Summer Hunt II XLI/2006: Difference between revisions

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1] Kolfinna Hestrasdottir

She is the daughter of a Norse farmer and his Irish freedwoman wife. My responsibility was to tend and care for the farm’s stock.

She took exception to my fathers horses, which were from inherited stock going back several generations in our family. We are proud that our animals have been noted for their fearlessness and intelligence.

Skyggnir (Rio), because he loves to go fast!

Skyggnir is a fiery mount that is ready to join in the fray at a seconds notice. He’s fearless in the heat of battle, and agile of foot, yet is always ready to impress the ladies with his fancy moves. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

2] Taradan banMarca

She is a short, feisty, Irishwoman. She rides, she shoots arrows and sometimes fight in wars as a light…but mostly she rides! She placed top ten in the IKEQC scores this last year!

YOUR HORSE’S NAME:  ?..Her regular steed is away on a trip, so she will be riding a different horse for the Hunt (perhaps one of a different color…).

Since She is riding an unknown mount…so things could get interesting…will you wager on the excitement? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

3] Duchess Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd has been six times Queen of the Great Kingdom of An Tir. She comes to this field having only ridden in SCA competitions for one year. Last year, at Summer Hunt, was her first endeavor to compete in an Equestrian challenge. The first day she placed second in a field of thirteen. The second day she tied for first with HL Donwenna. She then did travel to the southern lands of Caid, where she did compete in the Equestrian challenge at the Great Western War. She did win that competition. Next, she went to the far eastern shores of Trimaris to compete in the Azure Rose Emprise at the Wolf Moon Tournament. She did best all comers and won the title of Primus Equite. These feats were accomplished while she was Crown Princess, and then Queen, bringing word fame to the Kingdom of An Tir. This past Spring, with the other riders of An Tir, the Equestrian War Point was won for the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. She competes on this field this day riding the warhorse, Titus, owned by HL Agelos, who is kind enough to share this great steed with Her Grace. As always, Her Grace rides for the honor of the people of An Tir. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

4] Donwenna LaMareschale She is the welsh-norman daughter of a Norman border lord—She learned to hunt with her father on horse back in the wild forests of Wales. She is the Equestrian Champion of Dragon’s laire, the Champion of all the Rose Companies of the Known World and a Premier companion of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose.

She is riding Antares

Antares has her own ideas on how to do things. Don’t be surprised if tries to simply run things down herself! You would think that would get me extra points—NOT!


5]Lord Duncan Taddio, Lancer of Aquaterra Flamboyant personality, always puts on a good show. Riding on Bee

 Bee is only 7 years old, she’s very intelligent, and smarter than her rider.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6] Layla Griego Layla Griego is a Saffron merchant, who travels. She is riding Bee She’s a pretty blonde.


7] Lady Macha the Determined, Shire of Mountain Edge

Macha the Determined is an early Celtic woman from a clan that has traveled extensively (and therefore she has artifacts from a variety of cultures who were part of the extended Celtic culture or with whom the Celtic peoples traded). She has now returned with her lord to their ancestral manor, where they raise war horses and sheep. Some of the war horses came from their trading ventures, to be used to improve the quality of their herd. However,times are now troubled. Macha must be ready to defend the manor lands and their dependents when her lord is away. Hunting is both a means to supply the feast table and a training exercise for their war horses. Because those living on their lands look to her as a healer, Macha studies herbal medicines for humans and livestock. Their hounds serve not only as hunting companions but as guards for their sheep. Like most Celts, Macha loves music though she herself has no bardic talents. Her war horses also love music and enjoy doing their training exercises to music.

She is riding Kings Royal Mist (aka "Ace")

Ace is now a proven war horse, with a delight in the hunt or the quest and a heart of gold. He is brave, fleet of foot, and protective of his rider - truly a war horse fit for royalty. As the lady of a modest manor, Macha is fortunate to have such a fine steed. =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

8]Lady Marguerite fitzWilliam riding Montana

is the granddaughter of a free man-at-arms who sailed with William the Conqueror’s fleet.  After the initial conquest of England he was knighted and settled near the Welsh border.   Marguerite’s father, William, married the daughter of the lord of a small manor in Hay-on-Wye.  

When she was fifteen she went with her parents and siblings on the 2nd Crusade as part of Eleanor of Aquitaine's retinue . It was in the markets of Byzantium where her father found her the Eastern horse bow she now uses.

