Adelheid Holtzhauer

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Formerly a wicked stepsister of House Fine Lames

Adelheid currently resides in Borealis, Avacal Previously resided in Montengarde


Born in Bremen around 1498, Adelheid was the only daughter of a wool merchant. Much of her families trading were done within Saxony where they kept a small house in Wittenberg.

In her early 20's, Adelheid was sent south with her younger brother to avoid the political and religious upheavals on the horizon in Saxony caused by Martin Luther's teachings. On the road to Nuremburg they came upon a large troop of marching pike men. Camping with the Tross on the side of the road, Adelheid's brother fell in love with the military discipline and promise of adventure if he joined up with the company. In order to keep him safe Adelheid took up with the tross (camp followers), keeping in contact with her family north via courier, they blessed the decision to join with the troops of the Holy Roman Empire under Charles V. The family would no longer need to find Adelheid a husband, and the family business would be inherited solely by their eldest son. With the blessings of her parents, Adelheid marched south with her Fähnleins as her brothers tross with his new wife fighting the French and the Italians in small skirmishes along the Southern and Western borders.

During the first year, she fell in love with and married a Hauptmann in the Fähnleins. She learned a brutal and bloody trade cleaning up after the troops, acquiring and accounting for the bounty of her husband and brother, being the matron of both "households". In 1526 the Fähnleins was ordered to march south into the heart of Italy and take out Rome. Early in the march Adelheids husband was killed leaving her a childless widow, stubborn and strong willed, she stayed with the troops learning to fight from her brother who had risen quickly in the ranks to become a Hauptmann himself.

Adelheid lives during the Sacking of Rome while Pope Clement VII is a prisoner to the Landsknecht troops holding the City. She often fights along side her sisters in the tross keeping the men safe from behind to charge forward to victory and keeping the moving household of her bother together.

SCA Life

  • Adelheid Holtzfallerin has been in the SCA since Montengarde 12th Night 2008
  • Her main contributions are tailored goods and the odd black worked piece. She also researches 16th c. Germany.
  • Adelheid was Chronicler of Montengarde from August 2009 to April 2011
  • She is apprenticed to Master Iain Archibald Guthrie as of November 27, 2010
  • Adelheid was the Head of Retinue for Kirk And Bryjna, 29th Prince and Princess of Avacal
  • Southern Alberta THUA Chancellor: February 2011 - November 2011
  • Co-Event Steward for Beltaine. Montengarde May 2010 & April 2011
  • Deputy Seneschal. Borealis May 2012-Present
  • Event Steward for Silverwolf. Borealis June 2012
  • Deputy Avacal Lists. June 2012-present
  • Foster apprentice to Inga the Unfettered


Rose Petal Montengarde 12th Night 2009
Award of Arms Avacal February Investiture 2009
Sable Chime An Tir May Crown 2009
Emerald Rose Montengarde 12th Night 2010
Princess' Knott Avacal February Investiture 2010
Golden Link THUA event held in Montengarde 2010
Throne's Favor (Avacal) Avacal February Investiture 2011
Order of the Jambe de Lion Avacal November Coronet 2011
Child of the Minotaur Montengarde 12th Night 2012
Princess' KnottAvacal February Investiture 2012
Arts & Sciences Champion of Avacal February Investiture 2012 - 2013