Help:About links

From An Tir Culturewiki
Revision as of 02:01, 18 January 2009 by Phelan Tolusmidr (talk | contribs)
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The two most common links are links to other pages within this wiki, and links to other pages on the internet.

To create an inter-wiki link, simply determine what you want to link to (such as a person's name, event, glossary word, ect) and put two square brackets before and two square brackets after it (two ['s and two ]'s). This will make it a link. You can rename a link by putting a descriptor after it, separated by the | (typically the shift-backslash (\) key). Please use person's names as found on the kingdom Order of Precedence at Kingdom OP, as the OP links directly to the wiki. People's name pages should not include titles, although those titles may be made with the rename of a link as described above.

This is what a link to the [[Main Page]] would look like in the editor.
This is what a link to the [[Main Page|Start]] would look like in the editor if I wanted to rename it to Start.

To create a link to a page outside wiki, navigate to that page and copy its html address. Then put it in your document and precede and follow it with a single square bracket (one [ and one ]). You can rename the link by putting a space after the html strig, then typing what you'd like it to say.

-- Phelan Tolusmidr 17:57, 17 Jan 2009 (PST)