Ciaran Moonhawk Stonebreaker

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Ciaran Moonhawk Stonebreaker

mka: Roger Hawk


Award of Arms - Aug 31 AS 37 / 2002 Goutte de Sang - Nov 22 AS 38 / 2003

born: July 19, 1951

died: March 5, 2004

Ciaran was a passenger in a truck on Hwy 1 near 176 heading East bound coming home from work with other co-workers in the vehicle. He is survived by his loving wife Michele Franklin also know as Cerridwen Ravenhawk in the SCA and many other wonderful relatives and friends.

Once upon a time our hearts fell in love, and we began our life together. The mountains we've had to climb and the stars we've had to reach for have only strengthened the love we shared. Side by side, we've lived the dream, braved the dragons, and written a tale of true and forever love. There are those who know and understand the language of the heart. They make our spirits dance, and encourage us to become all we were meant to be. Thank you Ciaran for being this kind of friend and partner and for all the closeness we shared. We will meet again in the Summerland when the time is right.

This is his memorial page.

Beloved wife of Ciaran - HL Cerridwen Ravenhawk

Ciaran's name has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.