Equestrian Guild of An Tir

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'''Equestrians in the Kingdom of An Tir'''

Welcome to the An Tir Equestrian Wiki! The Kingdom of An Tir has plenty of active equestrian groups, and we also like to think of ourselves as one BIG group. The equestrian arts are alive and well in our splendid kingdom!

Groups, Guilds and Branches

Our Kingdom Equestrian Marshallate home page contains our Kingdom Equestrian Marshallate regulations, forms, Marshal contacts, and Kingdom Equestrian Calendar of events and practices: http://www.antir.sca.org/Offices/Marshallate/Equestrian/index.php

Our Kingdom Equestrian Guild just became official in 2007, and holds contests at many major events: http://www.equestrianguild.antir.sca.org/ Guildhead: HL Saikhan Naranaimorin

The Madrone Equestrian Guild excels at planning and holding events. Their website has many, many helpful resources: http://madrone.equestrianguild.org/dynamic/MEG/MEG Guildhead: Lord Guillaume de Garrigues

The Shire of Midhaven hosts year-round, scheduled, published practices once a month in Mount Vernon. You can find out more about that here: http://www.midhaven.org/ Click on Equestrian for photos and more info. Seneschal: HL Kolfinna Hestrasdottir seneschal@midhaven.org For information on practices, contact: HL Taradan banMarca herald@midhaven.org

Shire of Mountain Edge: http://mtedge.antir.sca.org/index.html Branch Equestrian: HL Macha the Determined

An Tir Equestrian Award (Grant Level): Lion et de la Lance


At September Crown in AnTir, our next King and Queen are determined, and here is where we hold our own equestrian championship. Our inaugural equestrian championship was held in 2005 and the winner was THL Khaidu Naranaimorin riding Titus.

Another favorite annual event is Summer Hunt, which features the mounted hunter challenge course and is now known as the Viscount Sir Jerald Memorial Equestrian Championship of the Shire of Earnrokke. It includes a Hunting Persona Contest sponsored by the Hunt Guild and an Arts and Sciences contest related to hunting. There are photos and video of last year's event on the main website: http://donwenna.homestead.com/SummerHunt.html and at the Earnrokke Wiki http://wiki.antir.sca.org/index.php?title=Earnrokke Contact: THL Donwenna la Mareschale donwenna@gmail.com

The Emprise of the Black Lion is an equestrian tournament inspired by the 1460 treatise by René of Anjou. http://madrone.equestrianguild.org/emprise/

Other annual events where horses are welcome are the Lionhearts Tourney, May Crown, June Faire (demo), Midhaven Champions, Sable Rose Emprise, Warren War, Acorn War, William Tell, and Autumn War.

Links to photos of equestrian events and activities

Summer Hunt 2007 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/deliriumskid/sets/72157600350444102/

Midhaven Champions/Sable Rose Emprise I, and the Emprise of the Black Lion VII: http://www.midhaven.org/ - Click on Shire Photos

Emprise of the Black Lion VII - http://madrone.equestrianguild.org/emprise/

Equestrian Workshop: http://mtedge.antir.sca.org/Gallery/equestrian2006/index.html - a 2006 event hosted by the Shire of Mountain Edge and a group effort by their branch equestrian HL Macha the Determined, Madrone Equestrian Guild and other dedicated equestrians

Mounted archery links

http://www.farreaches.org/compendium/hunting.html - courtesy of THL Donwenna la Mareschale http://www.horsebows.com/index.htm - link provided by Lord Ari Keilismuli

Our Society Equestrian officer Mu'allemah Yaasamiin al-Raqqasa al-'Alaa'iiyiyya said she obtained her Kasai Horsebow from Todd Delle in Montana

Golden Lancer Lady Lorraine Frasier purchased her Hungarian horsebow at Elk Ridge Archery at Gulf wars

Steppenreiter horse archery website (German): http://www.steppenreiter.de/bogenbahn.htm - contributed by Tiercelin (full name and title unknown to author)

IKEqC info on archery: http://scaikeqc.homestead.com/scaikeqc_EqHdbkArcheryRegs.html

Related websites

InterKingdom Equestrian Competition Home: www.scaikeqc.orgSCA

Equestrian mailing list: sca-equine@midrealm.org

Madonna Contessa Ilaria Veltri degli Ansari’s website: http://ilaria.veltri.tripod.com/index.html

King Rene’s Tournament Book Home Page: http://www.princeton.edu/~ezb/rene/renehome.html

The Company of St. Anne: http://lanceofstanne.homestead.com/index.html

The Rose Companies: http://www.scarosecompanies.org/

SCA Hunt Guild: http://www.huntguild.org/

HL Annisa Gabrielli’s website: http://annisa.garrigues.net/dynamic/Main/HomePage

Lord Guillaume de Garrigues’ website: http://guillaume.garrigues.net/

This initial wiki was created by Lady Francesca da Monte, the 3rd Kingdom Equestrian Champion of An Tir and submitted by Donwenna la Mareschale.