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The governing documents of the SCA (Corpora II.F) state:

Policy on Religion

Having no wish to recreate the religious conflicts of the period under study, the Society shall neither establish nor prohibit any system of belief among its members. No one shall perform any religious or magical ceremony at a Society event (or in association with the name of the Society) in such a way as to imply that the ceremony is authorized, sponsored, or promulgated by the Society or to force anyone at a Society event, by direct or indirect pressure, to observe or join the ceremony. However, this provision is in no way intended to discourage the study of historical belief systems and their effects on the development of Western culture. Except as provided herein, neither the Society nor any member acting in its name or that of any of its parts shall interfere with any person’s lawful ceremonies, nor shall any member discriminate against another upon grounds related to either’s system of belief.

(A "keeper" posting from the Steps, June 2006)

One thing that we mustn't do is practice our religion within an SCA context in such a way that others are forced into observance of any religious service just by virtue of being present. And we mustn't pray that God vanquish our opponents before a battle or bout. Other than that, we're all pretty much free to be as Christian as we want to be -- or as Wiccan, or Jewish, or Bahai, or whatever. Since Pre-17th Century Western Civilization/Western Culture [...]is overwhelmingly Christian, portraying a Christian Knight in the SCA is entirely appropriate.

HL Sárnat ingen Chormeicc (GdS, GdL)