Gawin of Kevelioc

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Gawin of Kevelioc is a Norman-Welshman in personage. He began his trek through the Current Middle Ages circa AS XXXIV/1999 having been introduced to the society by his son, Brian of Ledbury. Gawin is well known throughout An Tir for his skill in archery and target sports. He stepped up as Terra Pomaria Target Marshall in AS XXXVII/2002 and stepped down January 15th AS XLI/2007 at branch business meeting. Gawin also holds numerous awards and has been inducted in many orders incuding the Order of the Goutte de Sang, Order of the Jambe de Lion and Order of the Grey Goose Shaft.

In XXXVIII/2003 he was elected heir to Sir William Percival, 2nd Baron of Terra Pomaria and succeeded him later that year to became one half of the 3rd baronage of Terra Pomaria along with his lady wife Marianna ferch Orla. In November AS XLI/2006 a confidence vote was taken by orders of the Crown of An Tir of the populace of the barony that resulted in Gawin and Marianna being confirmed by their populace per Amalric and Caia, King and Queen of An Tir, to rule over Terra Pomaria for an additional three years, however, the crown decided it was time for change and Gawin and Marianna were asked to step down. The decision was announced to a stunned and teary eyed populace of the barony Monday, January 8th at Ceilidh social night with Gawin and Marianna formally stepping down and resigning their positions one week later at the branch business meeting January 15th AS XLI/2007.

Gawin's contribution upon taking over as a landed baron will forevermore be remembered for his commitment to, development of and overall promotion of Terra Pomarian archery with the branch consistently producing some of the best archers in the kingdom from his combined tenure as target marshal and baron. As well, his rule had been trademarked by a special emphasis of bringing back the tournament pageantry of the Middle Ages. In addition to being the mundane father of Brian of Ledbury, Gawin is also the father of fellow SCAdian Morganna of Green River, father-in-law of Nemo Magnus and Acacia Gryffyn and grandfather of several young and talented smalls of An Tir.

Gawin of Kevelioc, 3rd Baron of Terra Pomaria Jul 9 AS XL/2005 at the Long & Short of It Tournament XXI during his morning court. Photographer: Rafe Neuton.
Gawin of Kevelioc, 3rd Baron of Terra Pomaria Sep 10 AS XL/2005 at Acorn War XVII shooting during an archery competition. Photographer: Jean-Jacques Lavigne.