Elizabeth Blackdane

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Elizabeth Blackdane ("the other EB") is an English gentlewoman with lineage that could have caused trouble if she hadn't quite so much plain common sense. She lives in a modest but comfortable house near the town of Ewell, Surrey. She admits that her greatest fault is being far too fond of fine array, and is thrilled to receive an old gown each New Year from her cousin, Her Majesty the Queen.

For Lady Elizabeth, this is the year of Our Lord 1591.

SCA Interests

16thC tailoring, historical needlework, research - and everything involved in being a late 16thC gentlewoman. Currently working on adding more practical wear to her wardrobe, and improving her French.

Some previous work (with modern year)

Pic11b.jpg 1981, Three Rivers, Calontir

Pic03a.jpg Pic04b.jpg 1986/87 Three Mountains, AnTir

Pic08a.jpg 1989

Pic05b.jpg 1990

Pic07.jpg Pic06a.jpg 1992/93

Pic09a.jpg 1995

Blackgold.jpg 1997

Costume3-1-.JPG Costume2-1-.JPG 2005

100 1531.jpg100 1535.jpg100 1532.jpg 2008/early 2009

Sometimes, friends borrow her clothes (and end up looking remarkably like Christina of Denmark). Christina.jpgChampions.jpg

Modern Life

In the early 21st Century, Meagn is a (temporarily) unemployed professional woman involved in patching up a 101-year-old home in the city.