Upon her grandfather's death she and her husband inherited the manor. She regularly uses checking up on the tenants as an excuse to ride to the hunt .

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9) HL Agelos Evienece riding Titus Agelos is the Captain of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose of An Tir. He had won the Interkingdom Equestrian Champion four years in a row . He is riding Titus! Titus is a natural warhorse. Sometimes when Agelos is exchanging sword blows with another rider during mounted combat, Titus will start to threaten his opponents horse at the same time and bare his teeth at him His attitude is ‘You take the one on top, I’ll take the one below!’ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10) Baroness Murakami Tsuruko She has survived cancer and is riding again after a 20 year hiatus. She may not be good but she is going for the sympathy vote!! She hasn't done any 'soil testing' (falling off) at an SCA event. But, just watch, now it will happen at Summer Hunt! She dunno yet who she will be riding . He/she will be a rental;She likes a sense of adventure.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11) m'lord Giraldus Evienece riding Valerius.

He was the youngest to compete in IKEQC and was 1 of the top ten IKERQC riders for AS 40! He has ridden in the Emprise of the Black Lion for the last 4 years He is the son of the great warrior THL Agelos Evienece and the beauteous Donwenna LaMareschale. He shall ride my gallant steed, Valerius. He is the strongest and bravest horse he knows. His accomplishments are few, but it is his hope that he will continue the great tradition of this family and that will ride with honor and skill on the fields of glory. He is the youngest rider competing today, so he will try the hardest of them all to prove his worth and bring home the bacon! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12) THL Khaidu Naranaimorin riding Cheyenne _____ Khaidu is the Equestrian Champion of An Tir and a Premier Companion of The Company of the Sable Rose and the Tir Righ Principality Equestrian Officer. He has taken first place in several individual competitions over the last 4 years. My horse is "__Cheyenne”______. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

13) Mistress Yaasmina of Artemisia Or Mu’allemah Yaasamiin al-Raqqasa al-'Alaa'iiyiyya

She was born a Circassian. Her father was well known on both sides of the Caucasus Mountains for his breeding stock of superior warhorses. Having no sons, he taught her everything he knew. They were best of friends. Hunting was their favorite pastime as well as playing polo.

Years later, she found herself traveling with a renowned Frenchman. With him, she have visited many kingdoms and have enjoyed hunting on many good horses. As will be the case today, The Honorable, Good and Generous Donwenna has offered her personal mount, Antares, to her for a day of hunting.

Antares is chestnut red; Yaasamiina is chestnut red; so, we are two hot 

fillies about to make some memories. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 14) Felicitae de l' Hay

She is a lady from the Italian Countryside.

Her finances have been limited by the gaming table losses of her Lord who is currently traveling... on business. She regretfully informed the large gentleman who inquired so kindly about my lord's health, that he will not find him here... and SHE’S sure he won't be here Sunday either. Even selling the villa in Rome and the steeds from her formerly magnificent ancestral stable barely satisfied the creditors.

She add adventure and excitement to an otherwise dreary country existance by hunting on my old palfrey. The occasional boar that is added to the table goes well with the remaining casks laid up by her dear departed father.

She is riding Peppy

Brave and steady. His calm disposition is transformed when the prospect of a deer, boar or even bear hunt presents itself. One would not realize the fire that lays behind those mild brown eyes until the game is afoot and the chase is on. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

15] Viscount Jerald of Galloway, KSCA Black Lion Emeritus

Scots lowland lord holding land from the hand of William Wallace or

the Bruce. (That's no joke. There is an area in the lowlands that's been held in the Mc Cartney name since the early 1200's and still is today. There's not many that spell their name that way in Scotland, usually it's spelled Macartney.)

He is riding M’lord Giraldus's horse, Valerius. He'll be sharing him with Geraldus. He’s known "Val" ever since they first got him down in Caid. He was one of the first to have the chance to try him out. He knew then he was going to make an outstanding SCA horse. He can get this guy to really move, & he knows what makes him tick. He's an honest horse and will give you what you ask for. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 16] Lady Francesca da Monte riding Mighty

Francesca is a country girl, born in the hills of Tuscany in the early 1300’s.  She grew up learning to ride and to shoot from her father, along with her brothers.

Another Lang's Farm gamer pony extraordinaire! Mighty is an unusual color, a strawberry roan Appaloosa as best we can tell, and has a penchant for diving off the course to join his friends.