the site and was very glad.

Oh.......and our Telus Cell phone didn't find reception either.

Cheers, Sine

(posted Monday, 31 July)

don't panic all

the spring was held up as the drainage ditch was overgrown with roses and had to be dug out

When I left site sunday it was almost cleared, with the extra rain and work I am sure it will be running by today

and the creek is running quite high no drought this year
