Porte de l'Eau

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The Canton of Porte de l'Eau (E. King County, WA) is located in the central region of An Tir. The Canton of Porte de l'Eau is part of the Barony of Madrone.

The Baron and Baroness of Madrone bestow upon its members the Porte Chalice.

The mascot of Porte de l'Eau is the goutty gecko.

Once, a long time ago, the Porte de l'Eau gecko was sunning herself near Gate. Later that evening, the gecko was discovered upside down, with a very happy Bubba, the winged hamster of Wyewood, lying on top of her.

From this unholy union came the geisters, half gouty gecko, half winged hamster. Some were furry geckos, some were geckos with wings, some were gouty hamsters, and some were too terrible to describe.

The Canton of Porte de l'Eau beseached their Baron and Baroness to allow them to wage war upon Wyewood, who stoutly protected their deadbeat mascot and refused to take responsibility for the geisters. Unfortunately, the Baron and Baroness decided that such a war would tear the Barony of Madrone apart, and did not allow such a war to proceed.

And so, to this day, the Canton of Porte de l'Eau awaits their revenge for the defilement of their gecko... one day, Bubba will pay!