Tir Righ First Coronet Tournament

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Entrants in Tir Righ's First Coronet Tournament Lists Processional
compiled by HL Yolande Chastellain

   * 1) Sir Kheron Azov, Heavy Champion of Tir Righ, inspired by Her Ladyship Ksenia Pavlovna
   * 2) Dux Darius Corvinus, inspired by Cometessa Morgaine Brigantia
   * 3) Lucullus, squire to Dux Darius, inspired by Her Ladyship Yolande Chastellain
   * 4) William Thatcher (formerly Jarl Hwolf Einarsson), inspired by Baroness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland
   * 5) Lou Tang, squire to Jarl Hwolf, inspired by Synnovea Gravel
   * 6) Sir Einar (Oak) Guntharson, inspired by Her Ladyship Thora Golvik
   * 7) Sir Thorvald Hwolfson, inspired by Persephone
   * 8) Petrovich Thorvaldson, squire to Sir Thorvald, inspired by Saerlith the Seer
   * 9) Ulfgar Hjartar Bani Thorvaldsson, squire to Sir Thorvald, inspired by Rene de Josselin
   * 10) Hrothgar Bloodaxe, squire to Sir Thorvald, inspired by Lady Asa Bloodaxe
   * 11) Warden Squirebane, squire to Sir Thorvald, inspired by Fenja
   * 12) Sir Owain ap Einar, inspired by Elyzabet de Paige
   * 13) Elyzabet de Paige, inspired by Sir Owain ap Einar
   * 14) Saif al Sirhan, squire to Sir Owain, inspired by Lady Fionnabhair ingen Lir
   * 15) Sir Griffin ap Bedwyr, inspired by Her Ladyship Caitrin ni Cingeadh
   * 16) Sergeant Cyneric Bearson of Clan McBeighn, squire to Sir Griffin, inspired by Arianna Freemont of Clan McBeighn
   * 17) Sir Ulf Bloodfoot Fallgrson, inspired by Companion Celdae the Seeker
   * 18) William of the Battered Helm, squire to Sir Morgan of Aberystwyth, inspired by Lady Grace
   * 19) Sergeant Miles Fitzhubert, inspired by Her Ladyship Elena de Maisnilwarin
   * 20) Sergeant Findlaech MacGilleAndrias, inspired by Ysenda Colinsdotir
   * 21) Ieuan Gower, inspired by Gwyneth Gower
   * 22) Savaric, squire to Sir Raknar, inspired by Safiye
   * 23) Thorin Olafsson, squire to Sir Raknar, inspired by Her Ladyship Yrsa Kettilsdottir
   * 24) Olin Medvedovich, inspired by Alish Fraser
   * 25) Aziz, man-at-mrms to Sir Tariq Abu, inspired by Lady Sverra
   * 26) Mangus Olafson, inspired by Emma Cromwell
   * 27) Vincent de Merlot, inspired by Lady Yolanda de Guelph (Mimick)
   * 28) Uilliam mac Aillen vhic Seamus, inspired by Baroness Theocharista Irena Diaconia
   * 29) Yusuf ben Joseph, squire to Duke Eirikr, inspired by Ciannait ben Joseph
   * 30) Bastian Wolter, inspired by Juliana de Fiore
   * 31) Krenn von Salzburg, inspired by Her Ladyship Rosalinde (Rose) McAllistair
   * 32) Padraig MacBrian, squire to Master Grendal, inspired by Her Ladyship Floralyn MacBrian
   * 33) Conal MacAllister, inspired by Lady Isobel MacAllister

Tir Righ First Coronet Tournament - Results (by name)
Tir Righ First Coronet Tournament - Results (by round)